Experiment Designation: #841-4
Researcher: [REDACTED]
Procedure: CSD-10394 is supplied with a standard video recording camera capable of recording upwards of 24 hours' worth of footage, connected to a live feed for observation. The CSD was instructed to only record information he believed was relevant to the test for the sake of saving battery. CSD-10394 was instructed to remain within RPC-841 for seven consecutive days.
Day One:
CSD-10394: This is Tr- erm, CSD-10394, reporting for my first day in this building. Uh, RPC-841. Nothing much to report. It’s a nice place. Looks clean. Dunno how or why. Wonder if they send in guys specifically to clean this up or that’s the anomaly. I just set up the uh…cameras around the house.
CSD: It’s…quiet? I guess? I’m just looking around right now.
CSD: It has officially been one hour since I entered this building. There’s a lot of books. I’ll be reading a lot of those, I imagine. They let me bring in a few movies to play on the television downstairs. VHS tapes. Should be nice.
CSD: I just opened the fridge, in case you were wondering what that sound was. It’s fully stocked, so thanks for that. I’m seeing…cheese, milk, some food I don’t recognize…looks like soup? Uh, I’ll just…make a sandwich, there’s some bread in here.
CSD prepares and consumes a sandwich with materials from the RPC-841.
CSD: Fuck, tastes like shit.
CSD: I’m going to bed now. Just turned off the lights. I’ll be setting the video camera on the bedside table.
Handheld feed stops, recording from Master Bedroom Camera #2 continues.
CSD: Hopefully the anomaly isn't some fucking bigass monster that eats me in my sleep.
CSD: Can't really hear anything. Not even the wood creaking, which you would expect from a place like this. Delightfully un-spooky.
CSD falls asleep over the course of a half-hour.
RPC-841: Gurgling sounds.
Day Two:
RPC-841-1: What the hell is this? There’s this weird…stain, on the wall. It’s this big, uh, spot. I’m not touching that shit. I think there’s hair on it? Fuck…
RPC-841-1: There’s a couple, but that one is the biggest. Is this the anomaly? The house starts off clean and gets dirty when you live in it? It just seems bizarre to me that you'd have to test that.
RPC-841-1: Five days to go and I’m already losing it. I’m playing something on the TV downstairs.
RPC-841-1: Cheese for breakfast…
”Nokturno” by Dejan Despić can be heard playing in the background. RPC-841-1 is standing in the living room.
RPC-841-1: Uh, day two is mostly uneventful. I look out the window and I see your van. I can’t get the windows open, so thanks for that. This is probably the most pleasant experiment I’ve had to endure. Still fucking sucks but it’s all relative.
RPC-841-1: Oh, all of the books are in Russian or whatever language it is, I can’t tell, so go figure.
RPC-841-1: There’s a gramophone. Most of the records are songs I don’t recognize. Classical music, which is…okay.
RPC-841-1: The stains got bigger.
Day Three:
Simfonija C-Moll (Symphony in C Minor) by Petar Konjović can be heard in the background. The camera is directed towards a window looking over the front yard of RPC-841, where the grass is a far darker color.
RPC-841-1: The grass is brown now. Is it dying? What’s up with that?
RPC-841-1: And the fridge was…restocked. I think. A lot of meat inside. I don’t like the look of it. I really don’t. Infinite fridge? VHS tapes? Dying grass? Is this an actual anomaly or am I just being fucked with?
RPC-841-1: The sink in the kitchen has a small little cubby under it with cleaning supplies and stuff. Most of it is red and yellow and smells awful. But behind all that is this ah…door. A small little door that is big enough to crawl through.
RPC-841-1: I’m not going down it but I figured you should know.
RPC-841-1: The stains are all over the walls. And that is definitely hair coming out of them.
RPC-841-1: Who writes this shit? One of the tapes became a recording of a surgery or something about halfway through. Honestly bizarre. Is this it? The house becomes fucking miserable to be in? That’s the anomaly?
RPC-841-1: The music’s okay. So are the books. Most are just religious stuff I don't really understand but they're interesting to read.
RPC-841-1: So I figured out how to work the old-ass oven and cooked the meat with this leathery cookbook in one of the cupboards and made some shitty meal because I have literally nothing else to do besides read and watch the fucking weird movies you guys sent in with me. Seriously, what is wrong with you people? Are the movies the anomaly? Zona Zamfirova is a shitty movie but I don’t remember it being that bad. I know that for a fact. And the human body doesn’t bend that way.
RPC-841-1: Fucking psychopaths.
Day Four:
RPC-841-1: There’s a fire axe upstairs. Music won’t stop playing after I broke the gramophone.
RPC-841-1: You people make me sick.
RPC-841-1: All the walls are now this bizarre color. Covered in what feels like…
RPC-841-1: I’m going crazy.
RPC-841-1: The door under the sink was open.
RPC-841-1: Have you ever followed a gut feeling? I mean like, really went through with it? As if your body was begging you to do something? I have to go through that door. It’s not even a question. Go through that door. I need to do it.
RPC-841-1: This is why they send dumb-fucks like me into these anomalies. I am honestly considering crawling into the murder hole under the sink.
Camera is shaking wildly as RPC-841-1 moves through passage, with the tunnel having an odd red coloration. Prva Jugoslovenska Simfonija (The First Yugoslav Symphony) by Milenko Paunović can be heard in the background.
RPC-841-1: Can’t believe this. Can’t believe this. Can’t believe this.
Tunnel ends at a large room. The walls are composed of human flesh. The beams are human bone. The floor is human skin. There is an ornately decorated human chair with a human thurible hanging from it, before a human iconostasis. RPC-841-1 falls onto the ground upon exiting the tunnel and he examines the mural.
RPC-841-1: That…that is…
The camera pans across the wall. Several Serbian saints are depicted, such as Visarion Saraj, Deacon Avakum, and CSD-10394.
RPC-841-1 screams and violently exits the Kandil Room through the tunnel, whose pulsating, undulating motions make it difficult for RPC-841-1 to leave. At some point, the camera is destroyed, cutting off the live feed.
RPC-841-1 was last seen destroying a window of RPC-841-1 with a fire axe and attempting to escape. On-site security was able to detain and render it unconscious, before returning it to RPC-841-1 to complete the test.
Day Five:
RPC-841-1 can be seen waking up in the living room by cameras within RPC-841-1. Translated from Serbian.
RPC-841-1: Wh- no…No, no, no, NO-
RPC-841-1 recognizes that all windows are boarded as it moves around RPC-841-1.
RPC-841-1: LET ME OUT! LET ME THE FUCK OUT! PLEASE! PLEASE! DON’T LEAVE ME HERE! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR! RPC-841 violently attempts to open the locked orifice of RPC-841-1, to no avail.
RPC-841 violently tears at the skin of RPC-841-1 as it tries to escape. Retrieving the bone axe, it cuts deep into the sides of RPC-841-1. The skin is pierced and blood pours out. The flesh and bone of RPC-841-1 is visible. Camera distortion due to rising theophony levels visible.
[[include component:image-enlarge name=http://rpcsandbox.wikidot.com/local--files/butter-zone-3/RPC841.1 | caption=Final recorded frame of Upstairs Bathroom Eye #4.|width=500px|align=center]]
RPC-841: IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED? LET ME OUT! PLEASE! RPC-841 is halfway through the flesh of CSD-10394, cutting through the meat and bone with the scalpel. Camera distortion renders recording almost indecipherable.
RPC-841: This is my body, which is for you- RPC-841 begins to choke on Trey Sullivan's own blood.
RPC-841: For we, though many, are one bread and one body; for we all partake of that one bre-
RPC-841 begins to sink into the belly of RPC-841, partaking in the communion of Itself.