- Long Time No See
- You Shouldn’t Be Listening
- Project Lee
- Sculpture Homunculi
- Murdoch Medical
- Shouldn’t You Be Leaving?
- GOI: Raven Syndicate
- RPC-136
- RPC Authority Trading Card Game
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Registered Phenomena Code: x
Object Class: Beta-Yellow
Hazard Types: Aggression Hazard, Emotional Hazard, Info Hazard
Containment Protocol: RPC-x is to be kept in a containment chamber with basic humanoid amenities.1The chamber is to be partitioned 3 meters away from a white line drawn on the floor, with a bullet-proof window set in the partition. Interviewers are to not cross the white line — this is to prevent being affected by the properties of RPC-x. Similarly, In-person contact with RPC-x is to be kept to a minimum. interviews with RPC-x will be conducted via the speaker system set in the chamber. A mechanical, bulletproof door is to be installed in the left side of the window, for experiments with CSD personnel. For the insertion of food trays, a sliding hatch is to be installed in the bottom of the door. Said hatch is to be fitted with servos programmed to resist manual opening up to x grams of force. This is to prevent any breach attempt by RPC-xx.
Food trays and all other items entering RPC-x’s containment chamber will enter through the hatch set in the bottom of the door. Waste, such as any wrappers, should be left on the food tray from RPC-x’s previous meal for easier retrieval.
Description: RPC-x is a humanoid entity bearing a somewhat muscular build with male characteristics, in addition to a pale blue pigmentation, and shoulder-length grey hair. On the forehead of RPC is a single line of cracked skin, ranging from the scalp to just above the eyebrows. This injury does not bleed, nor does it give off a reddish hue to indicate the presence of blood.
It is of note that RPC-x expresses a chronic dissatisfaction with Authority personnel, often making attempts at verbal abuse during interviews, utilizing vocabulary associated with low income areas.
The anomalous effects of RPC-x manifest when an individual comes within at least 3 meters of the entity. Upon entering this range, the subject will begin to gradually perceive RPC-x’s appearance and voice as that of an individual at whose hands the subject has developed significant Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The subject will also begin to perceive his/her environment as one associated with said trauma. At 3 meters, this alteration of perception completes in 2 minutes, while at less than one meter the alteration completes in less than 10 seconds. Any subject that does not possess this type of personal history will see no anomalous effects save for RPC-x’s initial appearance.
Addendum: As of Incident and Interview x-RL001, a new property of RPC-x has been discovered; after an individual has been exposed to the cognitohazardous effects of RPC-x for a total of 3 hours, the individual’s behavior will develop a resentment for figures of authority2, similar to that of RPC-x. Once removed from the presence of RPC-x, it is speculated that the acquired personality trait may fade over an extensive period of time, but will resurface under extreme stress. Individuals suffering this side effect are to be designated RPC-x-1.
Interviewer: Dr. Emerson
Interviewed: CSD-4003
Foreword: As RPC-x was being escorted to his containment chamber, CSD-4003 caught sight of the entity, and had entered the proximity needed for the activation of RPC-x’s anomalous properties. Quickly entering an emotional breakdown, CSD-4003 then attempted to escape Authority custody, and was sedated by ASF personnel. Of particular note is the fact that CSD-4003 had previously confessed to being involved with the GOI known as the Raven Syndicate.3 Given the now possible connection between RPC-xxx and the aforementioned GOI, CSD-4003 was brought in for an interview.
<Begin Log>
Dr. Emerson: All right, let’s start.
CSD-4003: Uh…yeah, ok.
Dr. Emerson: I’m going to guess you used to know RPC-xxx. Is that right?
CSD-4003: Y-yes, you have to-
Dr. Emerson: How?
CSD-4003: Isn’t it obvious? I knew that…thing, back in my days working for the Ravens!
Dr. Emerson: What role did he play in the Syndicate?
CSD-4003: H-he was someone who’d check on the…loyalties of certain people, scare ‘em into paying. You know what he can do, so he was only for…special cases. If there was no other way to get the money, he’d pay them a visit. He was pretty good for all those WW2 vets turned store owners.
Dr. Emerson: And how did you first meet him? Were you one of the…
CSD-4003: No! no! No, I was just someone who would make…I mean, stir shit up, cause a distraction. But…something happened. We were in a safe house underground, and the army was on our ass. Or maybe the FBI, I don’t know, or maybe you guys. Anyway, I think they were tracking him, and he had to hide. A fucking nightmare; we were cramped already, and here comes this guy you literally have to keep a distance from. After a couple minutes of that, someone else got pissed at him for no reason, took some antique thing and hit one of the supports when he was trying to kill the guy.
(CSD-4003’s breathing begins accelerating to a rate approaching hyperventilation)
CSD-4003: That syndicate has got so much fucked up shit! I was new to all that, and the cave-in traps me with that fucking thing for three hours! I was done with Patrick for years, I thought I would never have to see him again. Doesn’t even matter that it wasn’t…It was just me and him, and the rocks gave us not even five feet together. Trying not to look at him. I never wanted to do anything dangerous! I was just a Rowan4 guy, I wouldn’t even be grabbing the weird shit myself!
Dr. Emerson: What happened after that?
CSD-4003: You know the rest. I get jailed, and that freak escapes ‘cuz he stole a gun from one of the people arresting him,. Somehow, that thing you have locked up rubbed off on me. I don’t get it, he didn’t say a word to me when we got trapped. When I was in prison, I wasn’t myself. Being in that outfit scared the shit outta me, but in prison I was ready to just kill anyone who told me what to do. Then I get out and…I ended up going to prison a second time.
Dr. Emerson: Right. You killed your landlord.
(CSD-4003 is quiet for 12 seconds)
CSD-4003: Coming to jump down my throat about the rent again. I still had some of that bastard in me. You know that crack in his head? I saw his face…split up! Like an egg! The face he had goes away, and next thing I know, I’m looking at Patrick’s face!
<End Log>
Interviewer: Dr. ████
Interviewed: RPC-x
<Begin Log>
Dr. ████: State your name for the record
RPC-x: Don’t fuck with me. Don’t ask for my name, if you’re just gonna give me a number that doesn’t mean shit.
Dr. ████: Obtaining the name of sentient anomalies is for the sake of cross-referencing documents by authors not affiliated with The Authority.
RPC-x: Ok, fuck that then. I’m not giving a name, if that’s why you want it.
(Dr. ████ is silent for 6 seconds)
Dr. ████: Very well. “Anomaly” it is, then.
(At this point in the recording, RPC-x begins walking towards the glass partition, placing his right upper arm above his head on the glass)
Dr. ████: The Authority wants to know how you obtained these abilities.
RPC-x: That’s my name, now? What happened to the number?
Dr. ████: The number is for reference between Authority personnel. 3 meters and a bullet-proof window puts you in no place to make demands.
(RPC-x begins pacing along the partition)
Dr. ████: Answer the question. Where did you obtain these properties?
RPC-x: You’re asking so you can figure out how to cut them out.
Dr. ████: Am I supposed to infer that you don’t know?
(RPC-x stops pacing, turning his head to look at Dr. x)
RPC-x: People have always avoided me. Never looked me in the eye. I’m 17 when people started going bat-shit.
(At this point in the interview, RPC-x ignores all further questions, forcing the interview to a close)
<End Log>
As of 04/12/2009, RPC-x began making requests to possess some specific household items
- One Tennis Ball: Granted.
- One 8 oz Bottled Water: Granted.
- One Un-inflated Balloon: DeniedNote: No idea about the balloon, but I didn’t like it so it’s denied.
- Dr. Emerson.
- One Ink Pen: Denied
- One Roll of Duct Tape: Denied
- One Case of Scotch Tape: Granted
- One Thumb Tack: DeniedNote: I’ve already figured he wants out, so researchers can relax. Why do you think I denied the duct tape and sharp objects?
- Dr. Emerson
On 7/02/x, RPC-x had managed to achieve a containment breach at 5:58 pm. The following is a transcription of events captured by the security camera installed in RPC-x’s interview chamber:
<Begin Footage>
5:42 pm, 7/02/x
(RPC-x has made a small x on the wall opposite the partition, with two lengths of the requested scotch tape. Footage begins with RPC-x throwing the tennis ball at the aforementioned mark with near perfect accuracy while using an underhand swing, while keeping the half-drunk 8oz bottled water close by.)5:58 pm, 7/02/x
(RPC-x glances at the wristwatch he had been granted, afterwards setting the tennis ball aside, and picks up the 8oz bottled water while turning around to face the interview chamber.)6:02 pm, 7/02/x
(Janitor x enters the interview chamber carrying RPC-x’s 6 pm food tray. As x passes through the first mechanical door, RPC-x can be seen staring intently at x. X briefly slows his pace, and can be seen returning the stare, before continuing towards the mechanical door. As x begins opening the hatch via remote system, RPC-x walks quickly towards the mechanical door. RPC-x forcefully rips off a section of the unopened bottled water and swings it in an underhanded fashion towards the mechanical hatch set in the bottom of the door. Water is seen exiting the bottle and traveling airborne towards the hatch, after which spark can be seen as the hatch short-circuits, causing it to stay open.)6:03 pm, 7/02/x
(Janitor is startled at the incident, and flees the room when RPC-x begins crawling through the malfunctioning hatch. In the process, RPC-x violently shoves his left shoulder against the side of the hatch5)6:05 pm, 7/02/x
(RPC-x passes through the hatch, stands up and quickly leaves the camera field of view. The camera is then violently thrown off the interview desk as the feed gradually turns to static.)<End Footage>
RPC-x was declared recontained by containment personnel at 11:13 pm, 7/02/x. In the following investigation, researchers examined the water bottle to find jagged edges along where it had fragmented. Researchers hypothesize that RPC-x had perforated specific areas of the water bottle with the serrated edge of the case of scotch tape that was intended for cutting tape.
Note: It’s obvious that I thought the bastard was just dumb muscle. Clearly, he isn’t. I was stupid enough to OK certain items, so I take full responsibility.
- Dr. Emerson
Item Number: RPC-XX2
Object Class: Gamma
Containment: All components of RPC-XX2 are to be kept in a standard containment bunker at Site XXX, with each component separated by an iron curtain. Only Level-X personnel are allowed in the bunker.
RPC-XX2 is to be activated only under dire situations, such as a mass containment breach, with which RPC-XX2 may be used to recontain the anomalies if deemed necessary, but never for longer than three hours. Before becoming an instance of RPC-XX2-P, all personnel must be fitted with state-of-the-art protection equipment, but must also be aware that it will likely have little effect. He must also be aware that he is activating RPC-XX2 at the risk of his own will and sanity.
In the event that the will of an RPC-XX2-P instance appears to have succumbed to the will of RPC-XX2, Authority agents are to fire RPG’s at RPC-XX2-H until RPC-XX2 is incapacitated.
Description: RPC-XX2 is the collective designation to the following items:
Two marble sculptures that depict a single human arm, but at three times the size of an average grown male. Both sculptures end at the shoulder. These arms are designated RPC-XX2-A.
A marble sculpture depicting a pair of human legs along joined by a groin area, which is covered by what looks like loose cloth hung from an unseen part of the body. Similar to RPC-XX2-A, this sculpture is at three times the size of an average grown male. This sculpture is designated RPC-XX2-L.
A marble sculpture depicting an empty Greek hoplite helmet. Similar to RPC-XX2-A and RPC-XX2-L, this sculpture appears designed for a human head three times the size of an average grown male.
A throne bearing visual elements corresponding to Ancient Greek culture. Unlike RPC-XX2-A, RPC-XX2-L, and RPC-XX2-H, this throne is designed for the actual size of a human male. This throne is designated RPC-XX2-T.
If a human male of at least 12 years—hereby designated RPC-XX2-P—sits in RPC-XX2-T, he will lose consciousness after approximately ten seconds. The throne will levitate, and the remaining components will levitate themselves into positions respective with that of a standing human. RPC-XX2-T will position itself in the center, equidistant from all other components. RPC-XX2-P will stay in RPC-XX2-T, regardless of how jarring the assembly may be.
Object Class: Beta.
Special Containment Procedures: RPC-X is to be stored in a plastic bag, disassembled, in a standard containment locker while not being tested. During testing, security personnel under any guise deemed appropriate by the site director (policeman, forest ranger, film crew, etc.) are to patrol areas where civilians can achieve a direct line of sight to the area chosen for testing RPC-X. If an abandoned urban/suburban area is chosen for testing, a large moving truck is to be parked in front of the chosen area to prevent any overhead witnessing of RPC-X-1’s materialization or de-materialization. RPC-X is to be applied as close to the truck as possible. Any civilians that manage to evade these measures and witness the manifestation of RPC-X-1 are to be given Class A Amnestics.
All personnel are to leave RPC-X-2 before 96 hours have transpired since entering the anomaly. This requirement must be strictly observed, unless the purpose of the experiment is to record and analyze the aggression of RPC-X-2A.
Addendum: As of Incident X-A1, all personnel are to stay within a 60 mile radius of RPC-X-1. See below.
Description: RPC-X is a set of ornately-designed doorknobs. Both ends depict a spoke-and-wheel pattern, accompanied by an outer ring of filigree design.
When brought within 6 inches of any pre-existing section of wall, a normal wooden door will materialize on the wall in a position relative to where RPC-X is closest to the wall. RPC-X will then snap into the provided knob socket as if by magnetism. For future reference, this door has been designated RPC-X-1. Because of this anomaly, storing an assembled RPC-X in a standard containment locker is impractical, as the resulting doorway will essentially function like the urine sample cabinets commonly found in hospitals. This problem is easily resolved by the item’s disassembly.
The requirements for the manifestation of RPC-X-1 Are as follows:
- The chosen section of wall must be of a building built before 1950.
- The chosen building must be of a town or city that has lost at least 90% of its peak population since 1960.
If either of these requirements are not met, RPC-X will display no anomalous properties.
Upon opening RPC-X-1, the user will be greeted with a spatial anomaly that is visually identical to the area he has just left via RPC-X-1. The exception to this anomaly is that all entities inside—seeming to be entirely human—will wear clothing corresponding to fashion trends of the 1950’s, as is also the case for technology, terminology, and visual tastes. All buildings will be in vastly improved condition, including significantly less overgrowth and a complete lack of graffiti. This spatial anomaly has been designated as RPC-X-2, and the human-like entities inside designated as RPC-X-2A. Testing has confirmed that transmissions coming from RPC-X-2 can be received in the real worl
RPC-X-2A Instances show no surprise at the arrival of those coming through RPC-X-1; instead they will be invited by the nearest instance to stay at their house or apartment, conversing in a fashion that implies that the occurrence is being treated as a mundane, previously agreed-upon visit. Should the user accept this offer, the entity will take them to the reserved room of any house or apartment within a sixty mile radius from RPC-X-1. This is done through mundane means; usually by automobile. Refusing this offer yields no apparent hostility, as the user is evidently free to set up camp in the wilderness or purchase a hotel room. This period has been dubbed the Invitation Phase.
During the next 72 hours, the user will occupy the reserved bedroom,and will be given the run of the rest of the house/apartment. The residing instances of RPC-X-2A will occasionally invite the user to areas located in the nearby vicinity. These areas include movie theatres, restaurants, public pools, etc. This period has been dubbed the Hospitality Phase. However, after 60 hours since entering RPC-X-2, RPC-X-2A instances will express disappointment and resignation at the user’s “trip home” the following day, regardless of whether or not the user had stated such actions being imminent. Even instances not connected to the subject’s host will express these sentiments. If this confusion is resolved, the user will usually be able to stay one day longer.
Once 96 hours have transpired since entering RPC-X-2, all instances of RPC-X-2A will become verbally hostile to the subject, using both overt and passive aggression. The phrase, “Shouldn’t you be going?” has been heard multiple times at this stage, which has been dubbed the Hostile Phase.
Once 144 hours have transpired since entering RPC-X-2, all instances of RPC-X-2A will become violent, and attempt to assault the subject. During this phase, which has been dubbed the Violent Phase, it is speculated that RPC-X-2A give little consideration to strategy, as most instances will make a beeline to the subject. No instances have been reported using weapons or vehicles to carry out their attack. However, D-class personnel have suspected that the instances of RPC-X-2A were “corralling me back to the door.”
Exploration Reports X-E1:
Explorer: D-2972.
Mission Control: Dr. Strand
Location: Glenrio, Texas. RPC-X was applied on the back wall of a gas station.
Additional Info: D-2972 was given an audio communication device, and instructed to give updates every two hours. D-2972 was also instructed to only give these updates while completely isolated from any instances of RPC-X-2A. This protocol was conceived to avoid suspicion. To avoid attempts at escape, D-2972 was fitted with a detonation collar, which was hidden from instances of RPC-X-2A by giving D-2972 a high-collared shirt. Testing connections of audio receivD-2972 was instructed to accept the first invitation he received.
Report #1-given 30 minutes after entry:
D-2972: Uh… Checking in?
Dr. Strand: D-2972, what is the meaning of this? Your instructions were to-
D-2972: Yeah, I know, I know! 2 hours! I know!
Dr. Strand: At least tell me you’re alone.
D: Yeah, and I’m calling because…well…I can’t…I can’t see?
Dr. Strand: D-2972, if you’re trying to deceive us into-
D: No, I’m not blind, dumbass! I meant out of the corner of my eye. My…what do you call it?
Dr. Strand: Peripheral vision.
D: Yeah that. It’s gone. Can’t see shit. Like wearing a Halloween mask. I try to look at something out of the corner of my eye, and I just see…I dunno, a grey fog or something?
Dr. Strand: Noted. Refrain from giving any more unscheduled reports.
[connection terminated]
Report #2-given 2 hours after entry:
D: Checking in.
Dr. Strand: Go on.
D: This place is weird. A nice weird, I mean. Not talking about the corner-of-my-eye weird, might be gettin’ used to that. By weird, I mean that I’m in the fucking fifties.
Dr. Strand: Did you accept the invitation?
D: Yeah, they seem like nice people…gotta say, though, I don’t know if I’m just really attractive to people in the fifties, or…
Dr. Strand: Or what?
D: Well, they just stare at me. They look away when I turn around, but I can tell they’re looking. I went to this Chinese place
Alternative Names: Raven Mafia, Corvidae Syndicate, Corvus Mafia, The Syndicate, The Ravens, etc.
Summary: The Raven Syndicate is an organized crime group, taking pains to keep their existence hidden from most other crime families. What separates them from other outlaws are their willingness to use anomalous objects wherever and in whatever way that helps with their illegal operations.
Size and Location: The Syndicate is of a scale large enough to keep an established presence throughout roughly 75% of the landmass of the United States of America. Roughly 40% of the Syndicate’s member count operate in the previously mentioned United States with the remaining 60% operating overseas.
Operation: As stated in the summary, the Raven Syndicate will actively seek to acquire anomalous objects discovered in their area. These anomalies will be frequently used to assist in operations such as smuggling, drug deals, prostitution and illegitimate businesses. The presence of anomalies plays a significant factor in what area the Syndicate will expand to next. If any area or town garners a reputation for being “haunted”,operatives will likely be ordered to rent an apartment in or nearby the affected area, after which many other operatives will follow suit. If they become aware of a GOI’s interest in the same area, the Mafia are often the first to open fire, in the hopes of finding the anomaly before their opposition.
AUTHOR NOTE: It occurs to me that there is the question of how much time the Syndicate spends looking for anomalies versus “doing business”. I don’t want them to be too similar to the Authority in that regard; I’ve considered rewriting this section so that instead of hunting them down, the anomalies are instead seemingly attracted to them.
In the event that an anomaly is used, Mafia operatives will, if and however possible, maintain secrecy of their existence by tampering with the crime scene, leaving behind forged evidence suggesting non-anomalous criminal activity, often directing law enforcement to more well-known crime families. However, if the Syndicate is aware that an Amnestic-using GOI—such as the PCAAO or the RPC Authority—is nearby, this precaution will be disregarded, and the operatives will vacate the area, leaving any witnesses to be amnesticized by the GOI in question, per their usual protocol. For this reason, some operatives will refer to these GOI’s as “Janitors.”
Should any member of the Raven Syndicate be brought into court, lawyers are only chosen if the Syndicate has information that would damage his reputation if revealed. This is to prevent the lawyer investigating too closely into the identity of his client, as the client will attempt to convince the court of his association with a different criminal organization.
Their policies towards using anomalies are notably looser than most GOI’s, as some of these items will be brought into the field without being tested. Anomalous humanoids themselves can be found in the ranks of the organization; some cooperating willingly, others at gunpoint.
Recruitment and Structure: The Raven Syndicate is comprised of numerous independent “Murders” which range between 100 and 200 members. Leaders are chosen by who has secured the most anomalies. If a Murder’s numbers grow too large to be manageable, the excess will break off to form a new Murder; all comprised of new recruits by default. Most Murders will have 10 or 20 anomalies to their name. Some members may choose to wear avian-themed cufflinks, or similar contraband, in order to be recognized by other members.
The Syndicate is “ruled” by one or two “Unkindness”, which are essentially Murders made up of the oldest members—ones who have been in the organization since its inception. Any leader of a normal Murder can be usurped by any Unkindness member.
If any member of an Unkindness dies or disappears, any relative of said member may permanently step in to replace him. In this situation, no preliminary process is necessary; while an identical situation in a Murder requires that the replacement undergo some type of initiation ritual. Consequently, as of the 20th century,
Syndicate recruits are often outcasts from other criminal organizations. Others might be relatives of current or previous members, as previously stated. Some recruits are victims of a containment breach that have been able to evade amnesticization. It is rumored that some members are in fact escaped CSD personnel that managed to escape the Authority. Anomalous humanoids are also a source of recruitment.
Relations with Other GOI’s: The goals of GOI’s such as the RPC Authority or the Church of Malthus make little difference to the operations or attitudes of the Raven Syndicate. However, Syndicate operatives have been known to gravitate towards incidents caused by the Church of Malthus, whether by tracking via inside contacts or monitoring media for unusual, large-scale occurrences. The resulting activity is comparable to stores being looted during a natural disaster. In this fashion, Mafia operatives have secured both funds and hostages, anomalous or otherwise.
The Syndicate has made previous attempts at stealing anomalous items from the PCAAO. Most of these operations end in failure, as the PCAAO is based in China, and the Murder leader may decide to abandon pursuit, depending on the potential uses of the anomaly in question.
Some Syndicate operatives have expressed deep resentment for both the PCAAO and the RPC Authority, due to the previously stated rumors.
“Even the big timers think we’re just a myth. Let’s keep it that way.”
-Raven Syndicate Saying
Item #: RPC-136
Object Class: Alpha
Containment Protocols: RPC-136 is to be held in a remote area of the Site-002 parking garage. While not being tested, the tires are to remain off the wheels, with the vehicle itself suspended by an automobile lift. The tires of RPC-136 are to be stored in a 3m x 3m containment cell. RPC-136 and all instances of RPC-136-1 are to be handled with care. Any attempts to assault the objects are prohibited; this includes any attempts at penetration of the tires via syringe, scalpel, or any other means.
Addendum: As of Incident 136-R001, RPC-136-1’s containment cell is to be lit by floodlight at all times. High-powered flashlights are to be kept nearby as back-up lights in case of a power outage, in which security personnel are to turn on the flashlights and keep them trained on the objects. The ventilation grate leading to RPC-136-1’s containment cell is to be covered with a steel plate. See Incident Report 136-R001.
Description: RPC-136 is a beige-colored 1969 Dodge Charger automobile, sporting tires with no visible branding or product number. Upon initial observation, RPC-136 displays no anomalous features, although it is heavily dented in some areas.
The anomalous traits of RPC-136 become apparent whenever it and/or the tires—designated RPC-136-1—are subjected to harm or threatened with such, or if they are introduced into a darkened environment. Under these conditions, instances of RPC-136-1 will protrude one to four prehensile, primarily black appendages ending in three webbed talon-like fingers. Once emerged, the appendages will produce a screeching sound similar to Desmodus rotundus.6 While the talons appear tangible, the rest of the appendages exhibit an incorporeal appearance. Regardless, they are still capable of grasping objects. Researchers have arrived at an estimate of 3cm for the diameter of the appendages, with the talons stretching to a span of 13cm. The appendages themselves are capable of stretching to a length of 1.5 meters, and seem permanently attached to the tire. If the tire is rotating, the appendage will maintain its physical position by shifting in the opposite direction of the tire with an equal RPM. These appendages are designated RPC-136-1A.
One or more instances of RPC-136-1A will emerge from RPC-136-1 if RPC-136 or the respective tire is harmed or visibly threatened, whereafter it will retaliate. RPC-136-1A will first dispose of any weapon used by the aggressor, although on occasion it will momentarily use the weapon against the aggressor. RPC-136-1A will retaliate further by using its talons to make fatal lacerations, and the occasional dismemberment. While retaliating, RPC-136-1A will attempt to place its talons in the nearest shadow if it can attack its victim from said area. Once the victim has been disposed of, or is no longer within reach, the appendages will retreat back into its respective RPC-136-1 instance. High speed camera footage shows that RPC-136-1A is capable of emerging at speeds of up to 35km/hr.
RPC-136-1A will also emerge if its respective tire enters into a darkened environment, such as underground or at night. If it is not affixed to a car wheel, RPC-136-1A will achieve locomotion by arranging the appendages into a quadruped formation and begin walking as such. Using this method, RPC-136-1A will begin to roam and investigate its surroundings. In these darkened environments, the retaliation of RPC-136-1A is considered more aggressive as it will give chase to the aggressor.
RPC-136-1 instances show no resistance to being used as normal car tires.
Acquisition Report: RPC-136 came to the attention of the Authority after several “shadowy arms” attacks were reported from motorists in █████████, California. Drivers described accidents of minor collisions with a car being driven recklessly. They would then begin to hear, as one victim described, “the guts of the car being ripped to shreds.” RPC-136-1A instances would then break through the floor and begin severing the legs of the victims. The reckless driver would drive away without any word to the victim. Most of these victims were police officers who had been chasing a fleeing vehicle at the time of the incident. Authority agents triangulated the incidents and investigated the determined area. In the town of ███████, Authority agents were violently confronted by known operatives of the GOI known as the Raven Mafia. The members were tracked to a confirmed safe house of the Raven Mafia. During the following raid, Agent ██████ discovered an automobile fitting the description of the one frequently given in the aforementioned news reports. It is widely believed that the Raven Mafia had been using RPC-136 to assist in fleeing from law enforcement.
During the Site-002 power outage on ██/██/20██, the ventilation grate leading to RPC-136-1’s containment cell had been severely damaged. The nature of the damage—the metal violently torn back in several places—suggests that during the power outage, RPC-136-1A had attempted a containment breach through the ventilation system. A new grate was installed.
Subject: D-9819
Weapon: None
Instructions: Subject was ordered to sit in the driver seat of RPC-136, and strike the dashboard repeatedly for five seconds. After which, he would exit the vehicle.
Results: Once he exited the vehicle, RPC-136-1A pulled subject under RPC-136, where he expired moments afterwards, due to deep lacerations to the backside. All instances of RPC-136-1A then retreated into their respective RPC-136-1 instances.
Note: An instance of RPC-136-1 had been removed from RPC-136 and installed on another 1969 Dodge Charger, acquired for this experiment.
Subject: D-5504
Weapon: None
Instructions: See 136-T001.1
Results: RPC-136-1A did not emerge. Subject finished experiment unharmed and without incident.
Note: For these next experiments, an instance of RPC-136-1 had been removed from RPC-136 and taken to another area of Site-002. This was done for ease of testing.
Subject: D-5504
Weapon: None
Instructions: D-5504 was instructed to kick RPC-136-1 with considerable force.
Results: RPC-136-1A caught D-5504’s foot before it hit, then severed the foot before pulling the subject closer and disemboweling him. RPC-136-1A then retreated into its respective RPC-136-1 instance.
Subject: D-7071
Weapon: 1 meter of a 4x4 wooden plank.
Instructions: D-7071 was instructed to repeatedly attack RPC-136 with the provided weapon.
Results: After a single hit, RPC-136-1A emerged, wrestled the weapon out of the subject’s hands and broke it in half before throwing it violently to the back of the test chamber. At the same time, subject was grasped by the ankle and had his leg severed by RPC-136-1A. RPC-136-1A then made lacerations to subject’s throat until subject expired. RPC-136-1A then retreated into its respective RPC-136-1 instance.
Note: The objective of this experiment was to examine the interior of the object. A robotic substitute was deemed to be the ideal first set up to test for any reaction.
Equipment: Heavy-duty robotic arm fitted with a scalpel, and another robotic arm on standby.
Instructions: The robotic arm was programmed to make a surgical incision into RPC-136-1, with the second arm positioned to prevent the object from being moved by the scalpel.
Results: Once the scalpel had made a 1 cm incision, RPC-136-1A began attacking and trying to sever the robotic arm. This lasted for 10 seconds. When it became apparent that it wouldn’t succeed, the object ejected itself from between the two robotic arms, using the locomotive method stated in the description. RPC-136-1A then retreated into its respective RPC-136-1 instance. The incision was repaired with rubber cement.
Subject: D-3487
Weapon: .22 handgun, loaded with rubber bullets of the appropriate caliber.
Instructions: Subject was ordered to shoot the object, once every 5 seconds.
Results: Before subject could fire, RPC-136-1A emerged and pulled the weapon out of the subject’s hand. RPC-136-1A then randomly fired shots in unpredictable directions. The talons would occasionally slip off the trigger, and grasp other areas of the weapon; in these events, researchers speculated that RPC-136-1A was “confused” as to why the weapon was not firing. D-3487 fled the test chamber with his upper right arm heavily bruised by one of the shots. RPC-136-1A then violently threw the firearm at the observation window before retreating back into its respective RPC-136-1 instance. D-3487 was terminated shortly afterwards.
Note: Considering that the Raven Mafia is a criminal organization, it should come as no surprise that RPC-136-1A has attained even a subpar understanding of the operation of firearms. This implies that RPC-136-1A instances are capable of primitive learning. Additionally, media should still be monitored for any more “shadowy arms” attacks. We do not know for sure if there are more automobiles with these properties.
- Dr. Strand
Yeah, please laugh. But I am somewhat serious about this.