» Office of the Directorate «

Aliases: Ringleader

Ringleader during a visit to his home town
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Bosnian
Height: 199cm
Weight: 103kg
Birthplace: Gradiška, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Date of Birth: 13th of October 1972.
Enlistment Date: CSD enlistment from the beginning of August 1995, full enlistment starting on the 10th of September 2005.
Education History:
- Elementary school (1979-1987)
- Unidentified amount of education through interacting with Site-009 prisoners (1995-2005)
- Including but not limited to learning Systema1 and other martial arts, the Russian language, calligraphy and armour decoration.
- Self-taught Russian Literature (1999-Onwards)
Occupational History:
- Assistant to his father in the family mechanic shop (1978-1992)
- Bouncer at local night club (1990-1992)
- Served under the command of General Ratko Mladić in the Yugoslav People’s Army (1992-1995)
- Convicted on the charge of assisting in an attack against a small village of non-combatants in the area and the murder of an UN Blue Helmet.
Operational History:
- Served his sentence as an Authority involuntary disposable personnel asset in Site-009 (1995-2005)
- During his time as an L3-CSD he became the founder and leader of a prominent CSD prisoner gang.
- Used extreme violence to enforce peace between CSD and other prisoners, decreasing the quantity of violent incidents.
- Struck several backroom deals that decreased the number of CSD-related incidents, as well as helped in creating a “volunteer” based experimentation cycle that ensured a much greater level of compliance in tests involving CSD.2
- Small fight between Ringleader’s gang member and another CSD prisoner escalates into a full-on CSD revolt and escape attempt which finally ends in a catastrophic containment breach. (2001)
- During the breach, Ringleader returned repeatedly into the Site against ASF orders to rescue CSD and Authority personnel.
- Disbanded his gang once control was regained over the Site.
- Actively worked towards lowering his CSD Level through good behaviour and volunteering for experimentation. (2001-2013)
- Worked together with IB-2353 to create multiple new and optimal orientation classes for L1 and L2 CSD.
- Improved L1 CSD and Maintenance relations through monthly cooperative Site sanitations.
- Was responsible for 17 separate research breakthroughs due to his volunteer work, despite 5 resulting in minor and 2 in major injuries on his side.
- Completed the Authority Induction program and assigned as an IB-235 ASF Officer (2006-2008)
- Dramatically decreased CSD related incidents through acting as the middleman between the prisoners and the Authority Security Force.
- Steadily promoted through ASF ranks (2013-2017)
- Updated and upgraded the psychological evaluation process through coordination with the Psychology department and C&D Acquisitions.
- Designed a universally applicable patrol technique based on the coordination of all available ASF departments within a Site.
- Worked alongside Containment armorers to design a lighter and more effective riot suit.
- Temporarily suspended after assaulting a visiting UNAAC diplomat (2017)
- Acted as a L4 Containment security consultant for EASCTOM, WESTCOM AND ASIACOM Sites and Areas (2017-2023)
- Published “Three keys and a bell”, a book that discussed and analysed the Containment techniques and practices of multiple isolated sites, some of which started being utilised within major ones.
- Encouraged and organised multiple meetings between higher and lower level staff, one of which lead to the invention of the non-lethal videric-based “Constrictor” riot foam.
- Volunteered for three separate Individual Augmentee deployments alongside Echo-73 “The Bastards” and Echo-9 “Toy Soldiers”. (2019-2022)
- Met Echo-73 Commander Helga R. during his first deployment and later married her.
- Honourably discharged earlier during his deployment alongside Echo-9 due to sustaining a heavy injury.
- Cited as the reason for joining the Individual Augmentee program by 117 separate personnel.
Painfully stubborn, unabashedly blunt, and suicidally loyal to anyone he calls a friend and ally, Ringleader has carved his way from the deepest depths of the Authority and shown himself to be one of Containment’s most wilful and competent. Often underestimated due to his background and poor education, his iron will and brazen transparency have either won over or whittled down many of those who spoke with him.
Born to a mechanic in the Gradiška, Ringleader had already been introduced to a very turbulent and dark world. His oldest memories were always of his father toiling away at a piece of machinery so it was no surprise that he was capable to assist him almost from the moment he was able to walk and talk. He made his first custom bike at the age of seven, and although he outgrew it throughout the years it stayed hanging on the mechanic shop wall. Forsaking further education in favour of continuing to work with engines and machines, he had a falling out with his parents due to his wish to join the army during the ‘90s wars.
After joining the war, Ringleader worked under General Ratko Mladić in the fight against Muslims in the Bosnian territories. His personal climax during the war began with the capture of multiple UN Blue Helmets after the threat of NATO bombings – during the capture, several unofficial documentation and clues revealed a stream of ammo and weapons being smuggled to the Muslim forces by the Blue Helmets. Most concerningly, a repeat reference to a non-specific weapon was pointed out and a unit, among who was Ringleader and two UNAAC Blue Helmets, was deployed to identify the possible threat.
What was found that among the weaponry, unidentified anomalous thaumaturgic material and literature was given to Muslim fighters that allowed them to channel “Djinns” through their bodies. Ringleader’s unit suffered heavy casualties during the night that followed, including one of the UN Blue Helmets that accompanied him. He gathered the remaining members of his unit, the last UNAAC representative and surviving Muslims and returned them to his base. The Blue Helmet was later freed alongside other UN prisoners and the Muslim survivors joined the other women and children that were taken away from the war zone.
Ringleader was later charged for diversion, sabotage, injury of territorial integrity, war crimes against the injured and war prisoners, murder, attempt of genocide and genocide. He was quickly tried and found guilty on a number of accounts, sending him into prison.
There, Ringleader was offered the opportunity of joining the CSD program. His claims of witnessing anomalous events had already flagged him as a potential candidate. He accepted and was quickly shipped to Site-009 – a location that at the time was suffering from a high number of morale and corruption issues due to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Due to his background, Ringleader was assigned as a Level 3 CSD.
From here, Ringleader began to slowly rise through the ranks. He created a gang of like-minded CSD that allowed him to establish a chokehold in the prison hierarchy of Site-009. While effective, it inevitably lead to Ringleader losing control over his subordinates and them staging an uprising and escape attempt. The attack resulted in a catastrophic containment breach that forced Authority staff to evacuate to the exterior surface of Site-009.

Photograph of Site-009 breach taken from a safe distance
While Ringleader was one of the first to escape the anomalies and chaos from the underground, he was shocked to find out that the ASF did not intend to return to assist trapped CSD members. Ringleader went back into the Site and left it each time with one or more survivor 17 times, becoming responsible for saving the lives of 49 trapped people split among CSD, Authority personnel and Lesser Anomalous People.
Ringleader would later disband his gang and refuse cooperation with the majority of the L3 CSD population. He went on to volunteer for a record number of anomalous tests and work hard to gain trust from the personnel at the price of “losing face” among the more violent CSD population.
His rise through the ranks of the ASF was accredited due to the relationship he developed with the Site-009 residents, who he treated equally regardless of status – something that was arguably the reason why he was not picked sooner for certain promotions.
During an official UNAAC visit, the visiting diplomat recognised Ringleader from the off-the-record operation in Bosnia during the ‘90s. He accused the Authority of harbouring and hiring known war criminals and accused Ringleader of murdering one of his colleagues during the operation. It was not until the diplomat began personally insulting Ringleader that he attacked the visitor, requiring four members of the present ASF team and two UNAAC bodyguards to pull the man off of the visitor.
Ringleader was suspended for his behaviour and put on trial by a joint RPC Authority and UNAAC war tribunal under the request of the latter, with the goal being the reopened investigation of the events that occured during the operation.
Ringleader pleaded and was proven innocent on all but one account: The death of the Blue Helmet during the operation. He confirmed and pleaded guilty to his murder. Ringleader described the crime as an incident, with the Blue Helmet repeatedly requesting for the termination of non-anomalous Muslim survivors under the suspicion of them pretending to be incapable of harming them. Ringleader admitted to agreeing with the Blue Helmet, but restrained himself due to direct orders and peer pressure of no harm befalling the women and children from his unit leader.
After his superior’s death by the hands of the “Djinns”, tension between the survivors began to rapidly escalate: until finally Ringleader perceived the Blue Helmet raising his weapon and shot him dead. Witness reports by all present within the room have been inconclusive even in his previous trial, an almost equal number of them claiming that Ringleader prevented a massacre as there were of him murdering a scared man.
Ringleader himself admitted to still not knowing which was the truth. After submitting his report, he was turned in and taken away from the frontlines.
After careful consideration, the war tribunal had concluded that Ringleader was guilty of the murder - but that he served his time under Authority custody as a CSD in accordance with all established rulings between the RPC Authority and the UNAAC.4
After Ringleader finished his suspension, he was passed over as the next Site Director for Containment and instead began his work as a Site security consultant. He assisted in improving the effectiveness of and connections between multiple EASTCOM, ASIACOM AND WESTCOM locations. He to this day remains as mobile, preferring to visit personnel and locations in the flesh for the chance of personally making sure that the on-location ASF and other Containment departments are working to their fullest potential.
His deployments alongside MSTs led to a positive reputation and promotion of the Individual Augmentee program, with Ringleader being seen as, if not even more suicidally courageous than the regular members of “The Bastards.” He was eventually forced to consider a more bureaucratic position after a life-threatening injury during a deployment alongside Echo-9.
Ringleader still shows extreme distrust to organisations and particularly Agencies of Interest, believing that all meetings should be done face-to-face and on a personal level to truly gauge the intentions of the other party. While he has not been a controversial pick for employees within the Authority, several AoI members have subtly, passive-aggressively, and even directly expressed their displeasure with him being considered as one of the choices. Ringleader has not paid them any mind as of yet and has instead met with and became close and trusted friends with other members of the same organisations.
Further Information
- Lost half of both his forearms5 in a bare-handed fight with an Amazing!Co. anomaly. Replaced by a pair of cybernetic ornamental grafts as a gift by a close friend from the Triform Axle.
- Founder of the “Baš Čelik” martial art style6and has taught several seminars to ASF, RSS and MST personnel.
- Significant knowledge of Russian literature, primarily Dostoyevski whose book he first discovered in the Site-009 cafeteria during his time as a CSD.
- Possesses a modified snowbike whose style has entered Authority production and is being considered for a patent.