An Extense on the Evolution of the Authority's Emblems - Qual (DISCONTINUED)

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Symbolism runs deep within the Authority. Though our organization operates mostly from the shadows, how the organization represents itself, present ourselves to the few groups, and world governments aware of Authority-related activities is everything and our ideals.

'Research. Containment. Protection.'

'A most common phrase among all staff members. This expression denotes the primary mantra of our organization. It acts both as our mission statement and as a formal address between staff members. Every action, every decision made in service to humanity, is more or less bound to this mantra. As without it, every action taken by the Authority would be for not.

Throughout our history, both as individuals and as an organization, the Authority has held itself together by shared ideals. Mountains rise, empires fall. Moreover, it remains the Authority's primary obligation to preserve normalcy from the obscene—either through scientific advancements or by our insight into the paranormal. Furthermore, these ideas remain not only a big part of us but a significant influence to the Authority at large. Every breakthrough, every action, every containment procedure, or staff appointment, is made to serve the larger purpose of the whole. While this is neither a revolutionary idea nor exclusive towards the Authority, this still does play an influence nonetheless.

This is but one of many formalities, representations of the Authority. Nevertheless, the intent behind these phrases remains steadfast. Key phrases, ideas, and symbols have summarized the will of our organization and its evolution from the Papacy to global power. Undoubtedly, the most important of the symbols being our organization's logo.

'The Inverted Providence'

Previously the Scrutum Fidei, Impetus et Sigel, etcetera. Few designs are omitted to be the face of our organization with fewer with a staff consensus. Most staff are unaware of its official title, opting out to call it by simpler terms (Ala, the "modern Authority Logo"), but has always played a vital role in both modern and past Authority history.

These emblems, such as our current logo, reveal a timeline of events deeply embedded within the Authority, veiled for many. Though OIRS-Archive declassification and clearance levels remain an issue, the purpose of this excerpt is to cover most, if not all, insignias that have primarily represented the Authority, at least those under declassification for Authority personnel at large. For, we must look back to our archives and piece together the evolution of the Authority, furthermore, the lives of those who impacted us.

"Piercer crucem scriptor"

Section 01: 1464 - 1553


Impertus iconography can be dated back to as late as the mid-15th century. Designed by Plutarco Di Biasio, the Piercer's Cross or "Piercer crucem scriptor," fell into use in response to repeated issues within the Auctoritas Scriptoriums. Though not the majority, a sizeable portion of the early scribes appointed to Monasteries at the lower levels of the Impertus was inexperienced, leading to the misfiling of numerous documents. Moreover, disputes over the ownership of Church documents those under the Impertus, and those of the larger Papal Inquisition had grown frequent.

The division between sub-groups within the Auctoritas Impertus, driven by idealism and self-interest, played a critical role in the direction of the group almost from the Impertus' inception. Prior to the Auctoritas, Plutarco Di Biasio was an avid member of a small pen circle of religious colleagues self-designated as the "Piercers." Initially a forum for philosophic belief and poetry, by 1430, the group had shifted to advocacy for action taken against all heretical views within Southern Europe and Baltic: With many of their later meetings would involve divisive discussion on the evils of paganism and the paranormal outside of the Papal State borders. It is believed that fear and gossip invoked during these conversations would have a profound effect on both the devout views of the group.

As admitted by Di Biasio's writings during his later years, the Piercer crucem scriptor was to initially symbolize growing sediments of dissuasion against the paranormal within Europe or the "self-evident horrors of Satanism." This was in reference to the notion that it was the Church's duty and those disillusioned with the dangers of the occult to allow for the will heaven to "pierce" the Earth and cleanse the rampant, often public displays of deemed heretics.

Though a relatively small clique of clergymen, friars, and Catholic judges, members of the Church such as Biasio saw the Papal Inquisition as the greatest solution towards the believed destruction and gradual degeneracy of Christendom; particularly that of Islam. Though not its intended purpose, the creation of the Auctoritas Impertus and its borderless autonomy would act as an opportunity to realize their ambition alongside the original intent of the inquisitional branch, some believed Piercers, already serving as members of the larger Papal Inquisition by the eighth year of the Auctoritas, would steadily flood into the ranks of the Auctoritas. Members, such as Plutarco Di Biasio, would use these connections to integrate themselves with the Impertus, climbing to later prominence thereafter.

The Cross would both be used within classified documentation and in public for members to recognize one another. Due to the symbol simplicity, it would often escape the notice for those unaware of the Auctoritas. By 1466, Piercer crucem scriptor would be originally authorized to designate official tomes, scribes, and documents created and collected under the Auctoritas. Two years later, covert members of the Impertus during investigations would identify fellow operatives with the use of small, Scriptum markings. The implementation of the Scriptor being a power move by Biasio.

The Piercer Cabal would become the first active group within the Impertus to have deviated from the original will and goals of the established order. As a consequence, the group would help pave the way for other sub-groups would begin to form and divide in aid of the Auctoritas.

Often, "Piercers" within the Authority would advocate for the destruction of most anomalous objects during the reconquering of Constantinople: Their idealism often hindering the original doctrine of the Auctoritas, which was to allow for the use of anomalies deemed "unholy." Being among the earliest members to serve on the ruling "De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium"1 that had have governed since its initial creation, the group often leveraged their seniority over opinion within the coming years. Councilors such as Biasio would stay primarily in power for his devotion towards both God and second-hand devotion towards liberating Constantinople from the Turkish influence.

Despite this, practicing mysticism to ordain god was still commonplace. The growth of Auctoritas members to include those more knowledgeable of spiritualism, previously unofficial members of the clergy, would massively benefit the Auctoritas. The next 20 years would see the Auctoritas Impertus grow to nearly triple the amount members, the majority being volunteers, mystics, architects, soldiers, and mathematicians. With, brought a multitude of scientific breakthroughs exclusive only to those within the Church—the net benefit outweighing any cost. However, heavy, self-imposed restrictions were enforced on many objects within Impertus custody.


Fig. 1.1 John Busso; One of the lead alchemists of the cabal (circa 14402).

In 1467, after the ordered destruction of thaumaturgical anomalies, a group of alchemists3 (led by Mathematician John Busso) decided to preserve instead several copies of occult scripture4 collected during the initial investigation. It is believed that this was taken in protest toward the "inherent knowledge and usefulness for the betterment of the Church's understanding" as a direct response towards the anomalies' destruction.

John Busso and affiliates would manage to keep the existence of the incantations to themselves until 1468. When the book was accidentally discovered by a colleague, the operatives convinced the colleague to partake in learning its contents. When a furious Plutarco Biasio and his affiliates would get word of these books existence, he would push for the arrest of these men. Other leaders within the Auctoritas would, however, push back against this decision.

Plutarco's followers would often justify the destruction of anomalous phenomena and texts under the excuse of rooting out "observable forces of hell" within their jurisdiction. While it was proven that copies of the book were occult in design, investigations of the text, however, could not confirm that the scripture was inherently satanic in nature. Most sections of the scripture were absent of any information concerning identified demons, spirits, or mentions of the Devil; Focusing more on believed precursors to "natural magic". Though frowned upon, the alchemists did not go against the Impertus, and thus, the Papacy in their studies. Furthermore, because several of the artifacts were made as imperfect copies of the ones transcribed in order to stress test the powers of the statues, several heads of the review council argued that the experimentation was done in order to benefit the Church and further their understanding of Pagan elements within the regions.

The initial outrage, while immense, most artifacts went unnoticed by the Catholic Church, who were more preoccupied with the outcome of the Second Battle of Kosovo. This incident would mark one of the first major moments of push back against both Plutarco and anti-anomalous investigative measures and of members of the Auctoritas Impertus to utilize information of the anomalous. Though what had exactly transpired among the cabal's remains unknown, the majority of the occult artifacts constructed by the subcircle would remain lost for centuries.5


Fig. 1.2 Reconstructed render of the hex patterns6 found on Tybalt Edith's chest plate.

By 1478, controversy within the sub-inquisition arose over Knight Tybalt Edith under the Arcanum Praesidium7 affiliate at the time came under scrutiny after reports of having inscribed several theurgical hexes (used for protection) within the interior of his chest plate and helmet directly link to demonology.8

Tybalt would only be arrested after emotional confirmation by his wife (believing her husband was affiliated with the Devil) after noticing both the symbols and a string of odd-behaviors developing within him. The following week, Edith would be sentenced to death.

His execution by the following week, while marking the end of the controversy, would found a new wave of scrutiny and skepticism of the Auctoritas Impertus by leaders of the Papacy. Several leaders of varying Auctoritas rank, both of Arcanum Praesidium, and of the regional Auctoritas, would be detailed in conjunction with his trial: Interrogated by inquisitorial bodies by decree of the Pope.

By early May, most of the accused had been let go by Church Authorities with the remaining members excommunicated—substantial restraint by the Papacy having been put into effect.

"Impertus Puritate sua, et Sigil"

Section 02: 1478 - 1553


Stricter regulations imposed against the Auctoritas Impertus were implemented in many different forms. Surveillance efforts consisted primarily of appointed soldiers assigned directly from the Catholic Church to monitor containment teams, alongside a delegated minor official. These "Captians" teams were regularly trained regularly to be suspicious of personnel, and would often hinder their team's progress. Scriptoriums were assigned watchmen to survey Auctoritas clerks, as inspections on official documents recording became commonplace.


Fig. 2.1 An encoded letter written by senior Auctoritas Scribes warning Arcanum Praesidium of an influx of new Papacy appointments (circa. 1514).

Despite these shortcomings, the surveillance and enforcement of rules and relegations, practices of the sub-inquisition would remain largely the same. By 1504, individuals loyal to the Auctoritas had developed a multitude of methods to circumvent regulations: Complicated ciphers, hidden within images and text, allowed for secretive messages to be delivered with relative ease.

Sorcery, while strictly regulated under harsh punishment, was still practiced under the Auctoritas—one notable sorcerer colleagues being David Benecke, who was primarily known for his knowledge on both Gnosticism, Astrology, and astral projection. However, on the 14th of April, 1504, Benecke was arrested by the Church after a search and seizure of his home (led off of an anonymous tip) revealed several tomes on necromantic-demonology: Resulting in his execution. This would cause a minor revolt within the Auctoritas outpost within the ranks but was ended swiftly with the capture of the revolters.

1507 would prove to be a great year within the Auctoritas. Though the organization would have been formed a decade prior, an official coat of arms for the Auctoritas would not be created until the appointment of John Xilas of Padova under the direct orders of the Papacy. The Impertus Sigil, or "Impertus puritate sua, et sigil" for the faction to legitimize itself within the Catholic Church and as the beginning of a series of offhand reforms to ease tensions between the Auctoritas and Papacy. The shield and spears placed surrounding the cross to represent the goal of the Auctoritas Impertus to protect or "guard" the sanctity of all Christian Europe against heretic intrusion on all holy lands.

As for use of iconography outside of private circles, the Auctoritas Impertus utilized a cross within a shield as their icon of recognition in public. The reason for this was that anyone outside of the knowledge of the Auctoritas would simply see this seal as a banner for a house rather than anything conspicuous. The icon worked well as just a simple inversion of the official symbol can clue the members of the Auctoritas Impertus quickly. This emblem would be used continuously until the end of the Auctoritas Impertus and implementation of the "'Scutum Fidei".

1508 Added in from other page due to liquidation of drafts.

1508:With the secular and otherwise private interests within the Auctoritas coming together under an alliance of convenience, characterized by a swift ascension of several of their number to suspiciously emptied positions of power, the Impetus puritate sigil began to fall out of use within areas of the Auctoritas under their command. Ostensibly justifying the shift to a simpler banner with purely economic means, the complicated designs and symbology being deemed impractical for production at the level the growing Auctoritas required, many of the more church aligned members viewed this as the first overt steps to weakening direct ties with the Holy See. The still hefty influence of these figures ensured that ceremonial and official use of the Impetus puritate continued regardless.

After the "official" death of Leonardo Da Vinci in May of 1519, the Arcanum Praesidium recovered a multitude of anomalous artifacts from known estates, unbeknownst to bishops in league with the administrative affairs of nation-states among the Holy Roman Empire. While the Grey Wash mandate had stemmed outward hostilities among the Papacy, administrative bodies among the Reichskammergericht Two were spread among nation-states. Eventually, information leaked to the elector counts, courtiers, and hermeticists. In response, an Imperial Diet was held in May. Pope Leo X and the Holy Roman Emperor and Archduke of Austria Charles V had agreed to extend the Grey Wash mandate to nonAuctoritas officials, in an attempt to stymie and regulate regional powers in possession of latent anomalies.

Xilas, while loyal only to the Pope, did take pity on the harsh constraints imposed on the Impertus: Often doing his best to amend the most stringent rules. Yet, by 1522, it was an apparent offset of resentment towards the Church within the Auctoritas had formed. Many of the restrictions would be undone slowly as Xilas gradually built trust with the Pontificate, and as Church resources began to shift. Although a minority group with the Auctoritas, the resentment was apparent, and those working under the Auctoritas would not forget. This would coincide with Piercer notoriety greatly diminishing alongside the Auctoritas growth to gather other members of the Papacy in the coming half-decade. Outnumbered, and having become attributed more to a hindrance by other high-ranking members of the Auctoritas, Plutarco (age sixty-seven by retirement) and many of his colleagues would resign from their posts in droves—having never realized their ambition.

As of 1545, an unnamed provincial vicar from the Free State of Thuringia had settled a dispute between Saxony duchies on the "rightful" ownership of Auctoritarian "miracle weapons." Dubbed the "Consortium of Crests," the vicar created a diplomatic mandate that forbade previous intrigues and secret wars from depriving the Auctoritas of its sole mission: to maintain the unknown for the will of God. This treatise listed various guidelines when handling artifacts of immeasurable ability, such as the Lance of Longinus or the Thorn of Christ, which have influenced modern etiquette in regards to weapons of anomalous mass destruction.

Hereinafter, no member was expected to use their station in the conflicts, or "politicking," defined by Plutarco Di Biasio and that had previously defined the age. However, many manuscripts and clandestine letters uncovered by modern-day pseudohistorians indicated that those of the upper echelons regarded this as a largely ineffectual gesture, and continued their quarreling in the many decades to come.

"Pietatis Vuln"

Section 03: 1478 - 1834


Friction between the Papacy would continue to divide members of the Auctoritas. Early as the 1550s, tensions would spiral again within the Auctoritas. As of the diverse heretical, national, philosophical, and moral background of the Auctoritas, internal strife would remain staple among the many divisions of the organization. The Piercers, while remaining very influential early inside the organization, they were not the only mainstream faction of the Auctoritas; often, taking charge during internecine conflicts where no one else would. With their deposition, a power vacuum regarding diplomacy between the groups would gradually rise between them.

Previous, 1547 would see the resignation of Grand Inquisitor John Xilas, age 67, following failing health and a yearning to retire to his home of the Italian countryside. Though some would cheer, Xilas leaving the Auctoritas would reveal many more problems that had to be faced by the Auctoritas. Charismatic even in his later years, Xilas would prove detrimental to binding the Authority into a group. While factions did exist, even those resentful of Xilas still viewed him as a central leader; His leave creating a power vacuum failed to have been filled once again by the Papacy.

Exceeding Xilas's appointment, Ottaviano Calbo of the Custos,9 was inauguration as Grand Inquisitor of the Auctoritas following a divisive referendum among delegates. As among the Councilors, Ottaviano, though loyal towards the interests of the whole Auctoritas, was elected more out of compromise than for his skill. His faction, the Custos—among the largest of the Impertus—had maintained the greatest overarching relationship among all branches, and thus was the least distrusted out of pragmatic spite. The result of a lack of decisiveness and experience to properly run the Auctoritas, Ottaviano Calbo would only prove himself as largely ineffective as factions began to expand their autonomy once more.

On 23rd of May, 1555, Gian Pietro Carafa would be inaugurated into the Pontificate as Pope Paul IV. Previously doubtful of the abilities and fractured leadership Auctoritas, Paul IV feared a thinly stretched Impertus would only lead to chaos; Dedicating a small portion of the beginning of his reign towards addressing the Auctoritas. Differences in opinion on dealing with anomalies would act to alienate the sub-inquisition further from the rest of the Church. On one side, the Papacy wanted for all missions regarding anomalies to dealt quick and swiftly, more often than not opting for violence in an attempt to please the kings and lords of Europe while members of the Auctoritas wanted a more delicate and methodical approach when dealing with anomalies, wanting to investigate or capture them for better understanding of the unholy for the future.

Following weeks of the discussion and testimony with advisors and archbishops, Paul IV would oversee a set of newfound guidelines set out for the Auctoritate Concilium, outlining a reorganization of Auctoritas both on internal and external matters. Though most details remain irrelevant, the most-infamous line of the mandate was the wish to see joint-cohesion from the Auctoritas Impertus throughout Europe. Under no circumstances was the decree meant to act as a hardline declaration of restructuring but a notice of what his Papacy would desire to be improved upon. This being lost on the Auctoritas high command, the decree would go onto dumbfound most leaders of the Auctoritas at the suggestion.

Fearing the sovereignty of their personal interests, most would view this mandate in its most extreme form. Before, the Auctoritas under Calbo, while efficient at documenting and containing a substantial majority of Europe's abnormalities, would remain staunchly divided behind closed doors. Now, the prospect of unification of the Impertus command structure was a hardline possibility. The subsequent discourse would remain scattered among high command, otherwise unproductive. Only fueling fears of each faction that others would try to gain ruling supremacy, greater mistrust among the council would flourish.

Ottaviano Calbo, however, would take a more pragmatic approach. During all conflict, Calbo's main goal through leadership would try and unify the Auctoritas via unifying the veering Councilors—a majority of previous attempts failing. The mandate set via the Papacy, however, would serve as an opportune moment to ratify his cabinet. Now frequent during the discussion, Ottaviano would stress the importance of solidarity among sects moving forward, as of the watchful eye of the church. Stress was particularly given to the importance of the relations between high-command and its identity thereafter.

By February of 1556, Calbo would attempt and officiate his doctrine via 'ceremony. Quoted as "of defense through penance," Ottaviano would veil the "Pietatis Vuln", or "Piety of Vuln", as the official seal for the standing Council. Within the Auctoritate Concilium, the Vuln was to signify a greater period of cooperation between all heads of the Auctoritas and Calbo's promise thereof. To the Papacy, it was to be Ottaviano's answer to Paul IV: As with Plutarco Di Biasio decades previous, it would primarily depict the renewed dedication towards solving the extreme occult/paganistic aspect of heretical insurgency. The Pelican wounding herself for her young represented personal sacrifice for the many, both in relation to sacrifice and passion of Christ10 and in relation towards the shared responsibility of all acting Councilors on behalf of Catholicism.

As with previous gestures, this motion along with other reforms was ineffective. With no larger enforcement of this motion internally among debate of the Councilors or within specific rank, the meaning behind Calbo's promise was marginally empty. Rather, the creation of the Pietatis Vuln would only further form a new rift between those of high command and those operatives on working in the field. Rank, while existent and prominent, the symbol would only serve to put more importance on the positions high within the Authority.

The later deposition of Pope Paul IV and period of political discord, while promising for the Auctoritas, only sanctified a return to a modified status quo. Discourse, while less tense for a time, would pick up-tempo in the years later, as with mutual distrust among factions. Ottaviano Calbo, while more applicable in dealing with internal fracturing, would repeat the same cycle of the previous indecision in face of petty quarrels as before.

Infighting would come ahead among members of the Auctoritas by 1570. On the surface, the year's previous decade appeared rather peaceful. With relaxed regulations on magic on the anomalous and a lesser destructive force at the head of the Impertus, discovery, and knowledge would begin to take the forefront of the organization. Most bickering, at the time, would be done outside of the immense ire of the Church: internally, and between individuals of certain divisions instead of entire sub-groups at a time. Rather, with strife racking the high command of the Church, the Papacy would prove trusting in the leaders of the Impertus. This would prove harder and harder for members of idealism within the Auctoritas, however.

Deus Oculi11 was an Auctoritas alchemic-astrological inquiry group operating primarily within French-Netherlandic regions of Middle Europe rival Studere Domini: another theological, mathematic covenant prominent in modern-day Saxony. Between the 1st of February of 1573 to the 20th of February of 1577 would mark a series of feuds turned violent when various copies of underground Nivaldic artifacts of worship discovered within the areas of Osterzgebirge, Elstergebirge, Lilo, and Amiens. As while the Deus Oculi argued in favor of salvaging select copies to gain a better grasp of Nivaldic Theology as to better combat Heresy, ministers of the Studere Domini and later Arcanum Praesidium would argue for the destruction ontop of further investigation of occult activity within the local populous.


Fig. 3.1 Portrait of Sir Fabien Allemand, previous to his enlistment by the Auctoritas (circa. 1690).

Discussion amongst delegates of the two groups would continue for around two months, ending with heated back and forth by April of that year. Resident leaders of the Deus Oculi would resolve to keep copies of the collected artifacts within their jurisdiction under containment for further analysis at their base in Artois. Edmund Sagar, head consulate of the Studere Domini, would make a pact with Michael est Calvariæ12 in forcibly destroying all remnants and artifacts held by Edmund to better align themselves with the policy of the church. Led by Sir Josué Beaufils, a former captain of the French army, the raids would result in a stalemate turned into a series of minor clashes. By sunset, members of the Deus Oculi would successfully set the fortress ablaze: with a total of 17 dead and 26 injured by the ensuing chaos.

While the tension was common, the prospects of the incident were only worsened by weeks end as word among local establishment would reach Archbishop Jean de Lorraine before the members at large of the High Council; bringing the matter to the attention of the Pontificate. The ensuing scandal and prompt confusion of leading members of the Auctoritas would act as a longstanding embarrassment both within the Impertus. An attempt to save face was eventually made by March of that year.

In agreement with Lorraine, Ottaviano Calbo would enact harsh punishment on the offending parties. Deus Oculi was dissolved within the following month, as Consult Sagar and Josué Beaufils would swiftly be barred from their positions within the Auctoritas. Under the direct orders of Jean, authenticated by Pope Paul IV, the Michael est Calvariæ would be reorganized with the leadership of Josué being replaced with a puppet figure loyal to the church.

This action, while deescalating some tension with the Pope and his Bishops, would only go so far as to repairing Auctoritas relations. While Calbo maintained punishment and that civil feuds would remain nonviolent between the factions, the precedent he set would only further divide the Auctoritas. Further, details of the punishment would only serve to further anger the other factions of the Impertus. Many would point to the punishment only Edmund Sagar and not the Studere Domini as a whole as external bias on behalf of leadership: Only worsening the Impertus' cohesion. Disgraced in the image of his constituents, Calbo would resign himself into exile the following year.

"Patientia praebet scientia Dei"

Section 04: 1565 - 1834


With the conclusion of Octavio Calbo's leadership and the capitulation of the Anti-Papacy groups, came a point in which all of the remaining factions of the Auctoritas saw to appeal to the greater body of the Papacy group. This era would see an expansion of Auctoritas influence growing across the world, followed by a series of reforms that would take place through the centuries, in between which would demonstrate a number of corrupted action committed by high ranking members of the Auctoritas appealing to the Pope or influential members of society. The Auctoritas would finally face a great schism of Anti-Papacy and Pro-Papacy once again, eventually leading to the end of the Auctoritas Impertus, and the beginning of the RPC Authority.

Starting in the middle of the 16th century, many reforms were made to ensure that the Anti-Papacy sentiment would cease in the later period. The majority of said reforms would be spearheaded by Pope Pius V, Antonio Ghislieri, and Marcus Maniscalco. Some of the more profound reforms included the complete restructuring of Auctoritas sects, having high ranking members be exclusively Roman Catholic, establishing a new council,13 having Sect leaders be chosen by the council itself, and abolishing the position of Saint within the Authorinow that Popes take direct control of all affairs. These series of reforms would see their approval and a slow implementation from 1565 to 1569.

Finally, a more Catholic Auctoritas was standardized in order to avoid the incursion, with a number of Catholic values being implanted within the Auctoritas' codes, more than previously, and members consider for future recruitment required to be devoutly Catholic to a higher degree.14 This reform saw a particularly strict implementation due to the recency of Protestentisms development from Martin Luther. Following the number of beginning reformative actions, the Auctoritas would then have its most defining change that would go to characterize its image for the coming decades.

On July 5th, 1585 the Auctoritas officially establish its first base in North America, due to the contribution of the English branch of the Auctoritas. This action exposed the Auctoritas to a number of dangerous anomalies outside of Europe, especially the exposure of anomalies related to numerous native mythologies. This exposition prompted the realization that the Auctoritas "cannot defend God's children in the land of Europe alone."15

The development caught the eye of one Marcus Maniscalco, Head of the Order "Constantini Electus Unus", who proposed an edict, "The Edict of Divine Protection", to contract enterprises, kingdoms, and other related organizations to allow them to establish new bases of operations around the world for the purposes of hunting anomalies. The edict saw a unanimous decision, and from 1588 onwards the Auctoritas would establish themselves in a number of areas across the world. However, this edict brought about a number of difficulties with the Colonial residences of these areas.

One notable instance occurred in Japan on February 5, 1597, when Japanese officials and Samurai's raided Auctoritas facilities and Churches in Nagasaki, killing members of the Church and Auctoritas. On February 15th, a letter arrived from Japan's Shogun, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, stating many grievances that the Shogunate and Imperial authority had with Catholicism and especially the Auctoritas. Negotiations with the Japanese Shogunate would occur for the coming months until June of the same year, as the Shogun sent the following statement:

The Auctoritas Impertus is hereby barred from conducting any activity within Japan and all members of said organization are to remain outside the border of our Nation. Furthermore, the Japanese Shogunate will take possession of all anomalies originating from Japan itself. There is no longer any room for negotiations on this matter.

-Ashikaga Yoshiaki, June 17, 1597 (Translated to English by Dr. Lewis Harper)

Despite this event and other similar events, the Auctoritas continued to expand to develop different branches throughout the centuries within areas such as South America, West Indies, Africa, South Asia, South East Asia, and parts of East Asia.

Following the implementation of the edict, many members of the Auctoritas had begun to feel unsure of their position within Europe now that they have begun to expand outward towards the rest of the world. Many believed with their efforts now being placed nationwide that their influence and safety in their own continent may slowly be compromised. Due to this, on September 19th, 1611 Marcus Maniscalco purposed "The Edict of Eternal Sovereignty" which purposed the elimination of any and all anomalous communities within Europe that were not sanctioned by any European government or by the Auctoritas itself. The edict would pass on November 23rd, 1612 with 42 votes out of the 61, along with approval by Pope Paul V, Camillo Borghese. The edict was then ratified on December 2nd, 1612, followed by the elimination of many headquarters of smaller anomalous organizations. The members of these organizations were charged with treason, murder, rape, and Witchcraft. These organizations included ██████████████, ██████████████████, ████████████████████████, Children of Nihil, ██████████, and ██████████. This act would overall make the Auctoritas hated by the general anomalous community but strengthened its claim as the defining anomalous agency in Europe. Despite the edict, some unsanctioned anomalous organizations remained in Europe, however, these were unable to come to obtain any semblance of power or influence due to the edict commanding their destruction.


Fig. 4.1 Copy of restoration-sketch provided from the front-matter section of "Harpocrationis Lexicon in Impertus Auctoritas" 25th Edition (circa. 1630).16

On June 13th, 1614, in a joint commission between the orders "Milites Christi", "Constantini Electus Unus", and "Angeli Plagam Eden"17, a new Emblem was presented to The Council. This emblem was presented to the council in order to replace the old icon "Impertus Puritate sua, et Sigil", which saw discontinuation on January 7th, 1566 during Pope Pius V's reforms. The image, as presented above, depicts an Angel holding what we now call a Tesseract with the Phi Cho in the background. According to records held by the artist Iginio De Matteo, each individual part of the emblem holds significance in the recent history of the Auctoritas. The Phi Cho, known for its relation to Jesus Christ, was depicted there to represent the now closer connection the Auctoritas has to the Pope and thus God, Jesus Christ, himself. The Angel is meant to represent the Archangel Micheal and is symbolic of the Auctoritas' efforts to go beyond their normal grasp to search for anomalies and fight off the unholy. Finally, the Tesseract, or as called in the description "incognita", is meant to represent the unknown and terrifying anomalies now found by the Auctoritas' efforts outside of Europe. This is in addition to symbolize the discovery of ████████████████. The emblem was given the name "Patientia Praebet Scientia Dei" or "Provides knowledge of patience" meant to both ironically symbolize the lack of an emblem for 49 years, and the slow change that came to Auctoritas over many years and Popes. The emblem was voted to be the official emblem of the Auctoritas Impertus on June 18th, 1614, with 53 votes out of 62 and the official approval of Pope Paul V "Camillo Borghese". The Auctoritas would from then on use this emblem in private documentation and present it during official ceremonies and inner facilities of the Auctoritas Impertus.

The final reform of the beginning era of "Patientia Praebet Scientia Dei" was presented on September 19th, 1616 by Marcus Maniscalco. The edict presented, referred to as "The Solidarity of the Men of God" outlined that 4 new positions are to be made for The Council of High Authority. These 4 positions will represent members of the 4 different aspects of the Auctoritas Impertus. These positions were referred to as The Scholar, The Knight, The Architect, and The Papacy. The first 3 positions would be filled by members best represented by the said field of the Auctoritas, while the last would be dedicated solely for the Pope himself to represent all religious acts in the Auctoritas. This edict served two purposes: (1) To allow the Pope to have a more defined power in leading the religious aspect of the authority, or to give him more power in general, and (2) be able to prevent any infighting between the higher echelons of the Auctoritas Impertus and The Council of High Authority. At this point, many of the reforms that would make up this era had been made, and following this period would begin a time of corruption, expansion, and inhumane acts towards members of the Auctoritas.

As presented, Marcus Maniscalco was very influential in the reforms of Auctoritas Impertus during this age, but his perception by not only members of the Auctoritas but also the anomalous community as a whole was extremely poor. Joining the Autoritas 1579, at the age of 25, Marcus saught to be recognized not only for his devotion to God but also his efforts to effectively deal with the anomalous. This attitude was likely influenced by his father, Amedeo Publio Maniscalco, who was originally within the Auctoritas under the Propapcy movement under Octavio Calbo's leadership. Marcus' behavior has been documented in a number of personal journals by members of the Auctoritas. Said journals paint a picture of a man generally well-respected by higher authorities, somewhat liked by subordinates, and maligned by those of the same status as him. This pattern of an appearance likely influenced him to be placed as the head of "Constantini Electus Unus" and in only 6 years of joining the Auctoritas, and likely influenced how while his reforms were liked, his character and means of completing his reforms was hated.


Fig. 4.2 Portrait of Marcus Maniscalco, 2 years years prior to joining the Auctoritas Impertus. (circa. 1577)

During the development of an Auctoritas branch in the American colonies, Marcus Maniscalco took a role in assisting with the leadership of creating bases of operations. Samuel Chapman, head of "Homines ex Divina Iustitia" who was leading the development in the 13 colonies complained heavily that his men saw a great amount of work and inability to actually hunt for anomalies because of his uncompromising behavior in using "Holy means" to contain anomalies. Another instance of his character being hated but his reforms liked came during the extermination of anomalous organizations not sanctioned or part of the Auctoritas. Many in the Auctoritas in general complained that his strategies lead to many unnecessary deaths due to overestimated executions of said plans, and took longer than expected due to Marcus wanting all to be tried for a heresy despite some being devout Catholics and taking too long for trials. These instances and many others made him maligned and seen as while being an amazing reformist and planner, poor at judging general human ability.

On July 12th, 1618, members of the Deus Oculi, Studere Domini, Milites Christis, and subordinates of Constantini Electus Unus began plans for the assassination of Marcus Maniscalco. Their reason, cited by personal journals and complaints to the Council, range from him being a poor leader of order to being responsible for a growing decline in the Auctoritas. On February 2nd, 1619, Marcus Maniscalco was assassinated in his studies, dying at the age of 54 and all conspirators were arrested on the same day and executed 4 days later. On June 10th, 1620, he was recognized by Pope Paul V as a Saint of the Catholic church for revolutionizing the Auctoritas Impertus for the international body it had now become. Marcus Maniscalco was later removed from recognition on March 17th, 1621 by Pope Gregory XV, having all documents commemorating or acknowledging his sainthood burnt.

Following the initial reforms spearheaded by Pope Pius V (and the death of Marcus Maniscalco), acts of human rights violations and corruption by the inner circle of The Council of High Authority would begin to become more prevalent. In addition, reasons for the Auctoritas Impertus to separate from the Church and by extent the papacy would begin to intensify from a period of 1665 to 1792. For the sake of brevity within this document, only the highlights of this period will be presented in this portion of the section.

One of the defining concepts that would define this period as being the most corrupt age of the Auctoritas Impertus came on July 15th, 1655 when Sonny Chapman proposed, "The Edict of The Sovereign State's Anomalies". The document would instated a number of new reforms that would be made to the Auctoritas Impertus' administration, which included the following:

  • All anomalies found within a country and or region shall be contained in the said area unless outstanding containment procedures are required.
  • Each order of the Auctoritas Impertus will be assigned and be responsible for a region assigned by the council itself.
  • Powerful members of said regions such as heads of Churches, Noblemen, influential merchants, and Royalty, are to be informed of the Auctoritas and the anomalies in their possession.
  • Orders of the Auctoritas Impertus will be allowed access to the local military when necessary.

The Edict would be approved on July 23rd, 1665, and would pass with 78 votes out of 90. The purpose of the edict, presented to the council, was that "The Auctoritas Impertus can no longer survey multiple nations throughout the world with a number of orders designated with different docterines…. It is best that the orders of the Auctoritas Impertus be responsible for a specific area and their anomalies to maintain order." With the being said, there was much reason to believe that "The Edict of The Sovereign State's Anomalies" was not approved in the council with the best intentions.

The reason for said edict being corrupt comes to the context of which it was not only written for but voted for approval. Sonny Chapman, according to confiscated journals and legal transactions had connections with the ████████████████████ trading company and a number of English nobles who had connections to Charles II. Each of the said individuals would go to send letters commissioning him to attempt to allow England to obtain more power in the Auctoritas Impertus, despite the refusal of the state to conform to Catholicism. These letters were all dated before July 23rd, and according to some records face to face meeting occurred with these contacts. Chapman was not alone in this matter either as evidence indicates that 37 council members were confirmed to have been in contact with influential figures of their origin nation and were requested to provide more power to the said nation through this act.

With the transition of a new Pope, Pope Clement IX, an amendment to "The Edict of The Sovereign State's Anomalies" was suggested on September 12th, 1667 by Erhart Von Honigsmann, which gave influential figures such as nobles, royalty, politicians in high positions, and wealthy owners of many enterprises access to nationally kept anomalies by the Auctoritas Impertus. The amendment would allow the use of said anomalies, but only for "situations that necessitate its use." The amendment, however, did not include a process on how to enforce accountability for unsanctioned use of anomalies. This amendment was brought to the council to "ensure the continued prosperity and loyalty of countries that recognize the father, the son, and the holy spirit." Much like the edict's approval, Erhart Von Honigsmann had many connections with the upper-class Germans and many of the members that would go to approve the amendment were also in connections with their respective national upper-class. The amendment won approval with 73 votes out of 90 and would be implemented on October 3rd, 1667.

It is theorized that this amendment was only made following the death of Pope Alexander VII, because he would not have approved of anomalies use outside of member of the Auctoritas Impertus. Some evidence indicates that Pope Alexander VII was assassinated by members of the council, but this remains inconclusive. Interestingly, while the corrupt acts of allowing influential members of society access to anomalies was looked down upon as breaking strictly set doctrines of the past, it improved the Authoritas relation with non-catholic lands such as England and Russia. This came off as a means to keep some semblance of authority in the power of Catholicism by ensuring that any influential figures that do hate Catholicism do not push out the Auctoritas Impertus.

Yet another reform that would define the Auctoritas Impertis came when following both the deposition of King James II of England, and the follow-up Bill of Right of England being written, there began growing concerns in the Papacy that Catholicism within the Auctoritas itself would be undermined by non-catholic members. While it was the rule that all members high ranking of the Auctoritas must be Catholic, the same sentiment did not fall to lower members. The scholarly sector of the Auctoritas has long hired non-catholic members to dispense information on anomalies not yet know. The architects would often use new techniques and architecture that at times can be described as "oriental". Finally, under the Auctoritas' knight, warriors, and inquisition non-catholic members would be inducted in order to satisfy low guard numbers and make use of local region knowledge.

On September 15th, 1690, "The Edict of Papal Protection" was presented to the council, which mandated that among many laws that all members of the Auctoritas Impertus, regardless of their position, must be part of the Catholic faith. The edict was approved on October 12th, 1690, and saw implementation on all Auctoritas branches around the world. This implementation would become extremely controversial and demonstrate an abundance of corrupt actions. Europe predominantly saw little issue, with most Protestant and Orthodox members being stripped of rank and asked to leave. Their payment for services was still given with little incident. Muslim members, however, were not given payment for their services. In addition, members of non-Abrahamic religions would face worse treatment than even Muslim members, with many being killed by other member of the Auctoritas, with the justification given that they may expose held information if allowed to live. This tactic would be used in areas such as the American colonies, African colonies, Indonesian colonies, etc. Sources differ on the amount of execution, but deaths range from 1,000 to more extreme 5,000 deaths.

In addition to the Auctoritas corruptingly using this edict to dispose of many of the indigenous members of Auctoritas colonies, the edict was also used to dismiss any members of the Auctoritas Impertus who sought to quell corruption. Within "The Edict of Papal Protection", appear a clause that allows any member of the Auctoritas to be investigated if they should demonstrate "non/anti-Catholic behavior". Because of the broad diction used within the edict, this meant that anyone could be investigated, and should any vagueness of evidence come into fruition the person could be forced out of the Auctoritas Impertus. Many individuals attempting to quell the corruption were simply dismissed and never bothered with, due to this.

On June 3rd, 1719, following the full implementation of "The Edict of Papal Protection" and the abuses of power with the said edict, many within the scholarly Auctoritas Impertus sector began to demonstrate the grievance when in ████████████, Italy a protest occurred within a local Auctoritas research building. Among many issues, the scholars presented their grievances at the said protest gathered to protest the recent dismissal of Gerard Ruiz caused by unfounded accusations of anti-catholic behavior. Many of the protestors also argued for reforms for the method they conduct their researcher, the repeal of "The Edict of Papal Protection" arguing that it's designed to weed out whistleblowers, and for the reintroduction of those who still fall under the worship of Jesus Christ and God even if not Catholic. The ArchBishop of the region, ██████ ████, refused to even send their demands to the Papacy and instead called on Monaldo Pennacchio, the Head of Constantini Electus Unus at this time, instead. On the 4th day of the protest, Pennacchio's men opened fire on the protestors using muskets, killing 7 and injuring 14. Following the firing squad, the protest and other similar protests occurring in Italy, England, and Germany would cease. On June 15th, 1719 "De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium" would deliver a message to all Auctoritas facilities stating that any descent would be seen as descent against God himself.

From this point onward, the Auctoritas would begin to see it's fall. This fall would not only come in effect due to the rise of The Enlightenment but also due to the mismanagement that would transpire from the head of Auctoritas and the disgruntled member that would begin to grow each passing decade.

"'Scutum Fidei"

Section 05: 1834 - 1870


The Auctoritas Impertus would begin to see a decline in morale and identity with the transition to the mid-18th century. One of the key issues during this moment was the increased displays of rebellion that began to grow within the Auctoritas, with protests, sabotage, and splinter cells becoming prominent within this century. For the purposes of remaining brief, these events will not be discussed within The Extense as all resulted in being ineffectual for their cause. Many of these splinters, such as the "The Society of the Occult", were destroyed within 2 years. Instead this portion will be dedicated to the Enlightenments overall change in Auctoritas culture.

While the previous portion of this section notes a movement within the Papacy to stamp the rise of the Enlightenment, not all sections of the Auctoritas would be resistant to said ideas. England, The American Colonies, France, and South Asia would house orders that would become open to Enlightenment concepts and from these would seek to construct a more liberal system of power and begin to make use of research excluding religious practices. While this was already a trend during the 17th century, it would begin to grow extensively within this period.

From 1735 to 1762, 22 revolts would occur within the Auctoritas Impertus, with a record for the highest amount of revolts occurring in a year falling on 1755. The total amount of revolts within said year was 7, demonstrating that the Auctoritas has come to an age where its system of power does not fit in a setting with its largest contributors being intellectuals who have begun to read philosophical works such as those from John Locke. In one instance on May 12, 1755, a revolt had occurred in a research facility on ████████████, a semi-remote island within the Mediterranean. The revolters advocated for a system that does not include a Catholic bias for research and a system for the council that allows only the best members to be chosen on merit rather than a recommendation. They insisted on the demands met or the researchers would hold the facility as a separate entity to the Papacy. This was followed by the council's decision to execute all revolvers 12 days later, to the contrary of what Pope Benedict XIV. Within time, many disgruntled members within the Auctoritas would see this decision as the defining moment in which became clear that the original goal of the council, to allow the Papacy more of a say, had been broken and the reform was non-negotiable in order for corrupt members to defend their position.

The revolts would be seen as just a small stamp, however, as the Auctoritas had spent much time negotiating with multiple countries during the "Seven Year War". While trying to appeal to the countries was the optimal strategy for many leaders of the Auctoritas, it had proved futile during this time was remaining a neutral party with religious ties and corrupt members became increasingly difficult. On the one hand, the Auctoritas wanted to make a number of agreements in order to remain in good relations with countries both Catholic and not, but on the other, these agreements meant breaking other agreements leaving the Auctoritas to spend most of its time negotiating between countries, from 1756 to 1765. This event would lead to the Auctoritas seeing more difficulty in maintaining relations, as the ramification of this war would transpire within the American colonies.

From April 19, 1775 to Sep 3, 1783, the Auctoritas Impertus chose to support the English in research and anomaly-use authorization during the Revolutionary War, against the wishes of French branch of the Auctoritas Impertus, Milites Christi. This decision would leave the Auctoritas Impertus in an unfortunate situation in anomalous affair as not only did the council neglect the request for the Auctoritas Impertus to remain outside of the war, the war had left a predicament in which they may lose colonial, now United States', facilities. The Auctoritas Impertus would negotiate the state of the facilities from February 4th, 1788 to January 14th, 1789 where the diplomats would agree to allow the Auctoritas to retain their facilities and would remain in contact within the United States. This state of affairs, however, would prove to be near-fatal this event had given many within the Auctoritas time to think over the Auctoritas' actions.

On June 9th, 1793 during the French Revolution, Milites Christi announced independence from the Auctoritas Impertus and declared themselves to align with the Revolution's next form of government. This left Auctoritas in a situation in which they could not take action without arousing suspicion and becoming public knowledge, so the Auctoritas Impertus did not oppose this declaration. This decision would cause an uproar in many members of the Auctoritas, resigning en masse for the inaction that "De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium" chose to take. An estimated 34% of the Auctoritas Impertus resigned from the organization citing this event. The Auctoritas Impertus also saw it difficult to maintain "The Edict of Eternal Sovereignty", though it was not as effective as projected prior to this event, and thus led to many unsanctioned anomalous organization to flourish. Overall, this series of made influential figures to lose confidence in the Auctoritas' ability to maintain their main function, the containment and research of anomalies.

There are many more events that would occur to bring the Auctoritas into an even worse state, however, a large portion of the remaining history of the Auctoritas Impertus is left unknown. From January 1798 to February 1816, all official documents and articles of or relating to the Auctoritas Impertus and "De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium" are unaccounted for. Little is known as to what happened during this time period, and the information found from personal records of personnel at this time give little to no information of the time leading up to and following the Napoleonic Wars. The reason for the missing documentation is as sparse as the timeframe itself, as it is unknown why a massive amount of information is missing. Theories range from a purge of information by the Auctoritas Impertus, to a purge by the early RPC Authority, and to an event in which another organization may have destroyed or taken said documents themselves. Research into both why the documents' status are unknown, and what their status is truly is ongoing.

Regardless of what may have occurred in this time period, following the Napoleonic war there grew a great discomfort around both the Scholarly sector of the Auctoritas and the Military sector. The scholars at this time had grown disgruntled at the state of affair of the Auctoritas Impertus for their lack of ability to reform for the sake of research, and their inability to maintain facilities across the world. This sentiment was not lost on several ranking leading Auctoritas such as Friar Frederick Davis. The military sector of the Auctoritas grew disgruntled due to the massive decrease in their wage and the mandate to deal with unsanctioned anomalous organizations with inefficient resources. This sentiment was not lost on the high-ranking officer and tactician Tilman Feuerwerker. For this reason on May 10th, 1829, both had representatives had convened to devise a plan to guarantee the Auctoritas Impertus' independence from the Catholic Church. Both parties saw that acting within a religious body had limited them in what they were capable of doing for many decades. Both had known when it comes to the advancement of humanities in the past century, in terms of hierarchical systems, areas of research, military equipment, and method of containment, the Auctoritas had begun to fall behind overall.

The plan devised by the two involved the use of their position to connect with most high ranking members of Auctoritas across the world and join in a nationwide strike and demand that the Auctoritas Impertus no longer be associated with the Roman Catholic Church. The plan would require years of travel, agreement with most if not all high ranking members of the Auctoritas Impertus. Frederick, under the alias "The Scholar" and with the help of Tilman (also under the alias of "The Commander"), would seek the participation of who they Grand Architect Sergio Sanhueza. Often viewed as the most conservative member of "De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium," his participation was assumed to possibly be the most difficult, yet important, step.

Despite their assumptions, however, Sergio was willing to assist in the conspiracy with little persuasion needed: He himself had issues pertaining to the church, such as mandating the use of rituals for the containment protocols even though many can be categorized as non-catholic and in the past was used in order to set up members of engineers. Dubbed "The Architect" within the cabal, Sanhueza was cited as seeing this as "a blatant hypocritical action which speaks to the inability for the papacy to truly follow in the mandate by God." Thus on June 3rd, 1829, the three would set off with the plan in motion and would begin to convince all commanding officers to prepare a worldwide strike and the preparations for an autonomous Auctoritas.

Following each of the conspirators making the necessary connections to set the plan in motion, all head conspirators would reconvene in ██████████ France, on November 19th, 1833. On November 29th, of the same year, the strike and preparations began as many researchers across the world refused to be productive, guards and militants refused to arrive at facilities unless they required vigilant bodies for certain anomalies, and engineers refused to permit access to anomalies. Members of the papacy all grew into outrage and demanded the heads of orders from "De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium" to counteract this movement, however, most of the soldiers that would have been called had either aligned with the strike or had numbers so low that there was little they could do to control the situation.

On December 3rd, 1833 Pope Gregory XVI, Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari, would demand that "The Scholar" "The Knight" and "The Architect" be executed for their crimes against the Papal order. In addition, many Head of orders within "De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium" would begin to align themselves with the anti-papacy movement and renounce ties to the Church. Unlike the prior conflict of pro-papacy and anti-papacy movements, the anti-papacy movement had a growing amount of leverage and larger numbers than the pro-papacy movement. For this reason, many influential figures who had begun to lose faith in the Auctoritas Impertus took an interest in those who began to call for independence from the Catholic Church. On January 3rd, 1834, "The Scholar", "The Knight", and "The Architect" would be invited to the 8th French National Exhibition to begin the process of creating a new organization. It had become clear to the conspirators that there was little to no opposition to the change at this point, and that they controlled nearly every facility under the Auctoritas Impertus and that they really did not need the Pope direct permission in order to secede.

Finally, on May 12th, 1834 Frederick Davis, Tilman Feuerwerker, Sergio Sanhueza, and many others would draft the "Authority Agreement", establishing the building blocks to the modern-day RPC Authority. The Pope would oppose this meeting upon hearing of this event, but there was little the Pope's men could do with not being able to access France as freely as they did in the past. High ranking members of the Auctoritas from all across the would be invited to not only debate on the system of the new Authority but also devise a plan for all members to integrate. For 4 days they devised the 3 divisions of the Authority, Research, Protection, Containment operate different sections of the Authority in a divisive way to prevent overlap18, The Global Directorate, to have members be unknown for the sake of preventing corruption, and many other aspects that the RPC Authority would come to be known for. On May 20th, 1834 the Agreement was ratified and the RPC Authority was born. Pope Pius IX would acknowledge the RPC Authority and sign the Authority Agreement on June 20th, 1846, thus officially making the RPC Authority a separate entity to the church in every aspect.

"'Nota' Scutum Fidei"

Section 06:19 1870 - 1947


Increasing prominence surrounding the Authority within both the traditional and occult world would begin to blur, as traditional analysis and paranormal advancements started to propel the organization forward. Stretching into the first half of the 20th century, the Authority would be made more cognizant of contemporary groups and organizations acting both with similar and opposing goals to itself. Often operating under the veil of secrecy (and discovered on accident or via their outreach), cults, conspiracies, cabals, para-scientific institutions, and secret societies of all corners of the globe would rapidly be made apparent between all sectors of the Authority. Diplomacy between parties proved essential in the innovation of research and capture of anomalies, albeit sporadic.

Often, contemporaries would hold the same secondary interests as the Authority did; Focusing on local matters within than from outside. The oldest known groups, if and including those not outright impartial, harbored resentment towards the Authority as of abrasive and destructive behaviors previous to the Auctoritas Impertus. Despite this, communication would be vital in avoiding and resolving large scale conflict among adversity on several occasions during the progression of the Authority.


Fig. 6.1 Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn; variant of a ross cross design.

As part of this, by 1891, impromptu aesthetic changes were performed on the Scutum Fidei to preserve a more consistent color scheme and design. In light of more grandiose designs of the era, it was agreed upon that the simplicity of its design would allow for ease of identification. More specifically, it standardized items that ranged from books to firearms.

Of the smaller groups, those with goals most similar to the Authority, if not involved beforehand (or past splinters of the larger Auctoritas) deals, among partnerships were formed as colleagues were made. In one such case, by December of 1900, the Saxon Branch of the Authority would establish a partnership with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn to constitute further research in the fields of astral projection, divination, and alchemy. In doing so, the Authority discovered new avenues for containment and examination of held anomalies.

On rare occasions, moreover, nonviolent or non-aggressive disputes between the Authority and third parties would break out.

Amidst the Anti-Papal Reform, Authority leadership would find themselves further alienated from and, at times, even at odds with groups serving or connected to all Christendom.20 Coupled with the first world war would play a disadvantage to the survival of the Authority.

In 1914, contingencies were plotted in advance to uphold structures within East Prussia in the prelude to the Battle of Tannenberg. A significant dispute occurred between the Department of Psychology Directorate of Parapsychological Analysis (DPA) and the AEP on a contained musical artifact, which was co-owned by the respective parties post-1937. The DPA contested that the AEP was unreasonable in containment protocols, and cited that the "singing of hymns" was not an adequate procedure in lessening the artifact's hazardous distortion of ambient sound. As with the developing debate around Authority-Association co-ownership in India,21 the AEP contested that the DPA was haphazard in updating containment protocols, and cited that the radical implementation of new technologies, such as radio transmitters, would cause a breach.

Neither party would win the dispute as the anomaly was neutralized via collateral damage, due to Russian mobilization in the region.

By 1916, Prominent para-physician Daniel Xavier would propose the change of over 112 containment protocols previously set up by the Auctoritas in response to the debacle. The proposal was to further distance the Directorate from "outdated principles" and assimilate innovations in containment within all known sites owned by the Authority.

Despite these reforms, Papal influence would remain part of the Authority. Most customs outside of internal tradition would be either significantly altered or abandoned altogether by the end of the Reform.22 Nevertheless, internal cultural norms founded on Judeo-Christian asceticism proved much harder to abolish outright via the Directorate: Becoming more a futile act than progressive. As an example of such obstinate behavior, traditional institutions remained active in colonial containment. Countermeasures against Indian esoteric cults, seals applied on Pishacha hunting grounds, exorcisms of anomalous elephants, and baptism of maligned gypsies, many traditional Papalists argued, remained effective practices.

Methods and practices born out of the vicious infighting of the Calbo period to more local mannerisms, scientific to architectural, managed to flourish: Now, becoming adequate between all sects of the Authority. With a less hostile, more passive relationship towards the Association, resources and focus would shift to other areas of focus.

In correlation, the Authority, while still rather unpopular, would garner better relations with the occult world at large. The chaos of the Great War had brought ruin to as many organizations as it had emboldened.23 Despite alienation, relations towards the Authority, who had enough external assets outside of Europe to remain relatively stable, garnered appeal.

"1942 Inverted Providence"

Section 07: 1947 - 1952


The period leading into the Second World War would see the Authority define itself within world politics. The signing of the 1907 International Treaties on the Anomalous decades previous would act as a gateway for anomalous institutions across Europe to garner minor influence across the continent. Though intended as a charter for universal regulation across Europe for both occult agencies and later local institutions,24 the reliance of secrecy and a metaphorical public veil of knowledge would render portions of the provisions ineffective: impossible to regulate among smaller entities outside of government-sanctioned agencies. Few institutions—either prevalent, known by several heads of state, volunteering revealed or with international standing (such as the Authority)—were actively regulated under sanctions. With it,25 para-organizations would have a more direct connection to international governments.

Interference in international-governance would not come to the forefront until the 1920s. Spurred on by a mass influx of anomalous activity26 division among delegates of the League of Nations on the paranormal as well as the collapse of several major anomalous groups of interest before World War One established a power vacuum. Haphazard use of paraweaponry under Bolshevik forces, along with the doctrine of the seen destruction of all anomalies under the jurisdiction of the Weimar Republic, would see an unprecedented level of international interference of state government by the RPC Authority in decades. Relationships among politicians, nobles, and army personnel across Eurasia previously forsaken with the drafting of the Authority Agreement were re-established within governments.

By the 1930s, private affiliations among choice powers within Europe and abroad had been established between the Authority. These actions, paralleling the rise of several other groups, agreements between the remnants Kaiserreich and splintering Reichsokkultabteilung for the acquisition of several useful anomalies were made in private as terms of operation within Germany were being drafted. A result of this intervention had formed a stronger military culture within the Authority, the opinion of central command, and their ability to coordinate multiple sectors being more valued than local administrations.

By 1940, sweeping changes had nearly ravaged the Authority. Discovery of DAFA paraweaponry developments, following several months before the invasion of Poland in 1939, would lead to the forced relocation of Authority Assets to Northcom, Southcom, and Africom territories. The establishment of RAVAAF, as well as various independent guerrilla campaigns operated by the Authority done in hopes of reclaiming multiple facilities not outright dismantled by the Nazi Reich, would stretch resources and their workforce thin.


Fig. 7.1 Front-cover of the //Revised Conventions of the Absconditum Protectoris.

Surrounded by hostile forces, in an attempt to secure Authority Assets from raids in both Europe and newfound territory Project Reawakening would be established.27 Collaborating with the Ecclesia Gnostica of the Golden Dawn,28 by June of 1941, focus had shifted to the creation of "The Six Arrows and Three Points of Triumph." The binding primarily consisted of cuneiform script and six arrows; three arrows that pointed inward, symbolizing the control established by participants, and three arrows pointed outward, indicating the release of negative energy from the contained subject. Additionally, members of the Ecclesia Gnostica explained that these represented trinities in themselves; thus, the symbol itself was a "Triumvirate of Trinities'' or a recursion of deific energies. Project Reawakening's main function was research ontokinetic, higher-order entities. These preparatory measures were in response to metaphysical anomalies introduced to the European theater.

Though highly experimental, charms and seals woven into the binding were designed to cull consequential eschatological entities, especially in locations that were directly affected by paraweaponry activation. Direct application of prototype bindings proved ineffective on anomalous humanoids like the Howlers. Assessment of the symbol's use in categorical containment filtered its potential reach to a small yet highly volatile/dangerous group of anomalies.

The binding was theorized to provide a wider range of evocations and research within the field of occultism. Various occultic texts allowed Senior Paraphysician Janus Springfield to utilize the symbol as a "waypoint" to funnel previously unknown electromagnetic wavelengths.


Fig. 7.2 Janus Springfield.

In August, terror attacks in London escalated, and a strategic bombing performed by the 8th Air Corps (Fliegerkorps) had obliterated the London compound in which both clandestine organizations operated within. None of the official documents and archaeological implements were recovered. However, sketches of the original "Inverted Providence" were retained.

In the aftermath, personnel from both the Authority and the Ecclesia Gnostica retained little understanding/experience on the original research that formed the Inverted Providence. Memetic and psychotronic screenings showed no signs of outside interference—with scholars debating the nature of this memory-loss (whether purposeful or accidental) to this day.

By September of 1943, a brief cease-fire was declared. A gestalt entity formed by numerous rodents arose from the sewers of Vichy-controlled Paris. The entity was a carrier for an invasive pathogen, which killed upwards of hundreds of combatants and non-combatants alike—aided by Otto Ambros,29 the Authority administered a modified concoction of odorless fluid and aerosols via aircraft. Concurrent to this, a formation of mobile transport vehicles painted with the Inverted Providence established a semi-circular perimeter around quarantined regions, restricting the entity's mobility: Resulting in the total pacification of the entity and subsequent deaths of infected individuals.30

The efficiency of the symbol did not go unnoticed by the Directorate. By December, the Authority accepted a proposal to change the Scutum Fidei to the Inverted Triangle. Deemed a form of apotropaic31 contingency, the symbol began syndication in late-winter, under the Springfield-Koestler motion.


Fig. 7.3 Early silhouette variant drafted by Springfield."

Designated the "Inverted Providence," the design (as drafted by Springfield) would not be officiated until 1947. Loosely based on the initial "The Six Arrows and Three Points of Triumph," three of the six main arrows would represent the newfound objective of the modern Authority: Duty towards, "confinement within; upheld secrecy of our organization's veil." The corners of a triangle symbolized all major divisions of the Authority and their outward devotion to the cause. The center would come to represent unity through cooperation and the end goal.

Part of the 1947 Internal Reorganization, it would prove to be one of the Board's most controversial change to date. Official publications, with the reclamation of multiple facilities pillaged under DAFA, would characterize the emblem as the face for a "New Authority" outlined by internal restructuring.

Nicknamed the "Trimangle" by disgruntled personnel, a sizeable portion of the Authority would come to resent the change. Ranking officers, experienced officials, RAVAAF volunteers, and veteran staff alike refused to acknowledge the change: Viewing the event as the logical extreme of the Anti-Papal Reform. Numerous minor facilities32 would outright abstain from using the symbol in favor of the Scruptum Fidei.

…Our shield was a sad remnant from a bygone era of Catholic dogmas and puritanical restrictions on information. Had the Authority remained ignorant of "heretical" texts, "The Night of Rats" would have posed a significant threat to normalcy. My dear colleagues, I ask you what then? Would the world die overnight not from regional powers, not from tanks or planes, not from men, but coughing fits?
…Our organization must remain vigilant and, most importantly, expedient in the European theatre. Originally, the Inverted Providence had been symbolic of reformation. Now? It is to be our shield through the fire and blood.
Research. Protect. Contain.
~ Excerpt from proposal by J.S.

"Neo-Inverted Providence"

Section 08: 1952 - 1968


Expanding regional policy and administrations over local administration, coupled with a shifting priority to strengthen a top-down command structure, would leave more conservative personnel of the Authority disenfranchised. For as much as the Authority had influenced the Second World Wars, the war had continued to influence the Authority. Research would remain neutral throughout the affair. Among the Protection Division,33 the Internal Reorganization of 1947 would find the bulk of its support among individual personnel. Contrary, the Containment Division, who had enjoyed minimal prosperity among the ladder traditions and autonomy of the Auctoritas and century previous, would find the most backlash.

In 1955, The Department of Internal Affairs (DoIA) launched a detailed investigation on persons within the Authority, tipped-off by anonymous testimonies and suspicious financial allocations. Headed by Stephen Stoklasa, the investigatory body mainly focused their efforts on Janus Springfield. Notably, the latter had become increasingly over reclusive several months following the official mandate. Furthermore, this behavior was believed to be the result of an information leak that had transpired due to seniority / informal alliances made outside of Authority purview.

In June of 1959, the Department of Engineering (DoE) and Administrative Head Brian Simmons conducted an audit on multiple sites, citing safety concerns and outdated infrastructure as his main concerns. Over 208 construction projects were initiated during this period. Under new administrative mandates, severe budget cuts were imposed on the DPA, in favor of more pragmatic and practical solutions that could be resolved with other departments. The memo "Liberation of Dogmas" saw the deregulation and retraction of numerous practices found to be ineffective in preserving esoteric anomalies. Additionally, expansions to the DoE were green-lit.


Fig. 8.1 Graphical representation. Redacted text as per the Authority Information Control Act.

Under sweeping reform changes, much of the Administration's infrastructure and technology received updates. The Authority emblem removed the inner triangle and pulled back the arrows at the center to provide more space in the interim to represent these changes: Symbolizing freedom in mobility and opportunities for improvement.

Concurrent to this was the attempt to digitize and streamline paper documentation into advanced Integrated Database Systems. As computers developed in speed and flexibility, Global Director Brian Simmons deduced the need for a more stable architecture for information storage. He reasoned that as containment breaches increased, physical documentation would primarily become insufficient as it was subject to damages.

This action would indirectly incur severe budget cuts to the already obsolete Directorate of Parapsychological Analysis; as such, the unit was disbanded in early-May.

Congruent, Authority diplomacy and alliance would sporadically shift throughout the latter half of the 1940s and early 1950s. Due to internal strife amidst reorganization, by 1951, the Ecclesia Gnostica of the Golden Dawn had officially disorganized. Members, among other files and projects, not grandfathered into the Directorate of Parapsychological Analysis Analysis were never located; This would leave the Authority the only major, nongovernmental anomalous-organization within the UK over the next two decades. New relationships were pursued; however, with stable contact being maintained with both MI-IIX and growing interests within the Nu Corporation began to take root.

Internally, however, the Authority remained divided. Structural and departmental changes mark a significant disconnect between both local and regional officials: Of medium relevance would be the introduction of the "Inverted Providence" as the official emblem of the Authority preceding 1947. Insubordination among select ranks, akin to mass reassignment, resignations, and budgetary disputes, was prevalent over the implementation of several major reforms. Moreover, the surrounding controversy over the official logo would remain pressing. Various staff had pointed to the many policies implemented to quote, "strengthen the Authority and professionalism thereafter," as erasing the very history maintained within the Authority Agreement.

Janus Springfield, who spearheaded both the reorganization, petitioned the Board to stay steadfast through the discourse. As a compromise, the Regional Directors would implement a series of pullback policies to weaken the direst reforms under Board supervision: Rolling back the influence of several new or merged departments. By June of 1952, Component Architect Noé Morel would begin work on redesigning the Providence over four months during his oversight of the relocation of Site-028. Under the co-direction of several Chief Engineers, with feedback given from Springfield, by late October, the design was refined: The arrows (now unconnected at the center) more angular, the bulge of each corner now disconnected from the triangle to better resemble that of the Scutum Fidei.34

Under direct approval by each member of the Regional Command and associated advisors, the redesign was approved by December of that year—officiated by the Board in late February. Though skeptical at first, Morel was able to convince several sites to adopt the new logo under the support of the newly appointed Northern Commander ████ █████—all without direct action having to be taken.

The Co-occupation of the German Empire by both Soviet and Allies would deter Authority influence within the region. Though most WESTCOM and EASTCOM facilities seized under DAFA were reclaimed under RAVAAF oversight, coverage of Soviet division35 and advancing Allied interference was determined to be a threat to exposing the Authority to the public. In one incident, a clandestine library in Leipzig received a copy of the Nag Hammadi scriptures from an anonymous donation. Found within was a dedication. Richard Kuhn (an Austrian-German biochemist and Senior Researcher at Site-52) was found anomalously reconfigured in his bedroom after his death in-battle during 1943. A team of diggers had to penetrate the side-wall of the bedroom as segments of bloated viscera blocked the entrance and windows. Notably, termination of Mr. Kuhn was deemed impossible as his cells were resistant to death. A standard misinformation campaign ensued.

For the executioners at Barbès-Rochechouart,36 who made us daydream about symbols; their arrows have become ours.

By 1949, all facilities within German territory considered either unveiled among the ranks of DAFA (and larger NASDAP Party Officials) or too close to the civilian populous or occupational aid were to be abandoned.37 Territories and assets regarded as safe for reclamation were reestablished under heavy precautions. The reconstruction of sites throughout France, Italy, Nordic Europe would remain a high priority through the mid-20th century. Between 1945 to 1959, Authority and UNAAC liaisons recruited ████ chemists, biologists, and engineers under Operation Paperclip, and bestowed new identities to them.38 Official medical documentation that detailed their involvement was seized from Nuremberg representatives and purged.

Fig. 8.2 The Ivory Providence


A ceremonial emblem used to honor personnel having died on the job. The aesthetic change signified two things; atonement and mourning towards the ultimate sacrifice and purity through duty. (circa. 1880 - 1963)


Though the Scutum Fidei was phased out by the Inverted Providence, the emblem prior would still see use. Primarily between the 1960s and 1980s, the Nota Scutum Fidei would be included throughout multiple departments, and pieces of Authority iconography, design, and architecture. Tradition, held commonly among all of the central departments of the Authority, would keep the logo alive the most.

Viewed as a past symbol of sacrifice (guarding against forces unknowable), the Fidei would be especially popular among the Protection Division: With variations featured in multiple ceremonial metals of on-duty bravery. The Research Division would come to associate the symbol among their senior-divisional administration: A characteristic of unyielding curiosity in the face of adversity. Containment, the most conservative of the three, would utilize the zeitgeist surrounding the emblem in all capacities from documentation, to floor-planning, to everyday equipment.

"Upend Spheric"

Section 09: 1964 - 1980


In 1969, the Department of Humanoid Trafficking (DoHT) observed a distinct pattern that occurred over 31 serial murders, 11 terror attacks, and eight ethnic conflicts throughout Europe. In late August, they released a 56-page report titled the "Atrocity Amalgam." It cited the peculiarities found in crime-scenes, which often included images similar to bindings found in prototype manuscripts predating Project Reawakening. In lieu of concrete evidence, members of the Board asserted that this correlation, in conjunction with the destruction of Site-092, provided enough justification to return to the outdated shield motif. The motion failed by one vote.

Stephen Stoklasa (DoIA Head) would implement a series of systematic changes through the Clear Skies initiative. The initiative primarily addressed amnesticized civilians who retained memories and even latent coherency alteration properties. Stoklasa, citing the Site-092 calamity and spontaneous infighting between anomalous communities within the past decade, would have the initiative approved by the Board. The emblem was changed yet again to reflect this new era of consistency and internal cohesion by eschewing the arrow design for interconnected lines. Secondary parameters included the acquisition and liaison with the United States Intelligence Community. Stoklasa's actions would allow the Authority preliminary access to records kept on organized crime concerning the anomalous.

Under Operation Gaslight, Stephen Stoklasa maneuvered MST Quebec-52, MST India-87, and MST Hotel-237 in the capture of several noteworthy humanoids throughout the cities of Detroit, Pennsylvania, New York City, and Philadelphia. These humanoids were able to leave psychological imprints and psychotronic hazards on items or persons they had touched. They used their abilities for racketeering, mob-related murders, arson, sex trafficking, and other criminal activities. As a side-effect, the term "reality bender," which was originally used as an ad hoc categorization for humanoids capable of disturbing localized coherency levels, was popularized due to its frequent usage in documented cases. Most of the damages to houses and cars as a result of the conflicts preceding containment were unrecognized or flatly ignored by the mainstream media. Indeed, the media spotlighted the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa (an ex-boss for the IBT labor union).40

From 1970 to 1974, the Global Directorate would pass a series of proposals with the sole purpose of avoiding incidents similar to the Site-092 calamity, the conclusion of Operation Gaslight. Isolationist policies would be put into effect until 1976, limiting Authority contact and cooperation with separate paranormal organizations. Nucorp Industries, following the recent conclusion of the Battle Carrier Project in 1975, was struck by these policies when new sanctions were placed upon its production of paratechnology, which would only get more strict in the coming months. As a result of this, many Nucorp personnel protested the Authority's stance on international parapolitics. Dr. Anong Wattana, an experienced Nucorp researcher, would go on to propose that the company distance itself from the Authority to expand its influence without being restricted. Fearing a company shut down as a result of the proposed de facto separation, Wattana's proposal was largely ignored by investors.

Later that same year, a new sanction was brought down on Nucorp Industries, which forbade it from supplying products to other allies and ambiguous Groups/Agencies of Interest without approval from the Authority itself. In a 1976 Board Conference, the Head of Nucorp Industries (whose identity cannot be disclosed at this time) officially announced that Nucorp would refuse to supply the Authority with its wares until said restrictions were lifted. A consensus was never reached between the two parties, and as such, Nucorp Industries pulled its supply chain from 136 Sites on August 18th, 1977. Later that same year, Nucorp would begin doing business with the Global Enterprise for Advanced Research (GEAR) and would begin establishing trade agreements with its facilities. Information on GEAR facilities is still withheld from the Authority by Nucorp today.


Fig. 9.1 Professor Liesl Ricmod with his cat (circa. 1955).41

In July of 1977, a veiled conference42 was held by Malthusians hailing from Europe. The most prominent sect, the Ricmod school43 had held an open forum in Sofia, Bulgaria, where ASF personnel were openly allowed to observe and participate. Hundreds of Malthusians, all of whom were taught under pacifist sects, came to the conference. Dr. Wattana had been invited to speak that day. After the gathering ended, several Ricmodist scientists reportedly established ties with Nucorp. This kicked off a brief period of tension between the Authority and Nucorp. The Administration Division believed that, by associating itself and openly working with Ricmodist researchers, Nucorp was opening itself up to more hostile GoIs. As Nucorp distanced itself more and more from the Authority, it drifted closer to GEAR and Ricmodism.

The Maintenance Union and Engineering Component took note of this. Because most of the Containment Division's paratechnology was sourced from Nucorp at the time, protests emerged at several Sites across Europe and North America. Many Containment personnel threatened to leave the Authority entirely due to poor pay. The Board had two choices: keep distancing the Authority from other groups to protect its interests, or open itself back up and make amends with Nucorp.

On the 3rd of June, 1977, Site-142 declared a strike, whereas personnel refused to participate in ongoing projects. As this site contained no hazardous anomalies (at the time), Site Director Holmes of Site-142 deemed it appropriate for the strike to occur. Most personnel stationed on-site were a part of the Union. ASF personnel were sent to re-open the Site and negotiate with the protesters. The strike was quickly ended when one of the agents was attacked by Linda Crawford, an ex-engineer, who had enlisted in the Containment Division three years prior. Linda had stored a handful of steel bolts in a sock and swung it like a mace at the ASF agent's head. The agents were wearing very little protective armor on the assumption that no violent conflict would take place. Vincent Mikes, the victim of this attack, only suffered minor bruising on his left ear and temple. Linda Crawford was apprehended by a group of Unionists and transported to Site-193, where she was amnesticized and relieved of her authorization. The strike at Site-142 ended soon after. This event is commonly referred to as the "1977 Clubbing Fiasco" among personnel.

Following the protests, the Directorate decided that the Authority's isolationist stance had done it a disservice in recent years. A Board Conference was held in Brussels in August of 1978, where the restrictive policies were nullified before the UNAAC and allies. The Board then formally apologized to Nucorp. In July of 1978, the joint Authority-Nucorp Coalition was launched for the second time, under the agreement that Nucorp would be allowed to associate with groups of interest that did not threaten the UNAAC or veil's existence. Nucorp gained far greater autonomy than it had experienced in nearly a century. Its business ventured with GEAR, as well as its cooperation with Ricmodist intellectuals, continues to this day.

"Basilisk's Providence"

Section 10: 1975 - 1980


Following the abolishing of isolationist policies in the Authority in 1978, production skyrocketed between the Containment Division and Nucorp. Surplus funds were reallocated to the Protection Division. For this reason, the Kierkegaard Armored Transport (KAT) was manufactured to transport MST into hazardous zones. Through extensive development and experimentation provided by the Research Division, the KAT's model settled on the usage of incongruent metallic alloys, which were rigged together to create a sophisticated vehicle.44

A containment breach occurred in Site-112, near a Containment Division manufacturing facility. The mobilization of KAT vehicles allowed MST India-52, Hotel-12, and Lima-99 to evacuate surviving personnel from the site and secure the region from a previously unknown, xenobiotic entity. It had managed to excise microscopic quantities of itself on old or recycled containment chamber glass, metals, and cement found within the facility. The event was later called "Bloody Wednesday."

A variant of the primary emblem was designed as a provisional design for subsidiaries of NuCorp/Authority. The decision of a 1980 Board meeting saw a new revision of the RPC Authority logo. The Directorate acknowledged the Research Division's heightened interest in esoteric paratechnology due to the influx of Containment-Nucorp resources. It was decided that the revision would incorporate the Dragon's Eye symbol into the logo, which would symbolize the pursuit of good using reality-bending technology. It was also to honor the late Dr. Basil "Basilisk" Pavlovsky, who had, in previous years, made leaps in the field of Occult Sciences and made several breakthroughs in humanity's knowledge of the supernatural.

Filed under the Development of Advanced Electronics Systems or DAES, this group procured professionals in the fields of para-engineering and computation. They were tasked with establishing a prototype network (which would eventually become the RPCAIntranet), developing a programming language (comparable to FORTRAN and C) and the production of RPC operating systems (locked behind fingerprint analytic monitors and eye-scanners).

In conjunction with this period, a collaboration between the Containment Division and Research Division successfully produced an adaptive biometrics system. The Containment Division provided ample organic, metamorphic, and telepathic humanoids for the Research Division to study in a controlled and safe environment. While these biometrics systems relied on DAES technologies and surpassed fingerprint recognition systems of the time, their application was limited and relegated to protecting the Board of Global Directors against kidnapping, espionage, and sabotage. Devices were installed in GD homes and places of work as a preventative measure against RCPA infiltrators.


Fig. 10.1 Humanoid-2 in containment.

Authority-GEAR relations were mostly positive during this time. A platitude of joint projects and agreements were met between the two organizations. GEAR had supplied the Containment Division with said anomalous humanoids with supervision from the Architect. Details on their origins were undisclosed by GEAR officials at the time.45 The humanoids were functionally domestic, ignoring most humans and rarely displaying anomalous abilities. These entities were given the impromptu designations "Humanoid-1" through "5."

Ricmodist academics took an interest in the Authority. A spike of Malthusian volunteers surged within the Authority Enlistment Forum (AEF) throughout the early 1980s. Ricmodists became somewhat of a prominent minority group within Authority ranks, not unlike personnel who adhere to various faiths.

On April 1st of 1980, an RCPA agent was captured attempting to invade Site-028, where the Humanoids were contained. He had attempted to set an array of bombs on the Site's subterranean level but was detected by one of the Humanoids, who broke containment and perused the intruder. The spy was apprehended and transported to an Authority criminal ward by MST Papa-83 ("Long Hand"). The agent's name was Stephan Baker. Authority Central Intelligence was able to extract crucial information from him.

The next day, the bombing of Site-017 was prevented. Two RCPA spies had broken into the site by assassinating and impersonating two researchers. MST Hotel-1 ("The Highlanders") attempted to capture the intruders. However, the RCPA agents escaped via a controlled spatial anomaly.

"Wells-Resurgence Providence"

Section 11: 1980 - 2004


After the past decade, advancements in efficiency and technology, along with changing standards and practices, would foster a culture of internal competitiveness. Due to increased informal trust and companionship between the Divisions and personnel, the emblem became a symbol of the decade and was called the "Resurgence."


Fig. 11.1 Authority title card used in a series of ASF Training Video. (circa. 1983)

The rise of commercial computers would propel greater interest in both digital file storage, moreover strengthening the internal agreements between the Authority and the Nu Corporation. The group to benefit the greatest from these discoveries being the Containment Division. Spearheaded under cooperation by the Engineering Component, Maintenance Union, and parts of the Authority Central Intelligence (ACI), internal security was enhanced with the mass installation of site-wide internal databases.46 Gate fail-locks, remote failsafe detonations, along with mass storage of registered phenomena files became rather prevalent during this era.

To this end, the Emblem change would partially reflect logo trends of the early 1980s with the use of symmetrical geometry to trick the eye of the viewer to give it a distinct appearance. The altercation of the previous Authority Emblem, proposed by Westcom Regional Secretary Jacob Wells, would showcase the intent to a renewed dedication towards site security through regional oversight: The notably popular "Dragon's Eye" design having been expanded upon to resemble that of a cage.

Subsequently, multiple RCPA infiltrators had been captured and detained due to this heightened sense of organization. Dr. Severin Carlson, previously the Site Director of Site-067, proposed a highly experimental project surrounding the research, creation, and utilization of a CMAV-based47 artificial intelligence specializing in the detection of RCPA spies. Project Peregrine, as Carlson called it, was swiftly denied by the Office of Analysis and Science (OAS) by ten votes.

Moreover, research personnel would see more continuous innovation. By 1977, developments in computing would be applied across multiple fields of study in the research of phenomena: Particularly, data-collection. Modified seismograms, meteorology centers, and radar systems were resurrected across Authority facilities to detect irregularities better.


Fig. 11.2 The chip containing MIAA-001 installed within Site-777's Deep Info-well (circa. 2015).

Interest in anomalous AIs would resurface in 1983 due to the Soviet Union's reaction to the Able Archer 83 exercise performed by NATO. The Authority saw the USSR's fortification of eastern Europe as a sign of an impending nuclear war. The Directorate voted to resurrect Project Peregrine under a new name, Project Alfalfa, led by Dr. Connie Scholz. The project aimed to create a universal identity authentication software using CMAV paratechnology. The resulting prototype software engine created by Scholz's team was MIAA-001/Scholz-Alfalfa, which would never be implemented within the RPCAIntranet due to concerns from GD-08 and GD-10 that the AI's utilization could arouse suspicion from the UNAAC, as well as set a bad precedent among other paranormal organizations.

MIAA-001 would be contained within Site-777's Deep Info-well, where the program remains today. MIAA-001 is scheduled for destruction in 2022.

On May 6th, 1984, a subterranean RCPA stronghold was discovered in Austria. A day prior, a sinkhole had formed in the now-nonexistent village of Suasa. Reports of anomalous activity followed with MST Delta-17 ("Babylon Five") being sent to investigate. They were met with heavy fire from the base. MST Delta-17 managed to escape without losing any of its members, and when word of the RCPA base reached the nearby Site-019, three battle-ready MSTs were sent to bring the agents into Authority custody, dead or alive.

The "Battle of Suasa" lasted for four days and four nights, with both sides experiencing heavy casualties. As it turned out, Suasa had a majority of Malthusians living in it. The citizens were evacuated and held in Site-019 until the conflict ceased. The Union, due to its close relationship with Malthusians as a result of Nucorp's association with the Ricmond school, invested heavily in equipment used by MST units in the battle. Soon, paratechnology was introduced to oppose the RCPA. Bioweapons designed by Malthus were found to be particularly unstable. The cooperation between Divisions during the Battle of Suasa was unheard of at the time. After the conflict concluded, 28 RCPA agents had been arrested and interrogated, leading to the subsequent acquisitions of a plethora of fleeing invaders as well as RCPA technology. Bombs were then discovered underneath Site-028, which were deactivated and confiscated. They were found to be of RCPA origin. The ruins of Suala were covered up as being the direct result of the sinkhole, and the villagers were amnesticized and released.

In 1985 a referendum was held, where the Resurgence Providence was voted for the official logo of the RPC Authority. The symbol was designed by Leith Earls in 1982 to symbolize each Division working hand-in-hand. Nevertheless, the emblem, proposed in years prior, had gained popularity during 1984 and 1985.

By the late 1980s and early 1990s, average coherency levels began to drop prominently within the North American Continent over the coming years. Though approximately a fourth of the increased present within data of the titled "the Anomaly Boom," it would take place during nearly an eighth of the time. Primarily at Sites-014, 028, 056, and 088, high ranking officers of the Authority Security Force (ASF), the Authority Central Intelligence, as well as a significant proportion of ontological and theological research personnel, would raise concern to Local Management on the issue.

Tensions between the lower levels of the Site Administration would go unnoticed by the higher echelons of command, however. Most administrative leaders of the Regional Command Office felt as if the uptick, while irregular, was of no concern. Similarly, 'debate between Senior Researchers of the Bureau of Acquisition (BoA) and the Office of Analysis and Science (OAS) would gain traction, with a series of emails between Head Viverdic Curator of Site-014 Junneth Bates and Bart Hobbs would soon break out to a war of appeals between Site Administration. Divots in general coherency over the Americas, primarily throughout the 1950s and 60s, were common and would quickly dissipate over within the following years—albeit, both never to this magnitude and significantly more present within South America.

Tensions would accumulate until 1993. By April 3rd, Northern Command (NORTHCOM) was notified in the report Of the Changing NCCB scans of Northern America and the Inherent Risks Involved. The efforts of this appeal, aided by Assistant Secretary Micheal Brows, would be dispensed to Regional Management at large: Reaching multiple high ranking Officers and Assistant Directors of both Central Command and Minor Officials of Divisional Leadership. Within the first month of the report's publication, it gained sizable prominence- reluctant debate amongst the higher echelon of Authority High Command began almost.

An excerpt from the report is as follows:48

OIRS Analyst Alek Yahontov, one of the few Site-014 contacts that contacted us, was able to pinpoint several areas of interest within the data logs accurately. (Jacob Wells would later verify these findings.) … From October 2, 1987, to June 12, 1992, a clear path of progress for lowering coherency levels was established. From early on in the graph, all downturn progression had taken the form of outliers that by 1988 had shown to be a clear progression of a pattern. By May of 1988, this downdraught had begun to solidify until gradual deceleration had been established in 1989 formally.
… Several hotspots of decreased coherency have been identified as being possible sources for said lost coherency. … including Toronto, Edmonton, and Whitehorse (within Canada), Saint Antero, FlintTown, Columbus, and Charlotte (within the US), San Luis Potosí, Tijuana, and the stretch of Baja California (within Mexico). This information was later cross-referenced with the reported sightings and acquisition of several high profile anomalies.
… It must be stated that downturns in regional coherency, barring continental, are nothing new. Even sizable deceleration with reality has been proven to a natural occurrence. Yet, with an area of this scope and magnitude remains unprecedented. … Though similar patterns of relative coherency have been identified by scans as late as 1950, the progression of these spheres of influence has only expanded while funding for NCCB facilities has been drastically declining.
~ Junneth Bates.

From 1994 to 1996, the debate would erupt drastically among personnel: No longer obscure nor a personal matter, the discussion would be held across the entirety of the Authority.

"Hobb-Wells Variant"

Section 12: 1995 - Now



Authority foreign policy would take a more invasive approach as concerns of the North America Coherency Crisis turned to irrationality. The summer of 1995 would see an influx of dangerous anomalies entities and objects on the American-Mexican Gulf. While Authority involvement was minimal, investigation years prior had revealed an increased presence of sections of the Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Homeland Security. Rumors that the US government was beginning to use anomalies for militaristic and personal benefit. Regional Director Henry Jobb had ordered a series of reforms to combat the unstable condition of the Regions. Among them were the Authority Coherency Stabilization Commission (ASCS),49 a 30-40% budget increase to all NCCB facilities and related assets, and the creation of the Authority Central Intelligence's Covert Personnel Program (CPP).50

The program would allow for Authority Agents to be embedded within the military, police forces, choice businesses under investigation, local government, and a multitude of political institutions in mass. The process of putting Authority agents undercover within an area of inquiry was a common practice by then. However, the CPP differed in their operatives being more permanent- often with the purpose of intelligence, or to protect organizational interests and influence. Even though most of these missions were passive, there were a few more "active" missions resulting in a confrontation with the US forces.

These internal changes would create an internal culture of operational-autonomy from external powers, and semi-hostility to AoIs that would be maintained within the decade to come. Investigations, while providing beneficial Reports of the situation, would only see relative normality to the rest of North America until January 1st of 1996: Coherency stabilizing to rating consistent with the rest of the world until the year 2001.

February 19th, 1996, would mark the 42nd UNAAC Member Summit. Under the International Anomalous Accords Terms and Conditions, multiple minor documents would be submitted to the ruling council by the OIRS.

The aforementioned "Hobb-Wells'' Variation would be popularized years before the efforts of Senior OAS Director Bart Hobbs. Though not entirely the most drastic change, the variation of the former Wells Era logo would first come to prominence in an "official" capacity use would be during the Authority.OS Version 9.12 release by March of 1994—acting as the default wallpaper. By December of 1995, Hobbs would have been officialized as a variant.

Nicknamed the "Hobb-Wells Logo," it displayed a modified version of the previous logo missing all text.51 Though not revolutionary, 1945 would mark the first instance in which the variation was officially used to represent the Authority to outside parties.

By August 6, 1997, Korean Air Flight 801 crashed when a large anomalous animal reported looking similar to the long-existing Microraptor bit into a piece of the plane's rightmost wing. The aircraft crashed on Nimitz Hill, killing 164 of the 254 people aboard. The civilians encountered a multitude of Dinosauriforme like creatures. That killed 65 of the remaining survivors. The remaining 25 survivors were found by the United States Navy Commander Naval Forces Marianas(or Comnavmarianas for short). The survivors reported the incident and were amnestied and released. Afterward, the Marianas wished to terminate the entities. Embedded agents caught wind of this and reported said information. As there were already wanted anomalous at the base, this served as a greater reason to raid the Comnavmarianas. An attempt to secure the anomalies before termination was conducted, resulting in the loss of ███ Authority forces but the successful capture of most of the entities.

Seeing as the Authority was being invoked in more espionage operations during this era, militarized personnel and spies requested for the Directorate to increase funding for the CPP and the permission to expand their missions into other countries. The request was denied for being too large of an investment for a nonpriority program.

The Hobb-Wells Logo would also see several significant inclusions. By September of 1997, the Hobb-Wells Logo would be featured on that year's Authority-UNAAC Summit paperwork, and again on both the renewed contracts with NuCorp in 2001. The Office of Information, Records, and Security (OIRS) and the Department of Human Resources (OHR) would include the logo within terminals and paperwork, both digital and physical, as well as a series of educational videos. The revamp had proven a success.

Though not replacing the initial design, the popularity of the Hobb-Wells Logo would challenge that of the official variant: Its impact on the Authority subtle.

After an 8-month mission confirming they were planning on poisoning the water supply in East St. Louis, Illinois with an anomalous virus, on February 23, 1998 members of white supremacist group TNO Dennis McGiffen, Glenn Lavelle Lowtharp, Wallace Weicherding, Ralph P. Bock, Karl C. Schave, and Daniel Rick were all caught without incident. On April 4th, this and multiple other successes in the field made the Directorate reconsider the requests made in 1997. This success gave the CCP the funds necessary to expand into other countries, including Russia, Iran, Iraq, and North Korea.

"Inverted-Cage Abstract"

Section 13: 2004 - Now


By 2004, the War in Afghanistan remained of particular interest to numerous officials of Eurasian Command. Leaked intelligence revolving global powers involving the stockpiling of anomalous weaponry, with blueprints on newer iterations underway, was intercepted by Central Intelligence Operatives. This forced the Authority to take a more militaristic approach and pushed its coverage to war-ridden areas. To this end, Mobile Specialized Teams and Authority Security Units were interspersed among regional, feuding powers in an attempt to suppress anomalous interference.

After reports of accidental friendly fire from on-field personnel during missions, on April 7th, the colors on the Authority logo are swapped to make it easier to identify. This change was unofficial and only applied to operatives on the field until four months later. When on August 18th, 2004, it was officially turned into the Authority logo because it was more aesthetically pleasing. The current logo is born.

A bureaucratic decision endorsed by several Regional Directors, the decision would be made to give the Authority a more minimalist approach. Despite this, the change would primarily be featured on Authority Terminals and work computers with the 0a.21 update, with minor uses including both that of newly branded Authority vehicles and most para-technology by 2010.

Due to a changing landscape of political strife echoed across the globe before 2001, personnel of all rank within the Authority began to question the legitimacy of extensive interference within global politics. Comprehensive policies made in previous years were justified to ensure the Authority's ability to effectively extradite anomalous activity while safeguarding Authority's capabilities into the next century. However, departments began to fear the shift in focus, which was conveyed as a veiled attempt at influencing the global stage. Others believed expansionism left the Authority open to influences abroad.

In April 23rd, 2003, surveillance networks captured temporal disturbances that correlated with terrorist attacks occurring in Tehran, Iran. Shifts included Authority data servers recording time zone configurations to idiosyncrasies uncovered within contemporary historical documentation (see auxiliary compilation on the Misinformation Effect). Interrogations of captured terrorists revealed to be Sufist mystics, cells revealed critical locations; at the epicenter of a Mosque, an extratemporal anomaly had manifested in the appearance of a geometric torus. Detailed recordings indicate this area was where a "blood" contract had been penned with a non-corporeal entity.52 The extent of these alterations to baseline reality are unknown. However, the Global Directorate lauded the CPP and expanded coverage of Authority reach in the discovery, containment, and information suppression of wide-scale anomalous influences.

The following was a public announcement released by the Department of Human Resources to all known facilities.

"Inverted-Cage Abstract"

Section 14: 2004 - Now


A return to form for the Authority. By 2004, the War in Afghanistan remained of particular interest to numerous officials of Eurasian Command. Leaked intelligence The Authority that the global powers involved had a stockpile of anomalous weaponry, with blueprints on newer iterations underway. This forced the Authority to take a more militaristic approach and pushed its coverage to war-ridden areas. To this end, Mobile Strike Teams and Authority Security Units were interspersed among regional, feuding powers in an attempt to suppress anomalous interference.

After reports of accidental friendly fire from on-field personnel during missions, on April 7th the colors on the Authority logo are swapped to make it easier to identify. This change was unofficial and only applied to operatives on the field until 4 months later. When it was officially turned into the Authority logo because it was more aesthetically pleasing. The current logo is born.

A bureaucratic decision endorsed by several Regional Directors, the decision would be made to give the Authority a more minimalist approach. Despite this, the change would primarily be featured on Authority Terminals and work computers with the 0a.21 update, with minor uses including both that of newly branded Authority vehicles and most para-technology by 2010.

Due to a changing landscape of political strife echoed across the globe prior to 2001, personnel of all rank within the Authority began to question the legitimacy of extensive interference within global politics. Expansive policies made in years previous were justified to ensure the Authority's ability to effectively extradite anomalous activity while safeguarding Authority's capabilities into the next century. However, fears began to arise that a changing focus away from the anomalous investigation of some departments was either thinly veiled, and influence centric at best and at worst left the Authority open to influence itself.

The most notable example being in 2003. Reports from the CPP confirmed an increase in anomalous activity from terrorist forces in Iran. The anomalous activity involved the attempted summoning of demons or “Jin”. The Authority in an attempt to suppress it, directly attacked the forces and specific terrorists involved. This increased Authority interference in the war at large by very little but stopped most summoning attempts. Despite Authority efforts, few demons were successfully utilized by terrorist forces. The largest of these successful attacks were the 2003 Shiraz bombing and a 2004 convoy bombing. Thankfully these incidents were successfully suppressed in the media.

By early 2004, most leading Marshalls of Joint-Regional command had come to an agreement; opposition turning to the majority opinion. Past incidences of botched Global Involvement, on top of defunding of primary anomalous endeavors, had left the Authority susceptible to being unveiled. Among Divisional Leadership, it was decided to restructure the internal focus back to anomalous acquisition and study of several departments.

Between 2004 and 2005, involvement within global politics would be greatly diminished, as disarmament campaigns would see a substantial portion of both Protection and Containment personnel reassigned to internal security and infrastructure. This refocus, while not universal, would send ripple effects across the Authority.

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