Preface: This obviously isn't finished. Nothing here is truly final
If you wanna edit just ask me on the discord
Indian National Defense Initiative for the Reclamation of Anomalies (INDIRA) - Unknown
- Unknown
- Authority-Aware
- Unveiled
- Seeker
- Sculptor
- National

While anomalous groups have existed within the Indian Subcontinent for thousands of years, the Indian National Defense Initiative for the Reclamation of Anomalies (INDIRA) [in Hindi: Bhaarateey Raashtreey Raksha Pahal (BHRTRP) is the largest contemporary group, being formed in 1952 by the newly established Indian Government. Initially a small task force for collecting and storing anomalous objects, their goals and motives changed following the 1975-1977 state of emergency across the nation. INDIRA began to refocus their purpose to not only collect anomalous items, but to use them for the purpose of aiding the Indian people in achieving a post-human state of being.
INDIRA believes that anomalous objects relate to the pantheon present in Hinduism and other religions originating from the Indian Subcontinent, and while most anomalies are considered dangerous itself, they use them in covert operations or in helping the population of India in general.
The liberal use of the anomalous, their rivalries with other Agencies such as PCAAO and MI13, and extremist beliefs have caused INDIRA to become a radical and at times unpredictable player on the anomalous world stage.
Where the mind is without fear; the head held high,
Where knowledge is unfettered, where stone walls nigh
In their confined courtyards bound, night and day,
Have kept not this world in broken bits of disarray.
Where welling from fonts of hearts unconstrained.
Gush forth words; endeavors flow unrestrained
'Cross many a land and in manifold paths to race,
A myriad, thousand different aspirations to grace
Where smothering sands of trifle, worthless custom
Have not engulfed the path of stream of reason
Smashed not manhood into a hundred pieces; lead
Where you each day every joy, thought 'n deed.
With pitiless blow of thine own hand consummate,
Into that heaven, my Father, let my country awake.
Where the mind is Without Fear
-Rabindranath Tagore
Thousands of years have come and pass, and yet our nation, our people, have withstood the test of time. As we tread through the Kali Yuga, the world, and more importantly ourselves, have been suffering from its effects. For the longest time it may have seemed fruitless to battle Kali and the pain he brings with him, but today, as of your enlisting, we may be able to null his wrath.
Welcome to the National Defense, soon you will begin to interact with the elements of the world that you always knew were there, but could never gain access to. From the blessings of Parvati to the cruelty of the most foul Rakshasa, you will be exposed to it all. We will begin to harness these natural forces to benefit our nation, and subject our enemies to the torment that fell on us in the past.
Tagore spoke of the awakened Indian Nation, and soon it shall be before our very eyes. Soon our people will be in touch with the world in its truest form, Indian men will all become leaders and visionaries, women shall become benchmarks for beauty and temperance. And our nation will be a light of hope in this time of fear and sorrow.
Welcome to the Defense Initiative. Allow us to give you a brief introduction in to our inner workings
Most likely, you are one of the brave men from our armed forces who were sent here under the guise of an "important mission". I can assure you, this is actually important and you won't just be scrubbing toilets and wiping the vomit out of mess halls for 6 months. Rather you will be on the front line in confronting, containing and exploring anomalies of all kinds. You will enter combat against horrors the likes of which the average man would be unable to comprehend, while also fighting alongside heavenly spirits that have graced our land. You may also volunteer yourself in the process of experimentation with newly developed equipment dedicated towards defeating the evil that is present in this world. It is our hopes that you will not see yourself or your comrades as mere goons with guns, but as courageous warriors with fighting spirits the likes of which reflect those of Ashoka and his armies many centuries ago.
Research and Development
It is an honor to be within the presence of some of the sharpest minds that our nation has to offer. Knowledge from the fields of biology, astronomy, history and countless other subjects have gathered here today to help our nation advance in to the light and the grace of our gods. Starting today, you shall be studying that which standard science fails to define, and developing the means that shall bring our nation out of the Kali Yuga. While the fruits of your labours may not be apparent today, you have planted the seeds of a tree that will be appreciated for generations to come. In a time not too far from the present, our enemies shall be defeated with the weapons that you have created yourself.
Our classification system of the anomalous is determined by the aspect of a deity that we believe it represents. If we are wrong, then we pray that they will show us what they truly embody.
Dharmic and Adharmic
There are two main types of anomalies that we encounter, and as such, they are either deemed to be Dharmic or Adharmic; Good or Bad.
- Amrita: An inanimate object that has been deemed to benefit the Indian People. These may range from weapons to medicines or even enchanced variations of everyday items.
- Aum: A metaphysical anomaly that is beneficial. These are rare to encounter, despite the fact they encompass various concepts such as information and senses.
- Mandira: An anomalous location that has been deemed to be beneficial. When possible, operations and outposts are to be established in these areas.
- Deva: A sentient anomaly that has dedicated themselves to serving the interests of our nation. Often these are former personnel who have become anomalous by a variety of means.
- Halahala: An inanimate object that has been deemed to be detrimental. These may include objects such as poisons, viruses, or other hazardous materials
- Ravana: A metaphysical anomaly that is detrimental. These are often considered to be some of the most dangerous anomalies due to their difficulty to contain and the often dangerous potential of these anomalies.
- Naraka: Anomalous locations that are deemed to be harmful. Personnel are to avoid these areas at all costs, and extended efforts are to be put in place to keep citizens away from accidental or purposeful entrance.
- Rakshasa: Sentient anomalies that have been determined to be against the greater interests of the nation. On occasion, non-anomalous persons or groups may be classified as Rakshasas to emphasize the threat they pose against India and her people.
Aside from being Dharmic or Adharmic, anomalies will have secondary properties often involving elements or physical properties
- Varuna: Named after the Vedic sea deity, the Varuna classification covers anomalies that affect water and those that reside in it as well.
- Agni: Named after the god of fire, the Agni classification covers fire-based anomalies and anything else implicating extreme heat.
- Brahman: Named after the principle of ultimate reality, the Brahman classification covers reality altering anomalies. A very open-ended classification that covers everything from teleportation anomalies to anomalies that can move matter with the mind (often known as psychokinesis)
- Dyaus: Named after the god of the Sky, the Dyaus classification covers airborn anomalies ranging from pathogens to sentient creatures that reside in the skys.
- Prithvi: Named after the devi of the Earth, the Prithvi classification covers anomalies that alter the geological makeup of the Earth
- Mariaai: Named after the devi of rain, the Mariaai classification covers anomalies that have an effect on the meteorological systems of the Earth excluding thunderstorms which are covered by the Indra classification
- Indra: Named after the god of thunder, the Indra classification covers electromagnetic anomalies such as thunderstorms and simple technology powered by electricity.
- Vanara: Named after race of monkey-like forest dwellers as seen in the Ramayana, the Vanra classification covers anomalies that take the form of animals ranging from dogs and cats to rodents and apes. Does not include aerial animals such as mosquitos or birds which are covered under the Dyaus classification.
Here, you can see a collection of anomalous objects we have catalogued, along with recountings of various events involving our personnel from a variety of perspectives. Note that some anomalies may be classified for security purposes
Aum/Deva-Brahman-80 (RPC-980)
Halahala-Prithvi-93 (RPC-293)
Rakshasa-Brahman-021 (RPC-800)
Ravana-Brahman-44 (RPC-244)
Official Documents
404 Data Not Found
Tales and Legends
404 Data Not Found
I am writing this assuming that the average writer doesn't have a lot of knowledge about India or Dharmic religions. So here are some things to aid you in writing.
First off, some basics
One goal I have with INDIRA is to create a simpler structure as compared to other AoI's. Instead of having a million small divisions, they use other parts of the Indian government to achieve something. The biggest aspect of this is the use of the army. INDIRA will never have a constant standing army as compared to something like the ASF of the Authority. They will bring in members of the Indian Armed Forces for something like capturing an anomaly or guarding a site.
I modeled INDIRA somewhat to India's intelligence bureau. At the top of it is the agency executive. As for India's prime minister, while he of course knows what's happening, all he really can do is give a Yes or No to whatever the agency is doing. Think of it like the parent of a teenager. Not controlling them, but giving the final say to things like if they can go to the movies with their friends.
Before I get to the next point, I would like to say something about the secrecy of the agency. As i said earlier, I modeled them off of the IIB, and one of the IIB's most notable features is how secretive they are. Rarely does the IIB declassify their documents and we don't even know how many people they hire. INDIRA does something similar. Even for an AOI they are very secretive, often using vaguerys to describe the people involved with their projects. Research heads are named but the average soldier or scientist isn't gonna get name dropped on a report paper. Unless absolutely necessary, they will not give names of people involved for their own protection. Now, on to the next point.
Formatting and Tone
With INDIRA, the tone I am trying to give them is what I call "relaxed clinical tone". This means that while they are still professional and clinical with their documents, they are far less stringent than the Authority's tone. Think of it being like a paper you would write for school rather than your standard RPC. Obviously no slang, profanity or other unprofessional terminology are permitted.
As for the format INDIRA uses, I have created this simple format for now. There may be additional formats in the future, but for describing anomalies and projects this is what they would use
Head of Research: Dr. John Doe
Document Title
Date: 04/20/1969
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. You didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo
What to write
ANYTHING!!!! No really I am serious. My biggest goal with INDIRA is to create a flexible, simple AOI that wouldn't end up being restricted to just bureaucracy articles or being a "nationalist version of the Authority" which I feel some AOIs ended up becoming. So what exactly can you do with INDIRA? Like I said, anything. INDIRA is very liberal with the usage of anomalies for their nations sake or for the sake of getting at another nation that they dislike like China or England. This often leads to them doing things such as human experiments to create anomalies, creating weaponry, or opening rifts to other realms at a much more frequent rate than the Authority.
Internationally they will always want to get their way no matter who they are dealing with. So yes you CAN write a bureaucracy article with them but I would prefer if you don't because I want them to be much more than that. The methods they use to try to get their way is by any means necessary. Anomalies, cheating, whatever, they will always do what they want to win.
Domestically, there are many problems in India that make for good writing material. India deals with many issues such as pollution, the aftereffects of colonialism,1 rapid industrialization and technological advancements2 extreme weather, and very strong senses of nationalism. And of course above all else, you can write about the various religions and cults that arise in India.
This isn't all you can write about, these are just a few basic ideas. As I said earlier, this is a very flexible AOI made for writing about anything you want as long as it has something to do with India.
Initially I thought this was too extreme for AOIs but I figured I might as well add it anyways. First a little perspective. This isn't some cult from some backwater part of America or a group of bored scientists with a few screw loose. This is a decently powerful nation that is home to around 18% of the world's population with a diaspora of millions more around the world. Not only that but the teachings aren't a blatant corruption of an established religion like some cults are. While INDIRA is slightly corrupted in terms of the Hinduism and other Indian religions that they practice and preach, it is to the point where the average Desi may not even recognize the corruption or care for it.
Now how does Posthumanism relate to Hinduism and other Dharmic religions within the region? In Buddhism it can relate to the concept of Enlightenment where you achieve the awakened intellect of a Buddha. In Hinduism it relates to the concept of escaping Samsara, (the cycle of death and rebirth) which is the main goal of almost every Dharmic religion. In essence, INDIRA is attempting to raise the Indian people out of Samsara and into a higher state of being while leaving those that have wronged them (Namely Anglos and Chinese) in a lower state where they are punished for their actions.
Of course this has its own issues in universe. This can make INDIRA very radical for an AOI especially compared to others who are very anti-anomalous. First of all, this mindset is disastrous for other nations who, if INDIRA were somehow successful, would be left in a state of chaos or cease to exist entirely. This also presents a great danger to the secret nature of the anomalous as a whole. INDIRA is planning to eventually expose their people to this material in order to help them evolve and become the second man. Once they expose it then the veil as a whole just begins to vanish which has disastrous consequences upon the world. Luckily the Indian government isn't just showing this to people all willy-nilly. They are doing vigorous tests to see the best method for achieving posthumanism. If they ever were to begin to show it to people, the means for it would have been mastered for at least a decade before it begins to roll out.
This is all just what they do in simple terms, I leave the rest up to you.
International Relations
We are not alone in our quest to understand the anomalous world. There are other groups that may oppose our goal, work alongside us, or ignore us entirely. Here is a briefing on the most relevant of these groups
People's Committee for the Acquisition of Anomalous Objects 🇨🇳
Relations: Antagonistic
Perhaps the most detrimental earthly force standing between the Indian people and Moksha. The government of the People's Republic of China has attempted to claim regions that rightfully belong to the Indian Nation (known to the western world as Kashmir) and have repeatedly attempted to sabotage operations performed by the National Defense.
Procedure: You are to avoid direct confrontation with PCAAO personnel and report any possible PCAAO infiltration to security within your facility/outpost. You should never attack first upon seeing or suspecting PCAAO personnel as to avoid causing international incidents.
Monarch Security/Military Intelligence 13 🇬🇧
Relations: Caution
Former conquerors of the Indian people that are now relegated to an island in Northern Europe. While they do not pose as much of a threat to the nation as they did half a century ago, personnel are to be wary of any potential spies sent by the crown. Officially, INDIRA is to make attempts at warm relations between the two agencies.
Procedure: Attempt friendly interaction whenever possible but never let your guard down around them. Keep a small barrier between you and Monarch Security personnel, never place full trust in them and always remember OPSEC.
United Nations Anomalous Activities Committee 🇺🇳
Relations: Caution
A globalist, culture erasing organization masquerading as a humanitarian body, it often works as a negotiating table and a regulator of anomalous activity around the world regardless of whether or not the activities are positive or negative. It stands as a gatekeeper often preventing us from being able to properly develop "anomalous" equipment for our people. However, due to its negotiation powers, it may also be used to our advantage to punish those that stand in our way.
Procedure: Attempt friendly interaction whenever possible, but do not be afraid to be bold in their faces on occasion. In emergencies (such as an anomaly that spans the globe) full cooperation is necessary for the survival of the nation.
The Authority
Relations: Neutral:
Ironically, an anomaly within the anomalous world. They are a non-governmental organization with more power than some states within the west. While they generally see the anomalous as something that should be stored away from the public eye, they often present friendly relations towards our agency and have allied with us several times in research and containment of anomalies. They have also been known to be a major factor in negotiations with other anomalies agencies, but rarely has it been used to our advantage.
Procedure: As they do not pose much of a threat toward our cause, personnel may ignore them entirely, or attempt friendly interaction.
Nihil cults ☀️
Relations: Hostile
Heretical cults that attempt to subvert our religions with a mixture of other faiths from around the world. Despite having a somewhat notable presence throughout the history of the subcontinent (first appearing at the border with Pakistan around the time Gautama Buddha began to spread his teachings), it has never reached the popularity of other faiths within our culture. With the arrival of European settlers in the middle ages, they began to face extinction until the Cold War era where they had a small revival. Currently, they only exist in small numbers but the mere existence is enough of a threat to our nation.
Procedure: You are to capture or kill on sight if armed, or flee and report to security if unarmed. You are also to learn their symbols, behaviors and practices to easily identify cultists.
Amazing! Co and Kabushiki Kawaii 🛒 😼
Relations: Hostile
For simplicities sake, these two groups are listed together as they are similar in nature, but differing in material. Amazing! Co and Kabushiki Kawaii are multinational corporations dedicated to selling anomalous products around the world. Amazing! Co attempts to sell anomalous versions of normal materials (such as food or office supplies) often within our nation and nearby countries such as Bangladesh and Pakistan. Kabushiki Kawaii often trafficks their products and people through our nation on the way to the rest of the world and our influential on other blackmarkets in the country.
Procedure: You are to work alongside local law enforcement, under the guise of Intelligence Bureau agents, in the disruption of A!CO and KK operations. Any humans found to work in relation with these groups, anomalous or not, are to be interrogated in hopes of finding potential trade routes and outposts created by these groups.
Pre-History to 1830: Various predecessor groups within India. One of the more notable being "Heaven's Blade" which was an armed group used by Emperor Ashoka during the Kalinga War in 260 BC.
1830: The Thuggee and Dacoity Department of the East Indian Company was established to address Thuggee cults within the Indian Subcontinent. Throughout its existence it often dealt with and came into possession of various anomalous artifacts. TDD eventually became the dominant anomalous group within the Indian Subcontinent.
1899: The Thuggee and Dacoity Department was merged with Military Intelligence Section 13.
1931: Indian Nationalists begin to organize a group to fight against Military Intelligence Section 13 agents attempting to steal artifacts from India. The group has no formal name but it's leaders referred to themselves as "Defenders of the Nation".
1947: As a part of the Indian Independence Act 1947, 250 anomalous items stolen by Military Intelligence Section 13 would be returned to the Indian Government, the MI13 headquarters (Often referred to as Monarch Security East) near New Delhi would be in control of the Indian government along with the 2 additional sites in Mumbai and Ahmadabad. The Dominion of Pakistan was only granted 15 anomalous items following the Act.
1951: Following the establishment of the Republic of India in the previous year, Nationalists from the "Defenders of the Nation" group were added to the government as their own agency that came to be known as the "Indian National Defense Initiative". The agency was a small, dedicated task force within the Indian Armed Forces for recovering anomalous artifacts and neutralizing anomalous entities within the subcontinent.
1953: Several prominent researchers and other personnel originating from the German Anomalous Research Division's (GARD) Schwarze Sonne/Black Sun Branch arrived in India and presented themselves to INDI as potential allies. Reluctantly, the young Indian Government finds assistance in former GARD personnel.
1958: Following pressure from Soviet officials, INDI slowly begins the removal of GARD influence within their ranks, within 2 years, the organization is free of any GARD personnel or sympathizers.
1961: The Soviet Union's Iron Initiative began to foster better relations with INDI, leading to the two agencies collaborating multiple times until the former's collapse in 1991.
1965: The Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 begins. During this time, INDI executes Operation Lokapala to recover several artifacts belonging to the Pakistani Occult Agency that the Indian Government felt belonged to them. The operation was a partial success as only 4 of the 9 planned items were recovered by INDI.
1971: The Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 begins. INDI attempted to recover the remaining 5 items that were not recovered during Operation Lokapala during this time. Dubbed Operation Kubera, it is a success as all items are recovered. In this time, the Pakistani Occult Agency crumbles due to the humiliating defeat at the hands of INDI and cut funding.
1975-77: Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declares a state of Emergency within India, giving herself powers far beyond what the constitution would typically allow her. Amidst the chaos of this time, she transforms INDI in to the Indian National Defense Initiative for the Reclamation of Anomalies (INDIRA), expanding the groups purpose from simply a task-force for collecting anomalous objects to a group that further researchers the anomalous and attempts to use them to help the Indian people achieve Moksha, freeing them from the eternal death and rebirth cycle.