(hover over the hazard images)

version 1

version 2
What is this?
This is another new image block I've made that combines the old enlarge version with a version that lets you include your RPC's hazards in a space above the image.
How do I use it?
It's simple to use, but comes with some quirks. Here's what to do:
Use the following code to place the block in your article and replace the necessary fields:
[[include :rpcsandbox:component:hazard-image-block-base
The new field you might not recognize is "hazards." To properly use hazards, use the following code:
[[image http://rpcauthority.wdfiles.com/local--files/component%3Aicons/h-NAME-OF-HAZARD.png title="NAME OF HAZARD"]]
Replace "NAME-OF-HAZARD" with the hazard image you want to use. For example: if you wanted an organic hazard image, you would use http://rpcauthority.wdfiles.com/local--files/component%3Aicons/h-organic.png
NOTE: Not all hazard images use their names (one example being aggression which uses "h-aggressive.png".) If you aren't sure what filename your hazard uses, check the source on the hazards page.
Replace "NAME OF HAZARD" with text you want to appear when you hover over the hazard image.
If you did this right, yours should look similar to the one at the top of the page. If your image looks kinda like this:
|caption=image caption
That means you forgot to put spaces before and after each hazard. Put some spaces and enjoy.
Happy writing!
Optional differently styled tooltip
This is an example for an alternatively styled tooltip when you hover over the hazard type:

Here's the required code:
[[span class="tooltip"]][[image http://rpcauthority.wdfiles.com/local--files/component%3Aicons/h-NAME-OF-HAZARD.png class="tooltip"]][[span class="tooltiptext"]]NAME OF HAZARD[[/span]][[/span]]
No CSS module required, as the tooltip code has been localized.
Blue tooltip for new page revisions
If you're writing a multi-page format screw, and you want to convey a new hazard, you can use this blue tooltip:

Here's the code:
[[span class="tooltipblue"]][[image http://rpcauthority.wdfiles.com/local--files/component%3Aicons/h-NAME-OF-HAZARD.png class="tooltipblue"]][[span class="tooltiptextblue"]]NAME OF HAZARD[[/span]][[/span]]
NOTE: For this one, you'll actually have to recolor the original hazard image to be blue.
Here's an example file.