




Registered Phenomena Code: 173
Object Class: Beta-Yellow
Hazard Types: Sentient Hazard, Regenerative Hazard, Transmutable Hazard, Organic Hazard, Extra-Terrestrial Hazard.
Containment protocols: RPC-173 is to be kept in a 7m x 7m x7m containment cell.

RPC-173 must be fed no less than three meals of meat of any type a day. Meals that aren't meat will cause RPC-173 to become agitated and refuse to eat. RPC-173 will not generally eat humans but will resort to doing so if it goes long periods of time without eating.

Containment cell must be monitored for any damage.

Description: RPC-173 is a clear shape shifting entity first discovered in ████████ Forest of West Virginia.

The following forms that have been observed include a human female which it uses as its main form, a sphere, a crocodile. Its most unique forms are a creature resembling a hazmat suit and a strange horned creature with four tentacles. Its method of gaining most of these forms are based on DNA whether it be consumption of another life form, blood, saliva, or other fluids. When RPC-173 transforms, it takes the shape of the creature. However its form is not completely accurate to the creature it is imitating. It also keeps its transparency so its attempt of blending in with other creatures usually fails.

RPC-173's skin is made of an unknown substance but has a similar composition to cytoplasm at its normal state. It can change the composition of it’s skin for different purposes such as sticking to surfaces, sliding, or just solidifying its body. RPC-173 has organs which are visible through its skin which measure around 40mm. These organs help RPC-173's coordination. If these organs are separated from the body they will slide towards RPC-173 to be part of it again, repairing any injuries (See incident report #3).

RPC-173 is immune to almost all forms of attack. However shooting it will cause it to back away without damaging it.

Interview Log 173.1:

Interview Log 173.2

Incident Reports


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