

name The Imperial Onion

Registered Phenomena Code: 421

Object Class: Beta-Purple


A photograph of RPC-421.

Hazard types: Replicating, Regenerative, Sensory, Ideological, Sapient, Animated, Aggression

Containment protocols: RPC-421 is to remain in a standard storage locker at an independent OL-site. Personnel assigned to an RPC-421 OL-site must first be vetted for any possible connections to RPC-421 and pass a rigorous loyalty test. Any individual with confirmed connections to a previously existing RPC-421-G must be incarcerated by the Authority and given psychotherapy. The location of RPC-421 is classified, as only personnel with proper credentials may know its location. RPC-421 must be moved to a new OL-site if the confidentiality of its current location is compromised.

Experiments using RPC-421 or RPC-421-1 require authorization from four on-site level-3 staff. Consumption of RPC-421-1 outside of experimentation is forbidden. After an experiment, staff must incinerate all remaining amounts of RPC-421-1. Any individual who has eaten RPC-421-1 must be amnesticized within an hour.

Description: If attacked by its opposition or any other source directly, RPC-421-G will violently react and radicalize. The majority of RPC-421-P after radicalizing struggle to hide their mania and openly display their fanatical zeal. RPC-421-G will seize or create weapons and militarize. After arming itself, RPC-421-G will launch counter-attacks and begin a campaign to increase RPC-421-G's membership by force. Individuals forced to eat RPC-421-1 then join RPC-421-G are often subject to cruel treatment for brainwashing and indoctrination.


A photograph of a small RPC-421-A gathering with a pile of RPC-421-1.

When opposed by individuals or entities, RPC-421-A will change tactics to further its expansion. RPC-421-A, in response, will seek influential and powerful positions, often covertly, for its purposes. RPC-421-A will also use its members to sabotage and subvert its opposition internally. If attacked, RPC-421-A will seek sympathy, radicalize, and begin a campaign of forceful and militant indoctrination. RPC-421-A, while campaigning, will terminate all opposition, sparing it only if they join RPC-421-A.

After radicalizing, RPC-421-A will fanaticize and treat RPC-421 as divine, sanctifying it. The consumers of RPC-421-A will display fanatic reverence for RPC-421 through hymns, songs, oaths, and more. RPC-421 responds to said displays of reverence, causing its glyphs to emit purple light. Upon glowing, RPC-421-A members appear to have a memetic bond as they appear capable of comprehending these glyphs while they glow. Spoken translated fragments include the terms: France, Napolean, Authority, freedom, America, rings, amnestics, beware, return, and again.

If given reverence for a week without pause, RPC-421 will begin a process of transformation. During this process, RPC-421 will increase in size and density, peaking at 243 kilograms. While growing, RPC-421 will warp into the shape of a human and develop human-like coloration. As the head of RPC-421 forms, the glowing texts on RPC-421 will glide and coalesce into what becomes its pupils, fading once formed. After finishing its transformation, RPC-421 retains its previous properties; is capable of moving, speaking, and resembles a 1.9m tall man.

In its alternate form, RPC-421 can move, speak, and create RPC-421-1 as it did before when damaged. After its transformation, RPC-421 will take control of RPC-421-A, acting as a monarch. Using its power, RPC-421 will ensure every member of RPC-421 adheres to its policies and commands. RPC-421 utilizes a direct approach to solving problems as a leader, doing select assignments itself. Missions carried out by RPC-421 are either diplomatic or tactical. RPC-421 prefers to use non-violent means to complete its tasks.

When engaging targets, RPC-421, in conditions it finds favorable, will seek to calm and dominate them through psychological manipulation. If struck while using this tactic, RPC-421 will ignore the blow and continue to pressure its victims. RPC-421 will hand-feed individuals RPC-421-1 who don't resist, often as a result of schockstarre1. After feeding an individual any amount of RPC-421-1, RPC-421 will demand their fealty and give orders. In unfavorable conditions, RPC-421 will use a variety of violent methods against targets, such as using RPC-421-1 as weapons2.

If the vast majority of individuals who have believed in RPC-421's divinity are terminated or no longer do, RPC-421 will remain weakened. In this state, RPC-421 cannot regenerate more substantial injuries. While weakened, RPC-421 will become reclusive and avoid danger. If damaged equivalent to a mortal wound, RPC-421 will explode into pieces transforming into RPC-421-1. As it explodes, RPC-421's heart will change into RPC-421's original form. After its reversion, the gylphs on RPC-421 will reappear in a flash of light but with additional blocks of glyphs.

—-below is a random shitty placeholder, please bare it no mind, also blairing gay.

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