



Media ID#: M-000

Foreword: The Following Footage is a meeting with the Global Directors GD-SCHL, GD-CMDR and GD-ARCH

<Begin Video>

00:05 - GD-CMDR and GD-SCHL Walk into an Empty Meeting Room at An Undisclosed Location.

00:09 - GD-CMDR and GD-SCHL Settle Down into their seats, while GD-ARCH is watching them.

00:15 - GD-ARCH: Hello, Everyone. As you all noticed, I called you for a meeting.

0:18- GD-ARCH: The Reason Why? Because we live in a fake reality.
0:25- GD-SCHL: No, that’s not true.

0:37- GD-ARCH: Doesn’t Matter. The Reason why I realized we are al fiction is when I looked on the internet and found all of our RPCs on the Website. They all had Authors and they knew everything about us.

0:39- GD-ARCH: I was certainly shocked. Then, I figured out an idea. What if we made a Nanobot that implements itself into the reader’s brain, then disintegrates it.

0:45- GD-CMDR and GD-SCHL nod in agreement.

0:50- We will design the document like-

0:55- Video Footage cuts off

<End Video>

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