



Registered Phenomena Code: XXX

Item Type: Object

Lethality Rating: White/Potential Yellow

Hazard Types: Sapient, Infohazard?

Abstract: RPC-XXX has proven to have extreme knowledge of baseline and alternate realities, it may accidentally release infohazards, this can be prevented by the use of Class P-0 Amnestics.

Safe Handling and Usage: Researchers testing RPC-XXX should be administered Class P-0 Amnestics before testing, the researchers should be watched by a Intelligence Agency Expungement personnel in case of any classified information being said by RPC-XXX, after testing they should be checked out by a medical personnel to see if the Class P-0 Amnestics failed.

Description: [Explain what the thing is in detail]

Addendum: [Optional extra information]

Test Log: [Optional basic test Log]

Cross-Testing Log: [Optional testing with another RPC]

Interview Log: [Optional interview with a related person or entity]

Involved Researchers: [Optional list of any researchers involved with the RPC]

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