Souperspambot - Crabby Jake's

» Office of the Directorate «



Aliases: AWACS


An image of AWACS from before joining the Authority.

Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Tibetan

Height: 160cm

Weight: 40kg

Birthplace: Ganden, Tibet

Date of Birth: November 26th, 1949

Enlistment Date: May 11th, 1998

Educational History:

  • Schooled in Tibetan Monastary. (1953-1959)
    • Cut short after Tibetan Uprising of 1959 and subsequent fighting caused him to flee to Nepal.
  • Self-studied Aviation Maintenance during the 1960s and 1970s.

Occupational History:

  • Helicopter Tour Guide. (1967-1980)
    • Purchased and repaired a broken helicopter formerly used for rescue of mountaineers using his earnings.
  • Member of Nepal Army Air Wing (1980-1990)
    • Due to lack of governmental resources, he mainly used the helicopter he bought during his time as a tour guide, although he was able to purchase a more recent helicopter, which he still uses, during his tenure.
  • Founded the Nepalese terrorist group "████████" (1990-1998)
    • Defected from "████████" and attempted to join The Authority (1998)

Operational History:

  • Worked as a member of ACI after joining The Authority, personally handling several missions key to the destruction of a major Taiwanese Malthusian Sect as well as leading several other missions within Southeast Asia. (1998)
  • Requested transfer to Protectorate instead of continuing within ACI, given a position within RE-100. (1999-2004)
    • Succesfully carried out 100 different operations from ASIACOM and EURACOM, specifically as a response to several RPC-959 incidents, and multiple RPC-361 incidents.
    • Worked with several JCOP to develop standardized modifications for Protectorate helicopters.
  • Promoted to Sergeant JCOP as a result of his work. (2004-2006)
    • Developed the current primary flight formations for the Protectorate and several MSTs.
  • Promoted to Senior JCOP (2006-2020)
    • Led a major operation in response to a massive RPC-140 containment breach (2008)
    • One of the main leaders during the response and cleanup of the Site-014 incident
  • Promoted to Head JCOP of ASIACOM (2021-)


Codename "AWACS" is a figure that has received much controversy since his time joining the Authority on shaky terms. While those who he has worked with will attest to his level of fealty and loyalty to the organization and its ideas, many agents still use his past in order to doubt his qualifications. In his youth he was a member of the Ganden Monastery before the Tibetan Uprising lead to its destruction and he chose to flee the country along with many of the buddhist monks. Afterwards, still scarred from the destruction of his home, he abandoned buddhism, choosing to study aviation and eventually finding a job as a helicopter tour guide, often taking people to the various mountains of the himalayas. He found a passion for flying helicopters, and after using his earnings to purchase and repair a broken Bell UH-1D helicopter, AWACS joined the Nepalese Army as one of the few members of its Air Force. Much of his time was spent doing simple training missions and reconnaisance, although his tenure instilled in him a sense of duty and discipline that he has kept since then

In 1990 he, along with several other members of the Nepali Army, chose to leave the military and together they created the terrorist group "████████." AWACS mostly acted as the brains of the operation, formulating the plans that would be put in motion, as well as overseeing operations from the air. "████████" mostly acted by bombing key locations within the CCP, namely Confucian Temples and Cemeteries, as well as areas critical to CCP industry such as power plants. During operations, the group's members would often guise themselves in the uniforms of china's political rivals, usually India. This came to a head during an operation in 1997 where "████████" worked with a taiwanese Malthus cell to destroy 2 Chinese Battleships using an anomalous torpedo launcher while disguised as Americans. The only reason it did not cause a larger international incident, is that the group was recognized by the presence of AWACS's helicopter.

For undisclosed reasons, AWACS defected from "████████" and attempted to join the Authority after landing at Site-084. He was immediately put in custody while it was decided what was to be done. After he gave the Authority information on "████████" which was then given to the CCP, as a test of loyalty, he personally planned and led an operation to destroy the malthus cell he initally worked with. it was decided that he would be allowed to join, albeit under a form of probationary surveillance. After he began to fully work with the Authority, he helped with several operations originating out of ASIACOM, usually taking an auxillary communications role. Spending most missions in an Authority helicopter or his personal copter, AWACS was considered a living radar for ACI operations. Often having more information about an agent's surroundings than they would, he was responsible for making sure every mission went smoothly and that agents were able to get home safely.

In 1999, he was considered to be taken off probation, and he asked to be transferred to the Protectorate instead of working with the ACI. He was given a role within the VIP Rescue division, where he quickly acclimated to the job despite having little experience in rescue operations. AWACS became fairly well known within the Protectorate again for his environmental awareness, often advising rangers where to go for optimal pickup points and helping them avoid obstacles. Within a few years, AWACS was well known within the ASIACOM and EASTCOM protectorate for their skills as well as their distinctive manner of speaking.

His in-field skills were not his only boon however, as he also worked with his protectorate superiors to devise a series of modifications to protectorate aircraft that would allow for greater stability and stealth, helping cut down on the costs of aircraft repair and amnestic production. All of this allowed AWACS to jump past the rank of Junior JCOP to Sergeant, although some members of administration were still wary of him because of his past. Regardless, AWACS continued to work with Protectorate, usually in a more auxillary command role, often organizing rescue efforts and responding to major developments with a modified plan within moments. Only a few days after he submitted a new standard flight plan and aerial formation for Rescue Rangers, AWACS was again promoted to Senior JCOP.

AWACS remained Senior JCOP for most of his Authority Career, as the controversy regarding his past and his distinctive demeanor "freaking out" many administrative members prevented any attempts by his colleagues to recommend his promotion to Head JCOP to go through. However, his leadership during the aftermath of the Site-014 incident as well as all of his past accomplishments lead the recently appointed GD-CMDR "Lightning Rod" to promote AWACS to Head JCOP of ASIACOM within a year of his tenure.

AWACS is still regarded poorly by some of the other heads of The Authority, although he'd be the first to mention that none of them have worked with him since he "began his redress." The day after Lightning Rod promoted AWACS to Head JCOP, he found his door being unlocked by an exasperated Forge asking him why he felt "it was a good idea to give Blofeld a promotion." Contrary to this, both of the GDs who worked with AWACS for most of his career have favorable opinions of him, Halfpenny specifically regarding him well after he was able to reduce the operating costs of EURACOM's Protectorate. Possibly as a response to his earlier work within "████████," AWACS has had a particularly virulent opinion regarding Groups of Interest, believing it best to completely erase all traces of them than to give them a chance to cause an incident like that of Site-014. AWACS has a much milder response to most AOIs, with the exception of the PCAAO, who he has been very outspoken against.

Further Documentation

Further Information

  • His personal helicopter, a heavily modified SA 365 Dauphin 2 helicopter, is still his standard method of transportation, and he always keeps a pilot suit on or near his person in case of an emergency.
  • Despite serving for the Authority for 30 years, almost no lower level personnel have seen his face, as he kept his helmet on at all moments except for meals and sleeping (although some agents and rangers claimed to see him wearing it to bed and in the mess hall)
  • A DNA test found him to be a distant relative of the last GD-WAR.
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