Rewrite: Hands that come out of portals also have feelings
Registered Phenomena Code: 522

Containment Rating: Gamma

Lethality Rating: purple
h-aggression.png Aggression h-ballistic.png Ballistic h-geological.png Geological h-sapient.png Sapient h-electromagnetic-force.png Electromagnetic Force h-extreme-temperature.png Extreme Temperature h-extra-dimensional.png Extra-Dimensional h-immeasurable.png Immeasurable h-titanic.png Titanic

Containment Protocols:

When RPC-522 manifests inside Site-015, MST Oscar-231 will be displayed. During all time, MST Oscar 23 has to use heat-protective gear. The staff personnel who is around the area where RPC-522 manifested will be relocated to a section of the facility far enough to avoid important losses. Next, MST Oscar-23 will overlap with RPC-522 a plaque made of heat-resistant metals2 and wait 3 hours3 before removing the plaque. Then, the part affected by RPC-522 will be replaced.

when RPC-552 manifests within a public space, procedure is to be followed as stated above with the exception of evacuating civilians to the nearest secure location and amnestizing them post-containment.

If RPC-522-A also manifests, MST Oscar-23 is to shoot a mixture of NH3, CO2, and CHCI344 to avoid the entity from entering baseline reality, to then overlap the plaque.


RPC-522 is a dimensional phenomenon that manifests sporadically in the forms of portals within Site-015. These portals are yellow in coloration and circular in shape. RPC-522 has a temperature of 579.87°K5. Solids or liquids in our dimension can not pass through RPC-522, but liquids or solids inside RPC-522 can pass through it easily; Gases in our dimension can pass through RPC-522.

Inside RPC-522, an entity (hereby referred to as RPC-522-A) lives. RPC-522-A is a humanoid entity resembling a ''giant'' of greek mythology. RPC-522-A lengths 30 m and is covered in golden-colored fur. RPC-522-A extremities are approximate 10 m. RPC-522-A has the ability to manipulate and create electromagnetic forces, along with manipulation of wind and fire (see tests log).

RPC-522-A body exhibits a tensile strength that leaves it resistant to conventional arms fire, concussive forces, and extreme temperatures. However, testing has shown that exposures to certain chemicals can cause temporary harm (see footnote 4). Exposure to these chemicals appear to cause severe burns and extreme irritation to the entity.

RPC-522-A exhibits aggressive behavior toward human subjects. RPC-552-A is capable of speech, but the words it uses appears to have either no meaning or half-constructed phrases.


RPC-522 was first discovered on 09/04/2012 when first manifested in Site-015's containment wing. RPC-522-A was first discovered on 21/04/2012, when it manifested in Site-015's administrative wing, inside Dr. Hamilton's office. Sounds resembling voices were coming out RPC-522-A; 10 minutes after RPC-522 appeared, RPC-522-A started to talk gibberish, Dr. Hamilton tried to keep a conversation with it, and This was recorded.

On 30/04/2012, RPC-522 manifested again. This time, RPC-522-A showed a little domain in English. The interview was recorded.

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