Thimble's Workshop





RPC-XXX glowing brightly inside the torch.
28 June 1919.


Registered Phenomena Code: XXX

Object Class: Alpha-Yellow

Hazard Types: Sapient, Emotional, Ideological Hazard

Containment Protocols: Constant physical surveillance of the Statue of Liberty’s torch and RPC-XXX is to be performed by research personnel.

Under no circumstances should public access to the balcony around the torch be resumed.

Description: RPC-XXX is a humanoid entity that resembles a young female adult of European descent.

RPC-XXX's physicality is that of a lithe build, standing at 1.9 meters with a light green iris and dark brown hair which is notably stylized similar to flappers in the early twentieth century. RPC-XXX's attire consistently contains a Roman stola and palla with a color scheme similar to the flag of the United States of America. RPC-XXX's voice is layered, containing multiple dialects of the English language. RPC-XXX is noted to give off a golden glow varying in intensity.

RPC-XXX's primary anomalous ability occurs when in contact with the torch of the Statue of Liberty is emotional manipulation, capable of affecting subjects up to a radius of 7.80 m. Individuals entering the affected area experience an overwhelming sense of patriotism towards the United States of America as well as a feeling of Liberty.

RPC-XXX's secondary anomalous ability is that it lacks any apparent functions related to aging. RCP-XXX's appearance in age or attire has not changed since its discovery.

RPC-XXX has exhibited behavior similar to the citizen populous of the United States during significant events that interfered with the general emotional stability of the country such as the terrorist attacks that occurred on the 11th of September in 2001.

Discovery: RPC-XXX was discovered on the 6th of January in 1919. Upon discovery, it was weeping, holding a picture of the 26th President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt. Its commonplace golden aura was noticeably dim and its face was stained with makeup.



INTERVIEWER: Dr. ███████

FOREWORD: Interview was conducted over radio communication a week after the terrorist attacks of September 11th. RPC-XXX's skin tone is noticeably pale, it's tone is also one of distress.

<Begin Log>

Dr. ███████: Hello RPC-XXX, you aren't looking so well.

RPC-XXX: Aye, I feel the loss of many patriotic souls, though it also feels like part of me is missing…

Dr. ███████: Could you please elaborate?

RPC-XXX: It's difficult to put into words, though do you not feel something missing from you too? When dictators invade our homeland and steal our holy unalienable rights? This is not just a disrespect to us but is a spit in the face to democracy and the liberty which I guide from this tower.

Dr. ███████: I share your sentiment, do you feel anything good has come from this?

RPC-XXX: Our very unity has been strengthened by this tragedy, yet while we repair the faults I feel we will truly learn the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants, a lesson we have not been reminded of in a long time.

Dr. ███████: I'm afraid that's all the time I have currently, though I'd like to thank you for yours.

RPC-XXX: My pleasure doctor, God bless America.

<End Log>

Closing Statement: As the conversation ended RPC-XXX could be heard humming Hail Columbia before resuming on with normal activities with a slight downheartedness.


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