




Registered Phenomena Code: 702

Object Class: Alpha-Orange

Hazard Types: Ballistic Hazard, Transmutation Hazard, Contact Hazard, Bio-Hazard

Containment Protocols:

Description: RPC-702 refers to a series of 9mm bullets whose anomalous properties activate upon impact of the projectile against human flesh. RPC-702 instances are easily recognizable from the engravings on their casing (designated RPC-702-1), which resemble those present on Tibetan praying wheels. RPC-702-1 are capable of giving any appropriate projectile anomalous properties upon refilling.

RPC-702-1 are engraved with;

  • Sanskrit inscription of the Auṃ maṇi padme hūṃ mantra1 (ॐ मणिपद्मे हूँ)
  • 4 equidistant Vajra2
  • Kakkai Kodi and Seval Kodi — Flags of Jyestha and Murugan, gods of misfortune and war respectively — painted in black3
  • Sacred lotus

Upon impacting a live human being, RPC-702 provoke immediate and accelerated cell growth at a biologically inviable speed. As no resources are apparently consumed during this process and no new tissues are rejected by the affected human, it is assumed that it involves the spontaneous manifestation of stem cells mimicking the victim's own genetic code.

New cells quickly specialize and develop into a variety of different tissues, rapidly distorting the host body and conforming aberrant tissue growths, later becoming malformed organs and appendages inconsistent with human physiology. New tissue growths are entirely functional and rapidly connect themselves to the subject's nervous system, causing pain and stress as they continue to develop. Victims develop acute phantom pain as a result of the process.

As acquisition of RPC-702 is difficult and testing has been deemed unethical, knowledge of RPC-702's effects is limited to second-hand accounts and scarce visual confirmation by ASIACOM ASF.


RPC-702 is mainly employed by GoI-702, self-designated Bodhisattvas of Aksai,4 both for combat, and simultaneous judgement and punishment of other humans they perceive as heretic or infringing upon their moral code.

As GoI-702 does not possess the capabilities, materials or mechanical devices required to manifacture ammunition of the quality of RPC-702, it is believed that they are acquired in large numbers from an unidentified third party. Efforts to identify such a manufacturer are undergoing.


Appendix 702/I: INDIRA Documents.

RPC-702 were initially discovered by the Indian National Defense Initiative for the Reclamation of Anomalies (INDIRA) during July of 1980, following a brief series of skirmishes along the Kashmir region5. These skirmishes were characterized by the abrupt militarization of a minor local Vedic religious group, designated GoI-702; Bodhisattvas of Aksai

GoI-702, understood to have been a previously pacifistic and relatively small sect, appears to have suffered a sudden change in leadership and doctrine between March and May of 1980. Although this process was documented to occur by Indian authorities in the territories of Jammu and Ladakh, no evidence of the group's usage or acquisition of anomalous assets exists until the first confrontation between Indian police forces and GoI-702 in the city of Leh during 7th of July, where RPC-702 was first registered.

After the change, GoI-702 seems to have discarded religious doctrine in favour of an amalgamation between superficial and/or misinterpreted Vedic principles and communism, in the form of allegiance toward the Chinese Communist Party; this allegiance manifests as an utmost hostility against the Republic of India, responding to the belief that the Kashmir disputed territories should all be controlled by the CCP.

Furthermore, this process was accompanied by mass acquisition of weaponry — carbines, rifles. and pistols — from an undisclosed distributor, which is also believed to be responsible for the production of RPC-702, as GoI-702 never possessed the required resources, devices, and technical knowledge for such a development.

Of note is that the abrupt and seemingly nonsensical change in GoI-702 seems to point to a hostile takeover rather than a natural process. The nature of such a takeover remains unconfirmed, as the Authority remains unable of extensive operation in the Kashmir region, but it is assumed by Indian authorities that the CCP is the sole responsible.

Deployment of RPC-702 appears to have shocked INDIRA's upper echelons, as evidenced in the following recovered E-Mail;



Subject: BoA bullets

Good evening,

I would like to begin this letter with an expression of utmost disgust for the unexpected horror our forces have been facing against; no doubt a work of the putrid Chinese party to undermine the strength of our forces. Such an abomination in the art of war should have never been allowed to exist, and the shoddiness of the work is characteristic of our communist enemies.

The source for the ravaging of the bodies of our soldiers has been found; a set of nine-milimeter handgun cartridges, engraved with gross imitations of the religious symbols of our people, amalgamated into an incoherent, insulting whole, clearly crafted by the hands of an ignorant slant-eyed fool. The nature of their properties is not well understood, as I have refused to allow my organization to taint itself in an attempt to imitate this insulting monstrosity — however, we have identified a transparent liquid, filling diminute cavities throughout each cartridge, as the likely source of the effect.

Despite the undeniable abomination that these constitute, our organization should see in them the opportunity to strengthen the Indian peoples. I propose the acquisition and reusal of each cartridge we recover in what I have denominated MOLTEN ASTRA; a project to turn their body-morphing abilities into ones that can be applied to our soldiers for widespread usage amongst our forces.

I have attached the project's files to this email; await your authorization to proceed.

PROJECT 74: Molten Astra

Test Identification: Kaṇṭhya

Method: One bullet was fired in to the shoulder of a prisoner to demonstrate the standard affects of the weapon

Results: The prisoners hand began to mutate in to a large, black claw with eyes emerging on the arm. Despite feeling some slight soreness, the prisoner declared that moving the new arm was effortless. Physical testing revealed the new arm to be stronger than prisoners average strength, as he was able to lift an Armada6 on its hind wheels for over 2 minutes.

PROJECT 74: Molten Astra

Test Identification: Kaṇṭhya 2

Method: One bullet was fired in to the mutated arm of the prisoner from the first test to examine what occurs when a previously mutated area is shot again.

Result: A second, mutated arm began to emerge from the entrance wound of the original arm. After 20 seconds, a large pink organ (assumed to be a brain) began to form on the back of the new hand. The new arm withered off and began to crawl towards nearby researchers, before being neutralized by gun fire. Prisoner was screaming in pain throughout this entire process.

PROJECT 74: Molten Astra

Test Identification: Saumitra

Method: A single bullet was to be ground up and consumed by a new prisoner to see if the effects would occur throughout the body as a result.

Result: After eating a meal with the ground up bullet within it, the prisoner grew in height by 4 meters and his body began to rapidly change in to a more muscular form. Physical testing revealed higher resilience to pain, marginally faster running speed and increased strength. However, 26 hours after digestion and defecation, the prisoners body rapidly regressed to its pre-test state. He also began to complain of nausea and body aches following this event.

PROJECT 74: Molten Astra

Test Identification: Saumitra 2

Method: 2 bullets were to be ground up and shared in to the meals of 4 soldiers who would then proceed to their days combat training. Their statuses were to be monitored and recorded.

Result: 3 of the soldiers experienced similar changes to the prisoner from the Saumitra 1 test, the 4th experienced no changes and instead experienced stomach pain. An hour after consumption, he began to vomit and were cordoned off in the medical wing for the rest of the day. A full recovery was made 12 hours later

The remaining 3 soldiers excelled during the days training, even out-preforming some veterans who had run through the training several times. Similar to Saumitra 1, a day after digestion the soldiers began to revert to their normal selves and experienced nausea and body aches.

Suggestion: "This may have potential combat usage. As we can see, our soldiers experience a great increase in strength and speed that would absolutely benefit them. My suggestion is as follows: we will add grounded up bullets to energy bars and distribute them to troopers in Kashmir. Rumors of PCAAO soldiers and various anomalies within the region have been cause for concern, but I feel as if these MA soldiers will bring some balance to the area."

Appendix 702/II: PCAAO Involvement.

alma writes something here



Document ID: Anomaly No.[##]
Codename: Anomaly-098
Type/Level: Object / Beneficial/Caution
Authorship: Han Shimin
Date: [Date of the latest update]
Location: [Facility and Location it is at]


1. Physical Description

The objects is a series of 9mm bullets with Buddhist symbolism engraved on them. The engravings include inscriptions of the Aum, a sacred Lotus, Kakkai Kodi and Seval Kodi, and other symbols that are commonly present on Tibetan Buddhist prayer wheels.

2. Anomalous Characteristics

Anomaly No.## differs from the Consensus in # ways:

  1. Upon contact with a living person, the anomaly will rapidly change their form
  2. [List of anomaly]
  3. [Additional notes on the anomaly]
  4. [List of anomaly]

3. History

Anomaly-098 was discovered in the Aksai Chin region of Kashmir. Indian forces had

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