The wall constructed to contain RPC-XXXX, near the shore of [REDACTED].
Item #: RPC-XXXX
Object Class: Beta
Containment Protocols: RPC-XXXX is contained near OL-Site-██, utilizing a combination of riot barricades, constructed concrete-steel wire walls with a 10 metre gap in between, concrete towers allowing for clear 360o view and bullet-resistant Plexiglass vehicle gates constructed 50 metres away from RPC-XXXX's known area of effect. There are four checkpoints, labelled A through D and to be designated as Checkpoint-XXXX-A through -D when recording information relevant to said location. The walls are to be checked for damage every 24 hours and repaired with an 8 man Authority Security Force guarding the maintenance personnel when doing so. Should any unidentified humans approach during repairs, Protocol Deviant-XXXX-1 is to be undertaken.
No personnel not employed by the Authority are to permitted entry or exit for RPC-XXXX at any point. Authority personnel with the intent to enter RPC-XXXX must submit themselves to searches for viable weaponry and hazardous equipment prior to entry and said items will be retained until their return. All RPC personnel entering RPC-XXXX will also be required to attach an unmodifiable GPS locator on their body until their return. All RPC personnel deaths should be submitted using standard paperwork and filed by the Site Director.
As of Incident XXXX-1, new rooms have been constructed connecting to the wall and ramparts have been added to the walls' interiors allowing for overwatch on both sides of the walls. The room will have 2 armed personnel - one guarding each entrance - and are located 25 metres away from each checkpoint on the side facing RPC-XXXX. Should any subjects entering become hostile, authorisation to terminate will be granted so long as the safety of the doctor is not at stake.
Description: RPC-XXXX is a small sector of land located within the Ellesmere Island with an approximate area of 58,815.72km2 and a perimeter of 970.08km, with an estimated population of approximately 400 to 600 humans of both the female and male sex. Any and all humans within the perimeter of RPC-XXXX will be reconditioned to find matters such as death, pain, torture and similar acts comical whilst the idea of life, relief and safety are repulsive. It also appears to reduce inhibitions against these types of actions as well, although there is little evidence to support this currently recorded.
There is no recorded link between height, weight, diet, race, illnesses, genetic disorders or other known physical factors and no known entity or object of interest propagating this effect. The effects of reconditioning will begin to appear after 20 minutes spent past the border1, however this conditioning will clear from the affected after an period of time relevant to the person entering:
\begin{align} t = a({o-i \over g}) \end{align}
where $t$ is the time before the reconditioning disappears in milliseconds, $a$ is the age of the subject, $i$ is the total time in hours spent within the RPC rounded up, $o$ is the total time spent outside the RPC in hours rounded down and $g$ is the gender of the subject - male is 12 and female is 15.
Subjects who are born within the region are considered separate from this and to be classed as an instance of RPC-XXXX-1 - when removed, their reconditioning will not naturally disappear. They will continue to exhibit effects of RPC-XXXX's reconditioning regardless of time spent outside of it or distance between the RPC, and will attempt to migrate into other societies in order to find larger groups of humans to terminate and potentially send back to RPC-XXXX. Whether this is by choice is unknown, due to the aggression typically displayed when approached by Authority forces.
Due to the reduced inhibition towards harmful actions, there have been cases where people spending extended time in the region will become psychopathic at an increased rate. These are not to be considered an instance of RPC-XXXX-1 nor separate types of instances. These individuals do not make any mention of any entity controlling their thoughts or actions, and any attempts to pacify them typically incites aggression. Class C amnestics have seen varied usefulness in reversing the effects of psychopathy, with an estimated 37% relapse rate.
The effects of RPC-XXXX do not override natural human instinct - humans will still seek cover from rain via standard abodes, caves, trees, umbrellas, etc. They will also seek medical aid concerning menial illnesses from verified physicians2 - for this reason and reasons listed in Incident Log XXXX-1, RPC has deployed multiple physicians on the border as per Containment Protocols - and still retain self-preservation reflexes, e.g. avoiding vehicular manslaughter and will not commit suicide. Somewhat contradictory to RPC-XXXX's effects, they will also conceive, birth and raise children as well. They have been numerous cases of child abuse within the region however, and minor interviews have concluded they are disgusted by themselves should they perform these actions.
The Authority have successfully secured a security retinue of ██ unmarked military vessels from the Royal Canadian Navy Forces, all capable of intercepting aquatic, aerial and submersible vehicles at a range of 200m plus. They are under strict orders to "inquire once, then shoot on sight" — do not interfere with their operations without announcing a flight plan at least 1 hour prior on official channels using callsign 'Autonomy 973'. Flights over RPC-XXXX will also be forbidden due to this and all forbidden airspace repositories globally have been updated to reflect this, registered under P-███ and R-█████.
First, identify the target and their weaponry. If they have a knife, tell them to hold their hands up and drop it. If they have a gun, instead tell them to remove their finger from the trigger guard, remove the magazine (if applicable) and eject any chambered rounds before throwing the gun to the side.
Second, command the target to rotate to face away from you with hand behind their head. Ensure they do not suddenly return to facing you at any point by then commanding them to drop to their knees and lie down on their front side.
Proceed to detain the subject whilst keeping them down with your sidearm to force compliance - placing your knee on their wrists whilst cuffing them will prevent some attacks - process their approach and reason why outside of RPC-XXXX (if looking for a physician, release into the room listed in Containment Protocols), warn them that they're currently under martial law and that all attempts of leaving the area of RPC-XXXX will be met with reasonable force then release them back into RPC-XXXX.
If at any point they fail to comply passively, remind them that you have the ability to terminate should it be necessary and repeat previous instructions. If they fail to comply after this, request a deployment for Class C amenstics in order to encourage compliance. If the target fails to comply aggressively at any point, permission to engage is retroactively granted to terminate the target. Headshots, shots to the chest or centre mass are preferred targets in order to prevent prolonged fights.
I know what you're thinking - what about the people who just want to leave and live normal lives? Well… we can't verify what they're thinking. More importantly, we don't know if the force currently affecting them is passive or active, and capable of modifying its control in any way let alone its range. So they have to stay put until we're certain that releasing them is OK.
People may go mad. They may kill, or maim, or who knows what. That's a sacrifice we have to make to prevent more people dying instead of one, or more people becoming influenced by RPC-XXXX. If you have any complaints about this, feel free to apply for a change in Site to the Site Director or your commanding officer. Until then, we play border control. -Head Researcher Ferriday
At 05:00 hours, on the date ██ of ██, ████, 2 human subjects made their way to the defensive border on foot. Subject 1 was a white male with shaved black hair, noticeable stubble and brown eyes. Subject 2 was a black female with dyed blonde hair and brown eyes. Subject 1 had been injured in an unknown incident and was sporting a black eye, multiple broken ribs and severe cut wounds around the abdominal area.
At 05:04, ASF-XXXX forces at Checkpoint D raised comms to Site-██ and requested for medical assistance to be sent into RPC-XXXX in front of Checkpoint D in order to perform surgery necessary to Subject 1's survival. After ascertaining the wounds for treatment, Site-██ responded and accepted the request. A second Authority Security Force, hereby dubbed Authority Security Force ASF-XXXX-I1, and consisting of 1 member of medical staff and an escort of 3 armed personnel were sent. A request to Subject 2 was made to ensure any bleeding was minimized to which she obliged. Guards noted that she purposely agitated damaged flesh to both her and Subject 1's joy and were informed that continued damage would minimize his survival rate.
At 05:10, ASF-XXXX-I1 arrived at the scene and acted quickly to enter RPC-XXXX and treat Subject 1. Subject 2 was kept under guard by one armed personnel from the entry team and questioned on the incident leading to his injuries.
At 05:27, the medical staff member was affected by RPC-XXXX and began to take less liberty in ensuring the safety of Subject 1 - medical staff proceeded to [REDACTED], eliciting positive responses from Subjects 1 & 2 and negatively impacting the security team's mental state, as well as greatly injuring Subject 1. Subject 1's breathing had become strained at this point due to these actions.
At 05:28, the security entry team were affected and offered to euthanize Individual 1. The medical staff member as well as Individuals 1 & 2 all agreed and euthanization was performed on Individual 1 with multiple gunshots to the limbs, chest and [REDACTED]. Onsite security personnel were told not to interfere and to instead await the return of the entry team. TTF-XXXX-1 disregarded orders to return to base and face reprimands, insteading further entering RPC-XXXX. Onsite security refused to enter at this point, and Site-██ remained on the radio in order to attempt to dissuade the team from further action.
TTF-XXXX-1 proceeded to locate, torture and execute ██ different individuals within RPC-XXXX per individual accounts before attempting to return to Site-██ without authorisation at 07:58 at Checkpoint-XXXX-C. The TTF were ordered to drop all weaponry and wait their necessary time limit for the disappearance of RPC-XXXX's effects.
At 08:05, RPC-XXXX's effects on TTF-XXXX-1 disappeared. The medical staff entered a mental breakdown for 10 minutes before becoming co-operative with onsite staff. Armed personnel in TTF-XXXX-1 were visibly shaken but reported their status after 2 minutes to onsite staff. Site-██ requested their return, to which they agreed.
The status of TTF-XXXX-1 after the incident is as follows:
* Medical Staff Member [REDACTED] currently faces counselling concerning the events that transpired in Incident Log XXXX-1 and has been referred to Site ██, concerning Class Alpha & Beta RPCs, until such a time that he is of a stable mind to work with more hazardous RPCs.
* Armed Personnel G. Walker, T. Parker and J. Wells have been barred from referral to RPC-XXXX's Site permanently due to potentially lasting effects from RPC-XXXX's effects.
After this incident, medical staff numbers were increased from 4 to 16 and maintained onsite whilst Class E certified physicians were installed at the checkpoints in separate housing to the Authority personnel. All medical issues are to be treated with newly installed rooms detailed in Containment Protocols.
Note: No, the medical member's name won't be disclosed. The last thing he needs is you all pestering him concerning what it was like in there. And no, we aren't sending anyone in, armed or unarmed, doctor or guard, and this is why. You have a problem with it? Send it my way. I'll personally ensure you won't worry about this again. And if anyone asks exactly how he managed to blunt every single one of his scalpels, I'm going to bludgeon you. I'm going to bludgeon you until you learn what hitting things with things does to the latter. -Head Researcher Ferriday
RPC-XXXX, during cataloguing.
Item #: RPC-XXXX
Object Class: Alpha
Containment Protocols: RPC-XXXX is to be contained in a standard medium-sized RPC Anomalous Object lockbox. All usage of the RPC must be catalogued in an accompanying notebook, including the following details:
- What menu options were altered on the subject.
- By how much, if identifiable. Vague numbers are preferred over unknown or unapplicable answers.
- The change in said characteristics on the subject themselves.
- The lethality of said change(s).
Cadaver experimentation utilizing RPC-XXX is prohibited with the exception of research purposes. Any attempts must be recorded and containment protocols will be updated to reflect such changes, pending a successful revive. The user at the time must submit themselves to a full interview regarding the events and the outcome of the revival.
Description: RPC-XXXX is a musical string multi-instrument of unknown origin and of similar size to a violin, created using an unknown metallic element8. The instrument is made up of 2 known parts housed on an assembly, which will be known as RPC-XXXX-A. The instruments, labelled RPC-XXXX-B and -C, are as follows:
- A 2 string piece, wielded in standard violin style (RPC-XXX-B) as seen in the image above.
- A 1 string piece, housed on the opposite side of RPC-XXX-B and usable as either a guitar or a cello-like instrument (RPC-XXX-C).
When employing RPC-XXX-B in use, a holographic display will appear from the furthest end to the user and displays relevant information in an appropriate user-friendly manner3.
RPC-XXXX, when active, will alow its user to modify any being of the same genus' biology (i.e. only Homo sapiens can modify Homo sapiens) in multiple ways including height, weight, hair, eye colour, skin colour, sexual orientation and sexual identification, as well as [REDACTED] and life. This is done by selecting an initial subject, hereby referred to as RPC-XXXX-D. Using RPC-XXXX-B, the user can select who will become an instance of RPC-XXXX-B, and confirm by playing one note on RPC-XXXX-C. Their choice will reflect on the holographic display by highlighting them.
What they can modify is represented by menu options extending from -D on the HUD (following the order of left to right, top to bottom in terms of choice movement) and may also be selected by playing on RPC-XXXX-B for selection and confirming with -C. From there, a variety of sliders, binary choices and fields will be available. Sliders can be interacted with by playing -B ordinarily, binary choices by plucking either string to to set them to each choice and fields by speech. When finished, or if desiring to modify further, RPC-XXXX must be set down in order to deactivate and render RPC-XXXX-D no longer a subject. In the case of human subjects, fields may be altered via a touch-activated holographic keyboard. It will only appear when attempting to play -C on a field.
Known menus on the device are as follows:
Sliders typically follow the format of left equalling empty or none, and right equalling full or complete.
- Hair
- Length - Slider
- Colour - Field (Variable - RGB, HSL, CMYK accepted as inputs)
- Follicle count - Slider
- Damage - Slider
- Body
- Melanin levels - Slider
- Epidermis damage - Slider
- Epidermis composition - Field (Any material, regardless of flexibility9)
- Scars - Field (List of scars and on which facial features with fine detail added using mm and direction)
- Blood levels - Slider
- Follicle count - Slider
- Muscle tone - Slider
- Muscle capability - Slider
- Body fat - Slider
- Bone strength - Slider
- Skeletal damage - Slider
- UV damage - Slider
- Other damage - Slider
- DNA external identity - Slider10
- Face
- Eye colour - Field (Variable - RGB, HSL, CMYK accepted as inputs)
- Eye shape - Slider
- Nose shape - Field (Comparisons or binary data of images or 3D models accepted as inputs)
- Brow - Slider
- Cheek shape - Slider
- Lip shape - Slider
- Lip thickness - Slider
- Premature teeth - Binary choice5
- Teeth health - Slider and field (Field allows for specified diseases or teeth to be removed)
- Chin shape - Slider
- Neck thickness - Slider
- Blood levels - Slider6
- Organs
- Liver count - Slider
- Liver(s) damage - Slider
- Heart count - Slider
- Heart(s) damage - Slider
- Lung count - Slider
- Lung(s) damage - Slider
- Bladder count - Slider
- Bladders(s) damage - Slider
- Sexual organ count - Slider
- Sexual organ(s) damage - Slider
- Gamete holding organ count - Slider
- Gamete holding organ(s) damage - Slider
- Brain count - Slider
- Brains(s) damage - Slider
- Brain capability - Slider
- Additional organs - Field
- Additional organ(s) role(s) - Field(s)dependent on what organs are listed in the above field, if any
- Additional organ count - Slider(s)dependent on what organs are listed in the above field, if any
- Additional organ(s) damage - Slider(s)dependent on what organs are listed in the above field, if any
- Limbs
- Arm count - Slider
- Arm(s) damage - Slider
- Finger count - Slider
- Finger(s) damage - Slider
- Leg count - Slider
- Leg(s) damage - Slider
- Toe count - Slider
- Toe(s) damage - Slider
- Wing count - Slider
- Wing(s) damage - Slider
- Tail count - Slider
- Tail(s) damage - Slider
- Other limbs - Field
- Additional limb(s) role(s) - Field(s)dependent on what organs are listed in the above field, if any
- Additional limb count - Slider(s)dependent on what organs are listed in the above field, if any
- Additional limb(s) damage - Slider(s)dependent on what organs are listed in the above field, if any
- Personality
We will not be meddling with people's minds nor even thinking about it until it is necessary to. Now stop trying to use the thing to see if it increases libido and arousal, dammit. It's bad enough I'm keeping this out of the D-Class' hands to prevent containment breaches. - Head Researcher Vulte
- Existence
- blank - Binary choice (see Experiment Log XXXX-D for further details)
This list is not fully compiled, and only involves the Homo sapiens genus. For anyone desiring to test with other species, please direct queries to Head Researcher Vulte.
As advised by Head Researcher Vulte (see Experiment Log XXXX-D for further details), RPC-XXXX is not to be tested on cadavers save for research purposes due to unknown resource costs and uncertain outcomes. Permission for testing against disease-based and other sentient RPCs pending.
RPC-XXXX was recovered by Authority Mobile Strike Team Zulu-1 "Silver Retrievers" after information recovered from a corrupted art gallery's website source code revealed potential anomalies occurring in the comments section of one of the pieces.
Upon arrival at [REDACTED], MST Zulu-1 identified the location as decrepit and potentially abandoned. Upon entry, they were accosted by three humans of various skin constructions4 of which all three died and one MST member, the pointman of Zulu-1, was injured due to an initial counterattack by the humans. The remainder of the building was cleared and RPC-XXXX was identified as anomalous by accidentally testing the object via members of Zulu-1 and returned to base to be studied then reverted.
Subject: RPC-XXXX, wielded by Lead Researcher E. Biggins, and D-56075.
Procedure: Attempt to establish the use of RPC-XXXX
Results: Lead Researcher Biggins activated RPC-XXXX and rendered D-56075 as RPC-XXXX-D. As he explored the menu options, he decided to test what would happen if parameters were set to 0 by attempting to set the number of hearts RPC-XXXX-D had to 0 only to find RPC-XXXX respond by displaying "INSUFFICIENT TRADE" on the display. Instead, he set the number of hearts to 2 inducing arrhythmia in RPC-XXXX-D by causing supraventricular tachycardia, eventually causing RPC-XXXX-D to collapse after 15 minutes. During the time prior to death, RPC-XXXX-D displayed symptoms relevant to said condition such as chest pain and tiredness. D-56075, previously RPC-XXXX-D, was subsequently euthanized and studied to examine the changes inflicted by the addition of a second heart.
Notes: In my defense, I thought the RPC would resolve that. Seems like it trusts user judgement, however, instead of controlling what effects it has on the body in the first place…
As for the D-Class, it looks like the RPC directly modified the biology to include necessary arteries, veins… the whole 9 yards. It'd be interesting to learn if we could homebrew something out of this. Safely making our security into bullet-resistant/proof forces, looking at the Recovery Log, doesn't seem too difficult. - Lead Researcher E. Biggins
After reviewing Lead Researcher Biggin's conduct in this experiment, it's been decided his demotion to Researcher is well warranted. Needless killing to decipher an anomalous item's capability shouldn't be considered warranted. Still, we know what it does now. Let's try something smaller. - Head Researcher Vulte
Subject: RPC-XXXX, wielded by Lead Researcher A. Franz, and D-19119.
Procedure:D-19119 is to remove a finger. Lead Researcher Franz is to attempt to reattach it or otherwise repair it using RPC-XXXX.
Results: D-19119, after initial concerns, agreed to the experiment tentatively and nearly fully dismembered her finger. Lead Researcher Franz proceeds to render D-19119 the instance of RPC-XXXX-D and shows her the slider of 'Limb - Finger(s) damage', which has moved a small amount from the left side to the right (approximately 9%). Leader Research Franz then plays the left string of RPC-XXX-B whilst Skeleton Damage is selected, returning the slider back to the left fully albeit quickly and reattaching the finger by the skeleton. RPC-XXXX-D reports slight discomfort in doing so. Similarly, the Body - Other Damage slider moved slightly to the left as blood vessels necessary for the bone to work were repaired. After sliding the Other Damage slider to the left slowly but fully before continuing with the Finger slider, the finger was fully repaired to D-19119's satisfaction. D-19119 was successfully returned to the Site's D Class Cells and has reported little to no side effects of the healing.
Notes: OK, so we know it can be used to effectively heal people. Hhowever it takes time to do so relevant to the slider's movement speed. If we move the slider too quickly, it could create irreparable damage to bone structure that doesn't reflect on the slider similarly to what happens if we try to fix something by forcing something back into position too roughly. For now, I guess we know what fully repairing damage does. Next experiment will be analysing the more aesthetic-based options available. - Lead Researcher Franz
What personally interests me is that there's no age option, indicating we either haven't reached a parameter for unlocking it or it's impossible to repair for the RPC. This means it would consider it a natural progression of a human's living process, which would indicates that aging isn't caused by DNA oxidation. Any attempts to expand on this would be appreciated. - Head Researcher Vulte
Subject: RPC-XXXX, being wielded by Lead Researcher A. Franz, and D-19119 (hereby referred to as RPC-XXXX-D)
Procedure: Lead Researcher Franz is to test the multiple aesthetic options available on RPC-XXXX using D-19119 as the RPC-XXXX-D instance.
Results: The usage of all aesthetic options were tested - the lack of a breast size modification option was disappointing to RPC-XXXX-D. Initially, D-19119 was a female American white human: nearly 2 metres in height, weighing 90 lbs and with light brown moderate length hair. After the experiment, as a reward for good behaviour, D-19119 was allowed to have her hair remain long and blonde and her weight increased by approximately 10 lbs.
Notes: Much less threatening options. I'm guessing at best, skin cancer is the worst thing to happen to the subject. For now though, we know what we should and shouldn't do. Classifying as Alpha threat and requesting potential employment in the medical bay for emergency use. - Lead Researcher Franz
Subject: RPC-XXXX, wielded by Researcher A. ████████, and D-56075 (deceased from Experiment Log XXXX-A)
Procedure: Researcher ████████ was curious as to what effects RPC-XXXX had on dead human bodies and inadvertently triggered new menus not prior seen.
Results: RPC-XXXX added two new menus as-of-yet unseen when activated - Personality and Existence. Underneath Existence was a single binary choice unlabelled and currently switched to the inactive position, hinting at a glitched option. Researcher ████████ attempted to switch to the active position, however RPC-XXXX supposedly failed to due to "INSUFFICIENT TRADE". Similar responses occurred when used by multiple other staff on the body when Researcher ████████ garnered interest over the results. Body was incinerated after further study for any changes.
Well, that was interesting. Hopefully, we won't need to revive anyone worth our time with it yet because… well, we seem to find ourselves ill-begotten of someone able to to do so. And we aren't testing it as a weapon either, so no-one should expect to see it out of there any time soon switching people's lives off. - Head Researcher Vulte
Subject: RPC-XXXX and 2 Columba livia (rock doves) bred and trained in captivity. One, who will not be designated as RPC-XXXX-D, has been trained to play on a mock version of the device in order to attempt to manipulate the menus to achieve a change in the number of wings assuming menu layout is similar.
Procedure: Attempt to discover as to whether other animals of different species are capable of edits.
Results: RPC-XXXX activated upon initial strum. The simple note song taught to the trained rock dove was played after the second dove was selected as a subject, having been placed within a small single level enclosure for easy of targeting.
The language depicted for -D appeared to be [REDACTED], implying no written language comprehension. Attempts to communicate using this language have been ultimately unsuccessful, hinting at unique word pronunciation through the usage of frequency as opposed to a straight translation between symbols.
Completion of the song saw RPC-XXXX-B change in personality from friendly to aggressive, attempting to peck and claw at whatever approached its cage. The trained rock dove was notably distressed at the change of its playmate. After 10 minutes of frantically attempt to communicate to its other, the trained dove repeated the song and reverted the change of its own accord.
The rock doves are now being maintained as pets within the Anomalous Items Division, thanks to the efforts of the cleaning crew.
I don't see why they shouldn't care for them. A simple morale boost means they will be happy. A shame we can't simply release them. - Head Researcher Vulte
» Site-01 Staff «
Deus Lothar Vulte prior to employment with the Authority, circa 1995.
Full Name: Deus Lothar Vulte
Clearance: Level 4
Class: Head Researcher of Biology
Age: 76 years old biologically
Physical Description: Head Researcher Vulte is a European White male with previously brown, currently white hair. He has a balding hair style and thick facial hair. His height is approximately 1.91 meters tall, and his weight is 112 kilograms.
Background: Deus, prior to taking any medical or scientific training, was a German boxing champion in his local home of [REDACTED] winning 4 championship belts before retiring due to required military action. He served for approximately 5 years before being removed for multiple disciplinary actions and disrespect towards superiors in the chain of command.
Deus proceeded to enter the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg and gained the following awards:
- Passed Medical State Exam
- Masters in Integrated Immunology
- Masters in Molecular Medicine
Unsatisfied with the twenty years spent, he proceeded to perform research on the potential to splice virus shells with human DNA to 'force' gene therapy with little success for several years. The work itself is [REDACTED] and currently archived by the Authority.
After attending a seminar to discuss how the human body itself uses RNA on a DNA-scale level and his expectations on how to use this to modify humanity on some level, the Authority picked up on his work and employed him after a month of debate between the previous Head Researcher of Biology and Deus at the age of 53.
[[include component:rate title=rpc-]]
Item #: RPC-XXXX
Object Class: Beta-Red
Containment Protocols: RPC-XXXX is to be contained within RPC-XXXX-D ███ft underneath [REDACTED]. Site-██ is to be built over this location without informing any personnel under Level 4 clearance on the Site without authorisation and are to be treated with Class 3 amnestics if located and identified by said personnel. All future Sites are to avoid Region-█, particularly the Swedish region, if possible. Otherwise the Site location should be as remote as possible from both ruins and human life as well as liberated of any religious icons or any surviving Seiðr practitioners within 1.6 kilometres of said Site. If RPC-XXXX reanimates and attempts to breach containment, the on-site nuclear warhead is to be detonated then firebombed using a remote controlled bomber drone. RPC-XXXX is to be recontained under Sites-██, -██ or ██ in this event.
Failure to recontain RPC-XXX will cause Protocol Aberration-XXXX-333 to start.
Description: RPC-XXXX is a female Scandinavian of ████ years of age, resembling a 30 year old female with long black hair, green eyes and pale skin. It is dressed in royal garb dating approximately 500 BC. RPC-XXXX is aggressive, especially to certain Scandinavian individuals, and has proven capable of eliminating threats if necessary albeit amateurishly when using modern equipment such as firearms. Skill in equipment such as knives are high enough to establish warning, however sufficient training in CQC will suffice for disabling and neutralizing RPC-XXXX.
RPC-XXXX is capable of reanimating the deceased bodies of multiple individuals at a time, where the bulk of its combat strength is derived from. RPC-XXXX can also reanimate herself when within 1.6 kilometres of one of the following icons or items:
- Site of discovery
- The Valknut
- The Web of Wyrd
Reanimation times vary depending on the number, size and type of icon. The Valknut and the Web of Wyrd icons were capable of reanimation within hours, however it's site of discovery had over 3,███ different Norse icons and symbols reducing this time to several minutes. The type of material used to represent the icon can also affect the time until reanimation occurs as well - iron and steel are sufficiently shorter in time than wood, which itself is shorter than paper. Depictions via tattoos or drawings are considered valid so long as the icon is completely accurate in its depiction - any warping or mistakes in its appearance will have no effect. Physical recreations of these icons also have a greater effect than a drawing or picture does by 50%, i.e. where a drawing on paper would require around 10 hours, a paper origami version of the icon would only require around 6 hours and 40 minutes.
RPC-XXXX can reanimate other dead bodies using a conversion process in a ritualistic fashion, with items it appears to keep on its person. Attempts to relinquish RPC-XXXX of said objects have failed to procure any objects.
- RPC-XXXX will attempt to gather as many corpses as it can find. Fresher corpses are prioritized before older ones. Observations have revealed she appears to identify bodies' age by sight. Sabotaging its efforts to reanimate bodies have been considered by disguising the age of the corpses.
- RPC-XXXX will proceed to contain the bodies within a ritual circle depicting Norse symbols. The circle appears to match that of the historically record Helm of Awe symbol, but is instead a heavily modified version that changes the internal image to depicting a simple drawing of what is perceived as Fenrir, a wolf notable for incting Ragnarok in Norse mythology. The symbols on the outside appear to use an unknown language similar to Norse. Attempts to decrypt are ongoing.
- RPC-XXXX will perform a Blót - a sacrifice using a living being. Most commonly used are live humans, however RPC-XXXX will also choose to use livestock and other animals nearby. It will drain the blood from the sacrificed being into the ritual circle and carve the meat to throw into the corpses.
- RPC-XXXX will then practise seiðr - a Norse variant of sorcery. She will proceed to [REDACTED] using a single corpse, typically the most easy-to-access one.
- Upon completion of the ritual process, the corpses are rendered instances of RPC-XXXX-A after a short delay.
Reanimated bodies controlled by RPC-XXXX, hereby designated RPC-XXX-A, are capable of resisting death until the body is completely destroyed - incineration has proven to be effective at preventing continued reanimation of bodies. Given time, RPC-XXXX will also summon equipment dating back to times consistent with the events of Old Nordic stories to allow instances of RPC-XXXX-A to fight with more efficiency. Instances are immune to firearms unless rounds used are created with iron or lead-iron mixed bullet tips, for a lesser effect. These rounds will not kill but are effective at stumbling, slowing and even knocking down RPC-XXXX-A instances. They do not appear to have the same restrictions in place on their undeath as RPC-XXXX, evidenced by RPC-XXXX's continual reanimation tied to certain symbols as opposed to instances' of RPC-XXXX-A only reanimating when RPC-XXXX performs her conversion process on them. Additionally, RPC-XXXX appears to control the instances nonverbally.
RPC-XXXX is capable of materializing creatures of anomalous properties:
- RPC-XXXX-B is a wild boar of similar size to a musk ox, capable of deflecting small arms fire with its fur. It holds enough strength to break down standard containment doors and walls, however due to RPC-XXXX's containment procedures Sites will not be redesigned to accommodate defensive properties preventing its usage by RPC-XXXX. It is also capable of launching spines of its fur as lethal projectiles and are fully capable of piercing heavy body armour.
RPC-XXXX has also garnered a small group of followers capable of ascertaining its location and attempting to move items or icons into its general location in an attempt to reanimate it. The group currently is not large or organized enough to class as a GoI, however any intel gained on operating cells of this group should be forwarded to Site-██'s Director for use in capturing a member, ascertaining their motives and making a decision based off all collected intel.
RPC-XXXX is drawn to its site of discovery designated RPC-XXXX-C, a set of ruins identified as a typically Old Norse fortress believed to be the site of a battle between a necromantic princess and an old Viking king within Denmark. RPC-XXXX is capable of restoring the site's construction however appears to be incapable of restoring it to an original state. The defenses are capable enough of withstanding small arms fire for moderate amounts of time but have no anomalous properties of their own.
RPC-XXXX-D is a coffin which is capable of reducing RPC-XXXX's time to reanimate and radius for objects to occupy for said reanimation to occur by approximately 2/3rds. It is a stone coffin of unknown make and specific material11 carved with unknown runic icons of Old Norse origin. The underside of the coffin is inscribed with a message in the same language:
To they who topple the Mighty Queen of the Norns and Valkyries, Skuld,
You have earnt your success, and are congratulated by us. However, Skuld has tasted of royal life and knows not of the peace that Sovengard would grant her. She is borne of the ills of evil norns and will serve no other but herself. To purge her from this soil would be tantamount to the act of a god.
We carved this rock from the will of the gods and shaped it into a cage for her physical presence. When you have slain her, place her within before she revives and seal it deeply entombed within the ground beneath her home stolen from the men and women. See her cast out from life for she is already removed from death.
RPC-XXXX-D also appears to be extremely difficult, albeit not impossible, for RPC-XXXX to escape from when placed within. Whether this is due to degradation of her body or an anomalous effect that is only applied to her is unknown.
RPC-XXXX was initially brought to Authority attention when reports of the undead and the return of a princess of legend were circulating within Scandinavia. MST Bravo-46 "Edict of Francia" were inserted within a local town close to RPC-XXXX-C in order to gather intel then organize an assault. At the time, RPC-XXXX had gathered an army of approximately 1,000 RPC-XXXX-A and human soldiers armed with melee weaponry.
Bravo-46 concluded that RPC-XXXX was attempting to create an army and take control of Denmark by storming the smaller towns before assaulting the minor and major cities, using her anomalous effect to create an ever-expanding army. They obtained this knowledge via bugging one of the local practitioners aiding her, and allowing them to eavesdrop on her 'war council'. Bravo-46 obtained permission to assault RPC-XXXX-C to prevent this from occurring, with assistance from MST Papa-1 'Berserkers' who have experience in operating siege missions.
The initial attempt to assault RPC-XXXX-C was mostly successful until RPC-XXXX demonstrated its ability to create instances of RPC-XXXX-A. Authority forces withdrew temporarily in order to radio in bombing runs to tear down its defences and eliminate both its and the RPC-XXXX-A instances.
MST Papa-1 proceeded to insert into the ruins after 1 hour of bombing and begin neutralizing RPC-XXXX-A instances immediately on sight by decapitation via shotgun pellet aimed for the neck. RPC-XXXX was discovered within what was discovered to be the throne room later completely fine. MST Papa-1 proceeded to neutralize with approximately 460 rounds fired into RPC-XXXX's body, killing her. They then continued to explore the site before discovering RPC-XXXX-D and the message on the underside 5 minutes later.
3 minutes after this, RPC-XXXX reanimated with a restored body and proceeded to locate MST Bravo-46 in a second attempt to attack them. Only 120 rounds were fired in this event, killing her.
MST Bravo-46 proceeded to insert and move her body into the coffin then sealed it, trapping her. They proceeded to air-tight seal the coffin and extract via airlift. Zero casualties were sustained by MST Bravo-46 or Papa-1. Both were commended for their tactical safety but Papa-1 were cautioned for their overuse of firearms on the subject as overkill.
Protocol Aberration-XXX-333 is the assault of RPC-XXXX-C. This site is to be destroyed via a mixture of bombing runs using standard explosives and artillery fire using napalm shells. Following this, MST Papa-1 "Berserkers" is to infiltrate the grounds and use a combination of firearms and chainsaws to eliminate RPC-XXXX and any surviving RPC-XXXX-1 forces. Subject must be extracted with each piece of its body separate from each other for greater chances of failure to reanimate and placed inside a coffin 1.6 kilometres out of range of any Old Norse icon or item.
On the 13th of August in 2010, RPC-XXXX was reanimated due to a new influx of personnel, one of which had a tattoo on their back depicting the Volknut. Reanimation was predicted to have begun occurring approximately 7 hours prior to the breach. The personnel member in question was detained briefly post-incident before being transferred to another Site.
Upon full reanimation, RPC-XXXX proceeded to remove the lid of RPC-XXXX-D over several hours before having enough space to climb out. She then proceeded to materialize RPC-XXXX-B, which proceeded to initiate an containment breach by remove the doors via charging out with its tusks before launching an assault on Site-██. The resulting excursion resulted in moderate Authority losses - numbers are unknown due to RPC-XXXX's anomalous abilities forcing Authority personnel to [REDACTED], incinerating all known instances of RPC-XXXX-A.
Site staff initiated a lockdown trapping RPC-XXXX within the main building however RPC-XXXX-B was able to break out by knocking down 4 different walls making a path leading to the outside. Before it could breach the outer walls of the site RPC-XXXX-B was neutralized by an M1A2 SEPv2 Abrams launching 2 120mm HEAT rounds into its flank and chest, penetrating the fur covering it and killing the instance immediately. RPC-XXXX was then eliminated by the M1's M2HB machine gun unloading 50 rounds into the subject and subsequently recontained. RPC-XXXX-B appeared to melt into the ground leaving no traces whatsoever, making study impossible.
Due to the events of this incident, the Description section has been updated with details relevant to RPC-XXXX's anomalous abilities.