The Revolutionary Calculator

Designation: LO-XXX
Description: A red calculator of unknown make and origin with the label "Volkov Industries Scientific Revolutionary Calculator" written on the back of the it in black bold letting.
Site Location: Site-035
Properties: When present in any corporate or business environment. All lower income workers will begin to form a cargo cult around the calculator and will develop mass hysterical delusions thinking that the calculator is their leader and has some form of sentience. The calculator will then somehow disrupt any monetary process from occurring and anyone who has a high income or is of wealthy status will suddenly become the target of the newly formed cargo cult. Within fifteen minutes or less in the environment, lower incomes will begin to hold higher management individuals hostage, thus necessitating the need for a minor MST or ASF deployment. However, if the calculator is not properly charged, its anomalous effects will dissipate and the lower income workers will return to their initial state of conscious. Amnestics are to be deployed to any individual who has encountered the effects of LO-XXX.

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