The Book About Itself





Registered Phenomena Code: XXX

Object Class: Alpha-Yellow

Hazard Types: Info-Hazard

Containment Protocols: RPC-XXX is to be stored in a 12 x 12 x 4 wooden box with a removable glass lid with it’s title facing downward. RPC-XXX is to be guarded by 1 armed guard at the entrance of the containment chamber.

Personnel with level 2 and above clearance are allowed inside the room’s observation area and level 3 and above are allowed to access the inside of RPC-XXX’s containment.

Description: RPC-XXX is a hardcover, blue colored book entitled “RPC-XXX” and is approximately 12 pages long, dating back to ████. Inside RPC-XXX lists it’s own RPC designation, containment protocols, discovery, ect. It is unknown on how the book knows it’s RPC designation and containment protocols. The book’s other pages after the document ends consists of [REDACTED] containing [DATA EXPUNGED].

RPC-XXX was found in ████████ Library after Mrs. ███ checked out the book and was reported not coming out of her home for days. Upon being discovered by RPC Authority, Mrs. ███ was found in the corner of her bedroom. Upon the opening of RPC-XXX, Agent ████████ closed the book after approximately five minutes and took Mrs. ███ in for questioning.



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